Paganism, are any of you pagans what do you think about reconstruction?
Paganism, are any of you pagans what do you think about reconstruction?
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No, Paganism doesn't exist. Neither does any religion. We are just a random assortment of molecules that figured out how to fuck and make more of ourselves.
Random assortment? lol You m'lady atheists should really get some sleep and eat a healthier diet... your brain is clearly rotting from all that weed and mac n cheese.
so then what is the harm in larping about gods in this life if it helps our mental and cultural health?
How does religion make you healthier? Is that the point you are trying to make or are you resorting to personal attacks because you aren't clever enough to come up with a reply?
Eh yeah I guess that makes sense.
not him but meditation on consciousness and philosophy can only help to improve your life.
do not spam it
I want to start but I do not know where
Yes. Reconstruction is important, but we should also look forwards as well. The most important thing about paganism is to become the ideal you seek.
Here you go. Check out this channel.
way ahead of you
Some anons and I are working on a Christian reformation. To take Christianity as a base layer and remove certain (((themes))) from it, add shit loads of themes from European paganism. Make it ethno-religious, with extremely strong themes of family, blood and soil.
How we plan to keep Christianity without worshipping a kike on a stick, is to restart the early 1900's 'British Israelite' movement, to strip kikes of the 'Israelite' title and basically exclude kikes from the bible entirely without changing the texts. This approach is good because it alienates kikes from the bible but puts the Anglos into the spotlight as the centre piece of Christianity.
Meaning instead of worshipping a dead kike on a stick, it would be worshipping a dead Anglo on a stick.
I plan to have much more in this new bible, such as probably the entire Oera Linda, information on how to identify kikes and political/ social viewpoints with information on why/ how certain things are good/ bad. and any more information we can find on European history, including the proven Solutreans (first humans in America) and the old 2000 year old celtic ruins/ artifacts in New Zealand (the Maoris have only been there for about ~600 years)
If any anons are interested in helping out, here's the link to the Telegram group
>discord is for glowniggers
Group chat is quiet as most of us message each other direct, with more people we'll start talking as a group more
>inb4 christcuck
Whether you like it or not Christianity has been a dominant European culture for ~1500-2000 years. Time to reshape it into something more tribal, something more inline with old European customs/ beliefs
Call it what you want, that's the general idea
Just remember Christianity has been infused with a lot of different European customs/ traditions, we're just wanting to add even more to it.
The general idea is to fuse Christianity and true European customs/ tradtions/ beliefs.
Both Christian and Pagan
>the third way
Literally what the reich was doing under Hitler's Germany, time to finish the job.
Some examples of how Europeans have already influenced Christianity permanently
>winter themes
>Christmas tree / tree decorating
'Venus tree decorating tradition'
Much more, but I'm typing fast and this is on the top of my head
You're pushing an obvious lie, champ. There is no Christianity without Christ. Quit while you're ahead.
>There is no Christianity without Christ
What's the problem then? Christ is never removed
Christmas as a celebration of Jesus's birthday was around in the first century. The accidents of the celebration are sort if pagan, but Christmas trees are ours now.
Just goes to show that Paganism and Christianity can work together
well one is old and mystical the other is still current and filled with human corruption. its no surprise why a man would look to restore his culture.
You can't remove Jesus from His jewish context. The israel-worship starts with John Darby and later the Scofield Bible. We can fight the israel-worship with good theology and red-pilling.
You are masturbating LARPs just like christcucks. Real paganism would be based on religion-free metaphysics, positive occultism, non-jewish non-indian mysticism, european shamanism, Jungian psychology, ...
Religions belong in private, together with other issues we all seem to have.
I was just about to ask you if I should follow the Germanic pantheon as a mutt (although more pure than most with almost solely UK based ancestry) but it looks like this guy is answering it for me
There's nothing wrong with promoting appreciation of our cultural legends, but I object to promoting any part if it over or instead of small-o orthodox Christianity
You do realize that you have to actually believe in to take part in a religion, right?
>unironically fedoraposting
Are you the one from the earlier thread i meantioned ASH to?
>you can't remove Jesus from his Jewish context
You can remove Kikes from being ancient 'Jews' however.
There is plenty of evidence that shows Europeans are the same as the ancient Jews/ Israelites of the time. Being that Europeans are the 10 lost tribes.
There is also plenty of evidence that shows kikes are just larping mullatos from Ukraine, descended from the Edomites surrounding Israel
And this evidence is?
The fact that they're part of the same ethnic heritage, if even tenuously, is no longer relevant to Christianity. Contrary to dual-covenant heretics, Jews aren't saved by their genes and never were.
I'm perfectly fine believing ancient levantines we're much more caucasoid than presently, I'm highly skeptical that a majority of white Europeans are descended from Hebrews after the Babylonian exile. Some, absolutely.
Why bother with the Christian part?
Anyone already indoctrinated in the death cult is no kin of mine, it isnt a numbers game for me, we dont 'need' as many people as possible at all costs and far less want them.
Historically people would convert to Christianity by just being in awe of cathedrals or artwork regardless of scripture, the actually structures of the church were meaningless for somebody to have a spiritual/moving experience.
Well pagans have their cathedrals too like pic related near me, mother nature is all the structure any of us will ever need and anyone who cant learn from nature natively can die on a rope as far as I'm concerned, fuck conversion.
Here's a copy paste I have handy
Northern Europe was Barren before waves of Scythian and Cimmerian migrations settled and multiplied.
>Herodotus describesa barren and unpopulated Northern Europe (5. 9-10, et al.)
The Hebrews who finally got liberated from Egyptian Captivity settled in Greece, Troy, and the Holy Land led by Moses himself, and the Exodus is confirmed by 4-5 Classical Ancient Writers which i have proofs too.
The Israelites who entered Assyrian Captivity around 800-700 BC, were placed in Northern Assyria close to the Caucasus. Decades later these Israelites whom the Assyrians called the, "Gimirru/Gimmira" , and whom the Babylonians called the , "Kumri/Cymry", fled through the Caucasus and migrated to Europe.
They became known as the Scythians, and Cimmerians in history, and from these we get the Germanic and Celtic Tribes, the Italics came through the half of the Hebrews who settled Greece during the Exodus led by Danaus/Darda/Dardanus and his brother Colcohl , both sons of Zerah, who was a son of the Patriarch Judah.
not really
Do you have any actual evidence?
yep haha
>Northern Europe was Barren before waves of Scythian and Cimmerian migrations settled and multiplied.
This just isn't true. I can literally walk out into the woods here and find evidence of people 5000ish years ago here.
And? how else will you believe than to explore it? just because we now upload our mind into a general consciousness does not mean we cannot also believe in the supernatural.
Why should I choose paganism, how is it practiced and what are the advantages?
Only pagan religion I know that isn't rebuilt is hinduism I believe.
the main reason would be to rebuild your cultural heritage.
See, it's something you will never get, what really gets people about one religion is if it is true, not if it is spanish or kurd.
>finds an old pagan temple or holy place that hasn't been desecrated yet
>forces thousands of peasants to work for decades or more to build a cathedral heavily based on Germanic+Hellenic ideals, philosophy, and beauty
>pretends to raise it in the name of a middle eastern God, but instead to show of the wealth/control/prestige of your faction(nobility/church)
>cathedral gets burned to the ground because the neighbouring christian ruler believes in X denomination, and your church was a heresy
You do realise that most Germanic pagan structures were built with organic materials like would right? Simply because there was little slavery or serfdom in those regions, since the tribes were much less settled than the Celts or Hellenics, so no one had the guts or authority to force people to build great structures for just a single deity, as the Romans were able to do
And also realise that with the exception of exceptionally rare buried towns, Christian's always dismantled pagan buildings and built churches on top of them, so exempting structures such as the Parthenon (converted by Catholics, Orthodox, and Muslims alike), the only real pagan structures left are those made of stone too big to be destroyed, such as Gallo-Roman temples, Standing Stones, etc. And these are thousands of years old or more, so elaborate furnishings, especially those of wood or precious materials, will have been broken, worn, stolen, or rotted, leaving behind only the brick/slab skeleton.
Tradition is the preservation of fire, not the worship of ashes.
Unfortunately the old European religions, traditions, customs are dead, mostly along with Christianity too now.
We need to look forward and take what traditions and customs we have with us. These modern traditions that are still alive in Modern Christianity are what still bind Europeans together. Being an individual/ isolationist will only further doom our race to extinction. We need to band together, and for that to happen, we need a common culture, tradition and religion. This is why there's no need to throw out Christianity, it is dying yes but it's subverted, warped and twisted by (((past leaders and media))). It's time to take back Christianity to a more tradition way of life, to take Christianity somewhere where it puts blood, nation and soil first. Where it can put the family first as the most important aspect of our lives.
That requires going back to our roots in ancient European Paganism and rebirthing our old ways in a new Christianity.
The most important words we should always live by and base all things on is
>We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children
All our beliefs should put this first and if anything would come between it, we would drop the power of our might to protect it.
>Being an individual/ isolationist will only further doom our race to extinction
Well I never said we should be either of those but my point stands that youre clinging to the most insidious and ugly part of Christianity which is universalism.
Converting is cucking, not everybody can be a pagan truly even if they larp to fit in, most people are cowards and sheep.
Sadly our race isnt as special as many idealise, we've had dysgenic breeding for far to many generations, the vast majority with white skin might aswell be fucking Africans and those who are already confessed kikestians definitely fall under that label.
>about one religion is if it is true, not if it is spanish or kurd.
and what religion is true? you are Spanish so you have seen Celtic, Islamic and Christian faiths worshiped by your people. which one is the truth?
it does make you wonder really what it was like pre Christianity.
i disagree, chistianity will never survive in the modern day because of the negative aspects the current culture now pairs with it. Pagan revival is good because there is a foundation but little more. it gives room to build upon in the modern day while still being culturally significant.
I dont know what this thread is about this pepe is based and saved
Are you talking about LARP masturbation or my suggestion of a non-cucked religion?
I bet you haven't gone camping since you were in your early teens.
Christianity. We have 2000 years of arguments and evidence to back up our claims.
Most pagans are worse about multiculturalism and poz than Christians. "Paganism" as practiced today is feel-good gobbledegook with no moral condemnation.
Dont spam it
Do you though?
Youd lose that bet.
I havent lived in a town for more than 3 years my entire life.
Not really, the recon groups are pretty grounded in historical accuracy and dont like eclectic hippy pagans