Is left-wing winning the culture war?

Jow Forums and the right wing decisively won the culture war in 2016, resulting in the election Donald Trump, but the revolutionary impact of right wing politics on the internet seems to be on the decline. All the major right wing YouTube channels have either combusted or flatlined in their growth, meanwhile the new alt-left media has been on an incredible rise. Contrapoints, Destiny, Chapo Trap House, Shaun and Hbomberguy, just to name a few. It's becoming increasingly apparent that young people are no longer interested in reactionary politics.
This is further illustrated by the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris in popularity and the swift decline of Trumps approval numbers.

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>the swift decline of Trumps approval numbers

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>mentally ill genetic refuse makes a thread about itself

>thinking the left is winning anything
Oh sweetie.

These kind of people have always existed, The thing was that before they would be attracted to more mainstream entertainment,media and politics. While most right-wingers spent time on alternative media trying to gain popularity the hard way. Now you have normie lefties using the internet that we pioneered to appeal to liberals who fallen in disbelief with the Democrat establishment. These people simply moved to a new platform.

yeah, i'm going to kill myself before they lock me up

Pol isn't even in the game

Reminder to stuff plastic grocery bags down the throats of Jewish children.

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It is screeching in its death pangs, moron

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

>Is the Left winning?
I don't think so. I think they are getting louder and more desperate. The Cringe factor is turning people off from them alone.

>All the major YouTube channels have combusted or flatlined
Is this seriously what normies think has happened? Geez that’s bad, the NPC thing is not just a meme. They are controlled.
WTF does ‘combusted or flatlined’ even mean? Does your programming forbid you from recognising the reality, they have all been shut down for having wrong think by YouTube. Just like Twitter, Google, Apple All of the Silicon Valley DARPA fronts have closed down all freedom of speech. Didn’t you know or are you an evil person?
Am I right!?

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they already won m8.
pol is just a refugee camp

What makes you say the internet was pioneered by 'you' people?

>cringe factor
It’s called *accelerationism(TM)

no, the left is winning the corporate war. but they are losing hearts and minds among the youth by doing so. right now, the youth of the US are polarising along racial lines due to corporate corruption and SJWism.

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>Pol won the culutural war in 2016

Fucking cringe. You know there is a big world out there other than your little bubble

>Contrapoints, Destiny, Chapo Trap House, Shaun and Hbomberguy
They all share the same reddit/Vice audience. Their subscriber numbers are actually hillariously low if you consider that they hold and propagandize very mainstream view points.

Not the internet itself but the way we used the internet to create alternative media and information. Lefties are catching up and the reason they're getting popular is because most liberals have abandon mainstream Democrats and are looking for more left-wing people.

Hai nick
When are you going to come out of the closet???

>Is left-wing winning the culture war?

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Ben Shapiro

David Rubin

Sargon of Akkad


The Young Turks

Sam Seder


lol, no.

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Shit shill thread

mentally ill person that goes against everything that is right, 90% of videos are him doing obscene shit and 10% are making poor arguments and strawmans
dishonest debate tactics, smart guy overall. his main donors are rich arab and jews
>chapo trap house
most shilled podcast on the internet besides Roe Jogan, still can't get as much listeners as Daily Shoah or Fash the Nation which are censored on every step
leftists are evil and boring, they only seem to win because we get booted from every platform
they wish they were edgy and funny, but they will never have one Jow Forums or Daily Stormer at their side, they just can't

controlled opposition just like most people on this board

wealthy overlords corrupt politicians into strengthening their influence in disadvantage of the population.

it’s a game of market versus citizens, where both struggle for power, it’s a correct observation of marx. the solution is a completely different one than suggested by authoritarian brainlets.
you cannot defeat the ruler by giving him more power nor is the ruler the market - the demand needs to be more power to the citizens and very well defined, unremovable constitution to preserve this minimum power

most of our modern politicians are exempt from the rules and give immunity to the individuals corrupting corporations by treating the corporation as one entity in front of the law. a corporation cannot be at fault, therefore, it gets monetary punishments without affecting stockowners/managers who harm our environment/health for some shekels

I do agree with that but i predict i similar process will follow in the left where they. Will develop and consolidate some sort of alt left movement. Many proper leftist arent on board with snowflake sjw onions culture but dont want reactionary politics either. I think many leftits see wht a joke liberals have become but dont want to admit it and will create a new left instead
I honestly dont see most minorities and women joining redpill ideologies. This is a vastly white male movement and that is its limitation because the numbers are just not favorable. This is why an alt left might definitey win the culture way, but not this current so called left

Amren's vision succeeding will completely destroy the modern leftist narrative in the eye of whites.

We need only to be uncensored on social media to convert a large portion of the population.

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This, you have to realise this is a bait thread

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Discord trannies get their heads sawed off and sent to their disappointed parents

The right wing never had a shot at winning the culture war. The only way to install right wing culture is by force, it's inherently revolting to most people.

are you intentionally stupid?
influential people made up the term alt-right to stop the cultural progress by stereotyping it as an ideology. instead of uniting for mutual goals, the fools started infighting about their opposing ideas from that very moment and the momentum got lost

>The only way to install right wing culture is by force, it's inherently revolting to most people.
marxism is a disgrace to the renaissance and an aquired political taste like , eating shit and drinking urine for pleasure

no, victim mentality cannot win.
the american culture sabotages itself until someone strong gets into power. the longer the degeneration, the more likely it is to be a reactionary

sorry to burst your illusions, miguel

alt-right was always a loose group and we would never infight
jews exploited these differences by boosting our ego, so you ended up with libertarians and manosphere abandoning it, national socialist turning into REED SEEEJ FEGIT etc.

>Is summer winning the season war?
Decide what crops to plant, not what season comes next

You are full of shit and nobody is listening to those goofballs in the new nazi party known as the liberals.

Fpbp. Stop bumping obvious slide threads.

Siege was a major let down desu

>usa is 56% non-white
>the left cant meme epic XD

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
Pewdiepie - Zionist

The Alt-Right sperging out in early 2017 and attacking the Alt-Lite was a massive strategic mistake. Imagine being so retarded in attacking influential you-tubers with over 2 million subscribers because they won’t partake in the Alt-Right’s version of virtue signalling, that is, naming and attacking the Jew. In the meantime, the goodwill that was created by the online-right in having Trump elected and having their voice’s heard in the White House (because Trump and Co know who helped them get elected) imagine pissing that away because some mouth breathing spergs who haven’t washed their aresholes for two weeks sperg out because they’re not pure enough, please put a gun to my head and let me end it now.

Look at that graph and ask yourself why the shills post so much anti white chick propaganda on here.
I wouldn’t mind It’s not even like they can tap any of them with their floppy little NPC dicks.
Have a royal banana from the ‘Princess Of Whores(TM)’ (Meghan is sending these to other sex workers for some reason?) for posting that.

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OP - fag

Are you people retarded? Amren is exactly the modern solution to our problems, it's as civnat cuck as you can get while still advocating for the white race.

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Siege has nothing to with Jared Taylor and AmRen

Adolf Hitler - Evolved Zionist
Me - Evolved Zionist
It doesn’t necessarily have the same meaning that Benny Notanyahoo might put on it.
Absolutely fuck the Muslims who are the ones who you are calling ‘Alt-Right’ who call all right wing figures who want to send them back ‘Jews’. They pretend to be us then become worse than communists when there’s any chance of getting something done. They need to realise that they are the less welcome than Africans. Without irony I prefer blacks.
I’m not discussing things with them as though their opinion matters, it does not matter - they themselves are the problem, we will discuss who runs the world and who doesn’t but without a Muslim input if possible some time. Jews are the most ripe for manipulation and are used by the world power like no other people, but they are not alone in that, the world power LARP’s as Jewish but it is by strict factual definition Satanic (whether you believe in anything spiritual or not isn’t decisively relevant to understanding this).
The cures have all been used before, generations have been happy and lived in peace, we know what works and what doesn’t AND the Jews have Israel now so we need to start proscribing rules for dangerous alien philosophies, ones that are proven dangerous by history. That anyone would be only anti-Nazi proves that person to be a human joke, a brainwashed puppet. There is no reason every one of our people shouldn’t come to our side, any that don’t do soon when everything is made clear ... well they are criminal. Criminals of that type will be registered and dealt with appropriately by the people that their perversion betrays.
We don’t want the whole world but since we will be providing it with every advance and peace through military supremacy we will be taking charge of large portions of it. The rest of it will have to suffer but that will be the price of not being in the Empire. Places like, oh I don’t know, Israel?

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That bitch looks like an English porn star called Angel Long.

Yeah no doubt the kids are all clamouring to cut their dicks off and be more tolerant.
Seeing some fuckhead who cut his dick off and pretends to be their mom is game over for us man.

More like Angel Shlong in his case

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The reason for it is because the people favor free stuff without realizing where it comes from

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>meme flag
>alt-left media has been on incredible rise
>list of of literal whos
>this is further illustrated by public ally mocked politicians

I'm on my phone with postage stamp size photos. Are you telling me it's a trap?

>Are you telling me it's a trap?
see lower left

They WON decades ago when we left take over arts

no its just killing the media. people are tired of watch gay men convince boys to be gay.

>ban all of your political opponents from expressing their opinions
>"omg wow we're winning guys!"
that's not how winning a culture war works. tell me when you have pewdiepie faggot.

also, this forced meme isn't going to work. no one believes you.

The numbers have never been favorable for white men, yet here we are.

We will pioneer new things to help our cause, just like we pioneered new media, because we are the true progressives of body and mind.

>Kekistani faggot with a PHD in sucking cock come to analyze Jow Forums

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Get oven roasted, kike.

>Ben Sheklepiro
>Some Faggot
>Sargon of cuckdad

These people do not represent the right

LOL Good post, user.
This is a good idea. Best way to save the environment.

>among the youth
oh yes, the "redpilled gen z" meme
has Jow Forums really gotten so gay they listen unironically to PJW talking points?

>ban all right wing content
>ban "hate commenters" who disagree with what's left
>openly debate banning the ability for people to downvote left wing content

Learn to code and you'll never have to copypaste this aborted shart ever again.

Holy fuck, no they have lost ground on every level and now get laughed at by little kids playing video games. SJW infested narratives have collapsed the most popular family franchise in history, crippled CBS and made the BBC stumble and fall over onto their faces. And we didn't have to lift a finger. I'd say that's a full rout.

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Its hilarious that trannies need to put their fingertips up to their faces to distract everyone from the fact theyre completely unpassable and look like freaks

They've been uncontested from 1945 - 2015, they're not going to lose their monopoly overnight.

More people see it the other way

>right wing
he's a neocon kike puppet

Ehi Contra,did you fuck DesTiny after that abysmal stream with Nick and the conservathots?
How did it feel?

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>leftoids bring about their own ruin

>heh heh i'm so much better than them

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1. who are these people?
2. they are

Kamala Harris does not belong in that group. The Left is mostly correct in their views except for their views on race and immigration. What the alt right needs to do is adopt the positions that the left gets right and draw followers from them. It is better to have intelligent people on your side, and if you haven't noticed everyone on the right outside of the alt right is pants on head retarded.

>The mainstream media blasts it 24/7, you lost, Ok? You lost.

Never in the history of this country are there more kids taking shots of Jew talking points.

They right did not decisively win the culture war in 2016. They eked out a surprise, narrow win in an election.

It doesn't matter who wins eletions... the left is very firmly in control of the culture.

They are objectively better, whoever they are.

the left is not correct in their views in anything.other than
>capitalism is bad
yeah, no shit. many more right wing scholars have not only had better criticisms of it, but better solutions.

the ones that call you a soiboi nonwhite untermensch

China literally has classes on how to emulate the one sided Israel-American relationship.

You cancerous shills think the party will never end.

>Is left-wing winning the culture war?
Yeah, all the sexy women are left wing or liberal. And Trump is obviously a retarded meme candidate who doesn't know how to get anything done. Anyone who supported him in 2016 looks retarded by association.

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>the left is not correct in their views in anything.other than
>>capitalism is bad
yeah pretty much, but they have a bunch of practical policy solutions that we can adapt as well

Meme flaggot

You spotted my memeflag. Congrats! You're very observant.

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>I see you noticed I'm a faggot, you would be correct
>Sips semen

fuck off contra stop shilling yourself for the thousandth time

here's what's gonna happen, memeflag tranny goblin Jew:
1. these people are extremely stagnated in their little Reddit niches
2. mainstream conservative dopes like Steven Crowder have more of a cultural grasp than they do
3. these left-wing channels, as all left-wingers do, will excessively infight the closer the election comes
4. the attempts to subvert Jow Forums will become meaningless near the election, for it'll be going nuclear by then
5. if ever people like hbomber, contra and destiny try to step out of their Reddit comfort zone, there'll be 400 reactionaries ready to tear their narrative apart.

you'll never win. get ready for Trump 2020. :)

>>Sips semen
Nice numerals.
What's your semen of choice? What source do you prefer?

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>practical policy solutions
like what though? similar to critiquing capitalism, they seem to have a good way of pinpointing problems, but they have terrible ideas for solving them.

yes, our healthcare is screwed up, but healthcare for all is bad idea.
>free college
the idea of free college paying for itself, is true in the black and white sense, but not if everyone gets useless degrees. we should advocate for something like free trade schools.

Gluten free, bottled at the source with a picture of a deer on the bottle, an old couples bathtub in Arkansas.

We operate like Jews moving levers from the shadows. We don't own shit.

The good thing about being banished to the political sidelines and dark reaches of the Internet was this lesson.

Jews fucked up bigly. This is the biggest political fuckup in modern history. Most intelligent race my ass.

>1 post
nice slide thread

It's possible the "Left" might gain total control of the population, production and the state, but you will never win the culture war for one simple reason that applies to the modern "Left": It's nothing more than a suicide cult. Should the "Left" succeed in plunging the world into darkness, the light will eventually break through because "Left-wing" ideology is acquired through political isolation and indoctrination - meaning it's artificially inseminated into the general population through the intertwining of truth and lie. An unstable and unsustainable industrial ideology of the modern world crafted by nihilists, fetishists, degenerates, losers, feminists, so on and so forth. An ideology sliced and liberalised by the declining rich, bankers and accountants, an ideology promoted by rootless Jews and cosmopolitans. The collective "Left" judge their political success by numbers as they always have done so and so the "Left" will always favour a state of quantity over quality. The socialists and other fringe Leftists only leave their kennel to bark at those on the other side of the fence, but they should never forget they are the dogs of Liberals and once those on the other side have passed through, so too will they be told to go back in their kennel. These modern youtubers mean nothing.

The left is losing the culture war because the facts aren’t on their side. Look at what’s happening in the world — we have a party (and a media, like there’s any difference beteeen the media and the democrat party) who is constantly trying to whip up hate by accusing innocent people of being racist (Covington kids) and by accusing white people of committing hate crimes against blacks when it was actually blacks that committed them (that black girl that got shot by the guy who, ironically, had the last name “Black”, and it’s looking more and more like this Jussie smolletts story is the same way), and this is all being done by a party that has THIS GUY (pic related) as a governor, and HE did nothing but call his opponent a fucking racist all throughout the campaign. It’s all bullshit, and people are seeing this now. It’s almost at the point where being a leftist is uncool, and even embarrassing.

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Always remind yourself that every decision or change "left" gets through is suicidal.

Liberals are losing ground. People see that they are virtue signalling pacifist retards who are unwilling to use revolution and dictatorship to crush the rising fascist threat and exterminate the capitalists. The election of Trump was great for us, I don't know about you but the number of commies has absolutely exploded since 2016 and most of them are disgruntled liberals.

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