NPC thread

ITT we discuss in-depth the NPC theory. I believe there is more.
Is it genetic? Do root races have a say in this? Why do people fear ostracization?

Pic unrelated.

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People learn patterns and replicate patterns that earn rewards.
Society's set up to reward one opinion and punish others with no regard to reasoning or correctness.
It becomes a self-reinforcing and self-perpetuating system when something learns and replicates the reward/punishment rules and starts teaching others.
This system spits out NPCs that spit out the correct opinion, reward themselves for it and punish everyone else, and rewards itself for doing it.

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I believe it's the natural state.
I also believe that present itselnf in an evironment where there are no dangers, thus you don't need to challenge yourself, think critically.

I say this cause i was an NPC.
I thougth in immages and emotions.
Then i worked on myself, and now i have an inner voice.
I think youtube first, and Jow Forums later helped.
Being confronted with brute facts and hard facts helped me to develop a critical mind, and seeing the conctraddictions helped me.
It's a work in progrress, but im more depressed ( cause i see the world around me now ), and happy, cause i am legit developing a personality/goals for myself.

The funny thing? Before i was basically a PD voter ( for you burgers, it's basically the democratic party ).

So, there you go, my wiew on things.

So people are PCs at birth, but become NPCs through indoctrination?

if NPC could mean something , it would be the lack of awarness about living in the matrix .
>jews are evil
>whites are evil
>nationalism is good
>globalism is good
Lack of awarness that we are all one people in the eyes of GOD, or nature or whatever .

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Hm. A friend of mine went from semi-redpilled to full Renzi in about three days, I can't explain myself how it happened so suddenly, so it can't be only the lack of self-discussion, I think the feeling of superiority the majority has plays some role in this

>t. memeflag

If you combine this with a lack of self-reflection and independent thinking, NPCs are trapped in this "web of automation" forever.

See the NPC triggered in action ?
I am a EU nationalist . im not hiding my flag NPC .

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>A friend of mine went from semi-redpilled to full Renzi in about three days
I think it migth be different from individual to individual ( every human is raised in a different way ).
Our education shapes how we absorb information, and how we think.
Also, could be that there is a reason for that change.
For example, did you see Lauren Souther, or whatever her name is?
She is going pro immigration now.
Why? Cause i think sheunderstood that either you bring in slaves, or women will have to make babies again ( we don't have the tool for breaking women monopoly).
You see my point?
She is defending her interest.
Maybe it's the same thing to your friend?

>EU nationalist
>Soros pic

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Then show your flag on the next post to prove you are not afraid. It's simple pattern recognition, where memeflags are used by jews.

Either you're a newfag or you're a shill. I'll ignore any response if you don't show your flag to prove you're not from Shitsrael.

NPCs in action . Kek

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Yeah, it could be. It makes sense that people are used to absorb information in a different manner.

So basically it is
>comfortable conditions
>no need to think so people don't think
>if the world got harsher, then people would start thinking again

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Ignore the jew everyone. He sounds desperate.

Nah, that sounds like a honeypot to me.

>comfortable conditions
>no need to think so people don't think
>if the world got harsher, then people would start thinking again
Well, you know, a problem manifest itself, and it create a reaction, a movement to wake people up from apathy.
That's why women get more power btw.
Cause we let them.
Cause we grow weak and complacent.
Thus: stagnation.

it is, even if user dont mean it to be, (((discord))) gives all their data to the computer jews to analyze the antisemites

Hopefully, in a few decades things will change. Women need to understand modesty

Sheeeeit, nowhere is safe from Schlomo

Fpbp unironically


Hmm, makes me think

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But then, why do chinks & niggers behave like zombies? Do they have different personalities, or is it hereditary?

I kinda liked the lemming theory more.
But you are right same thing.

They might coexist.
Possibly, everything said so far can be true at the same time.


for some reason this brought up in a textbook at school

I think noone actually got how much it resembled the very institution they were in

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Humans have been selected for docility and agreeability to such an extent that you can argue we’ve been “domesticated” this has been discussed in the books “The 10,000 Year Explosion” and the 2019 book “At Our Wits End, Why We’re Becoming Less Intelligent and What it Means for the Future.”

That's fokkin true m8. I'm amazed that book was allowed in a school

I don't think it's possible to completely pacify a race in just a couple thousand years, especially since we have had a lot of wars in between. Ww2 may have killed off a lot of good genes but I don't think they were nearly enough

I am an INTJ but I don't feel special. I think I am special as everyone does but I don't think I am actually special

What does that mean?...

every time i hear it people always misunderstand the meaning.
They are like
> "that's why we should throw out the old ways!"

but, no faggots, there is a reason we were doing stuff and just because history forgot doesn't mean you should do it.

>let's abandon tradition like everyone is doing! What a revolutionary act!

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Have you ever noticed NPCs only use language to enforce conformity, hierarchy, group acceptance and other purely social objectives? They never use it constructively (explaining, creating, analyzing or reevaluating concepts).

in fact, the NPC thing comes from me.
not even kidding.
i wish someday people would give me the respect i deserve.


and the original idea behind it was that you all ACTUALLY are npcs. meaning i believe all this is a simulation/video game and you all arent real.

Hmm, but still, the lack of personality thing holds up
And no, Hans, I am the real one, it's you who are a part of the simulation

Yeah, it's a constant veneration of authority and conformity
Probability they are deathly afraid of breaking the status quo

If you’re the person that posted the article about inner dialogue then you’re right. Do you have a link to that article and the read it posts?

Read JULIAN JAYNES CONSCIOUSNESS and the BICAMERAL MIND. It explains everything.

Honestly not sure if that was meant for me or the memeflag

I think it can be genetic
No German for example has a soul.

no im not.
and the whole inner dialogue thing is just brainwashing/programming

naturally, people dont have an inner dialogue and its more healthy that way. were not meant to have speech. speech programs us, and when we speak words in our heads, it programs our very minds.

having a dialogue is exactly the wrong thing to do

German autism on full display

so it's like every single other society in human existence

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The theory is as follows:
The amount of souls that exist is limited, and the human population far exceeded that limit. The result is that most people nowadays are born without souls, which leads to an inability to reflect on one's own existence in any detail and no ability to have original ideas. They behave like robots, replicating what they see as human behavior, and will always behave exactly like the average summation of what they perceive around them. NPCs are therefore purposefully programmed by the mainstream media to keep the current powers in their positions.

Blacks are animals and have no soul by default, but they're feral and cannot be programmed, in contrast to NPCs.

Almost nobody on Jow Forums is an NPC since we completely broke away from mainstream programming, which signifies an ability to have original thoughts.

You never made it up, Its biblical. Its been around forever, you just gave it a videogame connotation. To put it simply, there are those born of flesh, not spirit, who are indefinitely blinded. They are androids for all we care. Albeit, it was not God's will, but theirs, and thus they have been fited a vessel for destruction.

>since we completely broke away from mainstream programming
haha, no friend, you ARE the programmers.

they use Jow Forums to program society.

In a sense we are programmers, yeah. But we're a minority and we hardly have a foothold in the NPCs mind, our goal is to expand our influence, use real humans to boldly defy mainstream narratives and with enough propaganda, spark a change in NPC programming.

they use you as a magnifying glass for their degeneracy. racism and hate is exactly what they want.

the way to go is unity and freedom.

absolutely bluepilled, the way forward is honor and duty, and racial cleansing of the world

looks like we have two different opinions.

i respect yours, but im not sure you will respect mine.

>Almost nobody on Jow Forums is an NPC
Your thoughts and opinions can be exploited and molded to whatever agenda the elite need to push. You're not a free thinker, you're just a jew slave.

Your words would hold more weight if you took that jew dick out of your mouth.

>Almost nobody on Jow Forums is an NPC
lmao this place is a literal shillpocalypse that operates in very basic MKUltra style conditioning

hey ich habe inzwischen eine lösung gefunden bin aber nicht mehr in deinem discord und laut deinen postings bist du noch immer auf dem selben level wie vor einem halben jahr was wirklich schade ist.

na dann leg mal loß

You’re bluepilled and average IQat best judging by your posts this thread. You’re also fucking deluded you did NOT invent the NPC meme.

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na logo. niemand der bei verstand ist würde eine wahrheit offenbaren womit er sein leben aufs spiel setzen könnte nur damit er sich selbst bestätigung in einem forum wie Jow Forums geben kann. die lösung liegt immernoch im körper und besonders im muskelkater. verbinde emotionen/symbole mit gedanken und dem status deiner muskeln und fühle wie die spannung der muskeln deine gedanken verkrampfen oder lösen kann

Not unrelated user

prussian school system which was adopted by every western and non-western nation in the world, is essentially the 1, 2, 3's of creating npc's.

i actually did BECAUSE i am so deluded. i thought all this was a video game for me and everyone else in here was n NPC.

ich schreibe dir das nur weil ich weiß das du unglaublich leidest, du musst verstehen das du da nie rauskommst solange du deinen körper nicht verstehst. du kannst nicht klar denken weil du schmerzen hast die du nicht richtig wahrnehmen kannst. du bist dauerhaft auf überleben eingestellt weil deine knochen dauerhaft zittern.

das letztere stimmt. aber ich verstehe meinen körper besser als jeder andere.

das eine mal hab ich meinen körper dazu gekriegt sich selbst zu bekämpfen weil ich ihm gesagt hab es ist sein eigener feind.

ich währe beinahe daran gestorben so schlimm waren die bauchschmerzen.