>Sargon of Mossad
I bet he jerked it thinking of her afterward while his pet tranny fucked him in the butt
On a serious note...How the hell did "Carl" even get to talk to this Queen?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's a man Baby
That's no queen
how fucking dare you insult that qt gurl with Taytwat and claims of paynis
She isn't even that good looking lad
>your type apparently
That girl (or very feminine boy) needs my cum all over her/his lips...
its a girl and she is chaste! hands off muh lady!
We need to find her.
And then what........?
>MIssion for Jow Forums
>Find and rescue the real Queen
Ahmed, please...
rescue her from bowser
hey mutt...
if you don't want to get in that hole, you are gay, Jonathan Banks
>I bet he jerked it
Like 90% of this board has from a 10 second webm.
>Harry could have had her but instead chose an old mutt whore from Commiefornia
He should be executed for treason to be honest.
Because he's got a youtube channel with actual subscribers and you got what? A van down by the river. Sorry, your mom died and you couldn't scrap up enough money to pay the property taxes on her house, you bum.
We need to meme Taylor Swift into a white supremacist. Once the left decides you're a white supremacist there is no going back. She could be on blacked.com and they'd still say she was a racist. This need to happen.
and the British men refuse to do what needs to be done, they instead prefer while sucking Rothschild and jew cock to sniff each other's asses
a jew at that
Yes i know of the Cuckery are you blind?
Thats the fag
Taylor is a coalburning traitor... she does not deserve your attention, but a nice firm rope around her neck
Talpiot speaks
>agreed fuck "Tay" she is friends with (((KLOSS)))
she's a child and a plant by an outcomming agency
She has the empty NPC stare
She just needs a red pill, and my love!
You never fucked a girl
post her feet ho my god
Never saw her burn the coal. All rumors and imagine to the contrary that I have seen seam like an attempt by her Jewish Handlers to make /pol hate her. And even if she has we could and should still force her on to ourside. She doesn't need to come voluntarily remember the left needs targets all we have to do is keep liking her and making meme images of her being a nazi and the left will come out against her no matter what she does. We need the left to destroy popular cultural icons that women like. This will move women away from the left.
the mere fact that jew fuck had the gaul to be near her...BrexitMuffins will not be defouled
She's a 7/10 at best
(s)he looks like Taylors litle brother. Would smash tbqh
well played
i bet she likes grinding herself down on her horse while show jumping and gets off immensely from orgasming secretly in public with thousands of eyes on her
In GB all your teeth is a 10/10..her majesty brexitmuffin is not amused by your insolence
3 way swiftymuffins, pepe can watch
dream facial moment will be epic
If I was degenerate I would still not attack such grace....Diana was a piker compared rare piece of British manufacturing...In fact I didn't think they made these anymore, they discontinued the assembly lines during the Wilson era...
True, but that does not make me wrong.
Is her hair style typical for British women? Don't see that cut on American thots.
I thought natural hair went away in the 70's she brought back, mittens, class, style, David Cassidy
She's a jew.
Physically she's not that great, but she is what used to be described as a "handsome woman"
She is Brexit Muffin, our new teenager Queen
You will refer from making such comments about royalty...faggot
You guys are pretty fucking sad and desperate. She's not even cute. Flat as a board and an empty expression. You GCHQ niggers need to go outside and talk to women, fucking losers.
>the entire thread is foreign flags rabidly posting about the sargon chick
>guess weve found the latest way britpol will be shit up by outsiders without the cunt jannies doing anything
Is she pro or against Brexit?
>fuck you
>pro brexit
Our brexit muffin
So cute.
Nobody can deny that this wonderful person is super cute
>Votes for Women
You fuckin guys, get your hand off it for half a second.
Absolutely beautiful
Fuck off you grotty mutt. You have your own kind to obsess over.
so damn cute and knowing that beast of scum Sargon was in her presence
I'd say she's more aesthetic than beautiful
I do not deny it. I love her.
She is Love
>when you regularly buy union jack gloves
never give in never give up that brexitmuff
Have a look at its head and snarky snarly face. Egh
What ever happened to Sargon? Did Jim get him to kill himself?
who the fuck is it?
The Muffening
She is part of Britain's future.
Monumentally based and exponentially redpilled
hand in hand, brother
(((Karl))) ruins it
damn straight bruh, they will eat and be satisfied
If you think there’s no product in that hair, you’re a fool.
sorry sir the muffin is all natural, she may wash her hair in non-gmo blueberries and scottish clay but she does not touch any Proctor and Gamble (((product)))
look at this thing. am i in a non country? imagine having biscuits with this thing. and a cup of darjeeling. absolute bollocks mummy may needs to step up her game.
We still have verhofstadt vs farage two of the most ugly people in politics. i guess its our duty to find a remain camp EU cutie
fuck you talmud
>hands off our hot muffins
Hear fucking hear lad
Find her and fuck her.
Fuck her right in the pussy.
where's the video
he can still get the dick then
my god shes PRO brexit?
muh fucking DICK
Brexitmuffin eating a big meaty corndog.
Looking up flights to Heathrow now.
Brexitmuffin is cute as a seal, and I love seals
Just how old do you think she actually looks, based on her appearance? Around 18 through early 20s, perhaps?
Condo sexy
jesus that voice and accent, im in love
>her bf is a nigger
Jow Forums BTFO again!