The reason whites and Asians are attracted to each other is because we’re from the same continent—Eurasia...

The reason whites and Asians are attracted to each other is because we’re from the same continent—Eurasia. Unlike other continents there isn’t a clear separation between Europe and Asian. Asians and whites are different races, yes, but there’s a reason we’re more alike than the others.

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Nice mental gymnastics you have there.

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then what about arabs or pakis? they are asians as well, do you feel closer to them because we are from eurasia ? because i don't

Dear God I want racemix with that chick so bad, it actually hurts.

nice digits

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That explains why there are so many East Asian men with Slavic, Central Asian, Eastern European women. Now explain why the vast majority of White men are with brown low-IQ SOUTHEAST ASIANS who come from the island nations from Indonesia, Phillipines, and island parts of Thailand,

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thx you too

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Asian women are:
>care about status and wealth TOO fucking much
>have slit eyes
>are cowards in public (try staring down every single asian you meet in public, you will 100% win the chicken game)
>are vapid cunts
>love white cock
Here's a line that has like a 50% success rate on okc/bumble/tinder: "Gabriella I need you to get on your back for me so i can fence that clit with my voluminous tongue
Literally higher than 50% success rate (assuming you arent butt fucking ugly and take decent profile pics)

I feel closer to them because they are competent and can actually into civilization as a race.
If continuing the white race isn't an option, they are the next best option.


1. The vast majority of AMWF in the world are East Asian men with 'white' females from Central Asian, Russia, and Eastern European women
2. The vast majority of WMAF in the world are Northern European men with 'brown' females from the Phillipines, Indonesia, Thailand and other parts of SOUTHEAST ASIA

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So we should race mix with Arabs instead then?

Yes, true middle-east Prussians and Turks before the Arab shit blood infested the region. Indians before the invasion seam rather white, too.

*blocks your path*

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>The vast majority of WMAF in the world are Northern European men with 'brown' females from the Phillipines, Indonesia, Thailand and other parts of SOUTHEAST ASIA

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move the fuck over Cobra LIE fuck then die

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These things smell like dog puke.

Or maybe it's intelligence and cuteness.

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We have a common ancestor if you believe Out of Africa. After our breeding event with the Neanderthals, they just went East and had a separate breeding event with the Neanderthal's cousins the Denisovans. In essence they're a lost Caucasian tribe that got bread out and became their own race. There's a reason why Jews like to lump us together.

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Arabs and Ethiopians and Indians are even more like whites. Whites who are attracted to Asians are mentally ill.

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>whites and Asians are attracted to each other
Let me stop you right there, faggot. Only our weakest men settle for gooks. Now, you're either a low self-esteem white guy or an ugly chink trying to get the white seed in you. Either way, you should be warned that the best of us are going to breed goddess tier white women and you and your beta genes will pump out actually bugmen.

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This site genuinely can't spot a bottle blonde hapa? Fucking retard.

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Is this a joke or is that supposed to agree with my post? She is obviously SOUTHEAST ASIAN (thereby proving my post) and not EAST ASIAN (like the OP and the rest of the yellow-fewver user lust over) or she is mixed since from a google image search her last name is Buttermore.

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okay but what's the real answer. I want to know why my d*ck gets harder for azn qts

Said the fingol

it's mostly Asians who are attracted to and try themselves to look white
we're geographically close to India but poos are even worse gooks

Nice memeflag you have there.

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Only beta whites that will settle down with Asian.

More pics of her

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Go back to Tenda

We don't need your homosexual lust for Asian dick.

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Dear autist: Do you really expect the idiots in your own country to know the basic difference between SEA and SA?

Take a deep breath and put down your keyboard.

On the left

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That image is perfect.

Her face without makeup

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Anybody with eyes knows difference between the 2.

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>Your top tier women are being taken by below average foreign men.

Only beta asian men will allow their women to be taken by foreigners.

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Yes, the kike is telling you to stop making excuses for creating hapas, aha.

Agreed. Go forth and spread it in good faith.

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they all look the same to me, the fuck do you care?

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ROFL goddamit. Trust s Frenchie to take it to the next level artistically.

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My dude I wish you were right. I used the metric system in a small mall in MA when I visited the US to a browned goblin. They almost had a seizure.

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It's ok friend. I didn't call you a kike. Just s huge faggot.

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No wonder Asians vote democrat: they're the *real* racists.

TRIVIA QUESTION : What country in Europe has the highest amount of race-mixing between Whites & Asians?

ANSWER : The Netherlands. And whom are the 'Asians" they mixed with - Indonesians which is an island nation located in SOUTHEAST ASIA. That is why people like Geert Wilders have Indonesian ancestry. Something like 10 - 15% of entire Dutch population has some sort of Indonesian ancestry.

AGAIN REALITY CHECK TO THE OP : Most WMAF in the world are Northern European men with Southeast Asian females.

Attached: Geert Wilders_Texas Shooting_02.jpg (1024x768, 150K)

i don't understand what this image is trying to say. unless it is that women are gold diggers

It is a fake image. The blonde girl (here )'s father is a wealthy ambassador from Canada.

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White women are gold diggers

Tenda loves Asian men

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BTW : She worked as a model in Asia. Japanese (East Asian) men get pretty models while White men get brown goblins from Southeast Asians (see )

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Not sure how East Asian like South East Asians

So true

They’ve been mixed more and had a lot of incest in their lineage.

>Asia is one country like Africa right goys?

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They might be intelligent and quiet compared to niggers and camel fuckers but dont let that disarm you, they despise us. There is no solidarity at all, its completely one sided.

Tenda loves Asian men

Because they have traits you find genetically desirable. Takes a lot of the fun out of it, but that is the reason.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

They're major racists and don't apologize for it.
Asians hate each other more then anything else.
Once they get a taste of red pills. Not only do they lean towards the right, Quickly. But do so for self gain. They know that once (((They))) are done with the whites, Asians are next.

That faggot is offensively ugly.

So what? The world will always need our genes, whether other people like it or not they’ll realize it eventually: We move the world forward.

Yeah I call bs on 10-15% but there are a lot of them. Its not just indo though, I know a lot of part Malaysian people too.

Is that his real name? Sounds as retarded as he looks.

>I know a lot of part Malaysian people too
Yeah right. You probably know niggers then.

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from an arab, it's "goat fuckers" not "camel fuckers" get it right next time

"In 1990, the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) registered the number of first-generation Indos living in the Netherlands at around 180,000 people. In 2001 official registration, including the second generation, accumulate their numbers to around half a million. Based on this the estimations, which include the third generation descendants, reach up to at least 800,000 people. However researcher Dr. Peter Post of the NIOD estimates 1.5 to 2 million people with Indo blood living in the Netherlands. The Indo Dutch living abroad were not included. That makes them by far the largest minority community in the Netherlands."

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According to the polls, after the next elections all 4 biggest parties will be run by Indonesians or are connected to Indonesia.

The Prime Minister has the most economically right wing party, and his parents lived in Indonesia. Although he's Dutch afaik.
The second party is Wilders with his anti-Islam party. Wilders is a mixed Indo.
In the polls GreenLeft is the third party, which is run by a Indonesian-Moroccan-Dutch guy.
In the polls a new alt-right from Thierry Baudet who is mixed Indo.

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some of the lighter skinned ones.

That has to be the hottest woman I've ever seen. Give her to me.

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Northern selected people.

>Northern selected people.

How exactly is these "Asians" are Northern selected people? You do know that the majority of the 'Asians' that Brits are with are from the Phillipines

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>You do know that the majority of the 'Asian' fenakes that Brits are with are from the Phillipines

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Nobody finds those mud people attractive.
We're talking about east Asians.

He gonna get that all night fuckie fuckie for $20 US

The OP used the word "Asian" in his wording and not "East Asian". You didnt correct him and agree with his wording. "Asians" include the 'mud' people here . This here and here is the reality of the "Asians" that White men get.

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As you wish.

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You have no idea retard. Indos are not Indonesians.

lmao fuck off back to r/aznidentity you ugly mutt

Oh Holy American, please bless us with her name.

But he posted a picture of an East Asian. Stop being a sperg.

Delete this

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Poor bastards, the domestic women all leave the rural areas to whore it up in the city states.

>hypergamy, ie mt-dna is far more mobile because women are always looking for alpha dick
>men often trapped geographically with limited options, more competition for a smaller pool of women
>in China its pretty bad, women and child kidnapping is a thing in the rural country side as an extreme response to market conditions

Then how do you explain the baby dicks?

Are you really this desperate that you'll try and appease Jow Forums with your apologetics for having yellow fever?

I dont give a shit about the Netherlands as you are an insignificant nation. And I know the difference between between Indonesians and Indo people as I provided the link here . You are missing the point that I have been making which is it is stupid-as-fuck to group 4 BILLION people as "Asians" as there is tremendous variations from skin color, IQ, history, race, etc. When "Asians" and "White" mix, the pattern that follows is :

1. AMWF = East Asian men with White females from Central Asia, Russia, Eastern Europe.
2. WMAF = Northern European men with brown goblins from SOUTHEAST ASIA.

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