Demography is destiny 1/2 >‘Hitler was obsessed with demography’ >population — its surging, contraction and migration — explains all of human history.
>the long view is astonishing. It took 1,800 years for humans to increase from 250 million to one billion at the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign in 1837. As of 2018, we’d reached more than 7.6 billion, the vast majority of that growth post war. And ‘the human tide’ continues to rise.
>The long view of the human race is inevitably less fascinating than a closer-in look at which peoples lead the race in a competitive sense. Since the 1960s, writing about demography has steadily shifted from regarding high fertility rates as tragically entrenching poverty to accepting that numbers confer power.
>ethnicity matters politically’. >‘nations and ethnic groups are real’ and ‘they matter in history’.
>the standard demographic transition after modernisation: in country after country, industrialisation, better sanitation and medical advances lead to more surviving children and longer life expectancy. Population balloons. Urbanisation makes large families economically disadvantageous. Parents register that most of their kids will live to adulthood. Population stabilises. >this transition has hit different peoples at different times. Britain was first, followed by the rest of western Europe. >19th-century Europeans managed to project power, exert influence and claim territory as a consequence of mushrooming domestic populations whose excess these countries could afford to send all over the globe. >Great Britain ‘made the world’, it did so by exporting people’. Ergo, people to spare made the British Empire possible.
>if Europe’s sending its extra population abroad projected power, exerted influence and claimed territory, isn’t mass migration from developing nations to the West not currently doing the same thing?
>democratic countries confer real political power on their inhabitants
>One plausible explanation for the rise of identity politics and the ever-increasing role that race plays in issues of the day is simply mass immigration. Numbers translate directly into voice and clout.
>the West has now reached ‘the second transition’ — below-replacement fertility >many developing countries, modernised much later, continue to grow, and on a scale >Because the primary instruments of lower mortality and expanded life expectancy were initially of western invention, the West has inadvertently engineered its own diminishment. >Africa has failed to get with the programme. Although its fertility rates have come down, they haven’t plummeted nearly as quickly as they were supposed to.
>It may often be said that England has always been a land of immigration, but this is simply untrue.’ Until very recently, England and Wales have absorbed a tiny, demographically incidental handful of Huguenots and Jews. The rise of the population that does not consider itself white British from 2 per cent in the 1960s to nearly 20 per cent in 2011 is ‘historically unprecedented’.
>Britain for having successfully spread its language and culture to English-speaking countries that remain — just — ‘the richest and most economically powerful people on earth’. Nevertheless, these same nations are not only ‘now in retreat in many fields on the world stage; they have significantly retreated as an ethnic group within their own states’. White Britons are expected to become a minority in Britain circa 2060 or so. Starting in 1980, white Europeans in California fell from 70 per cent to 40 per cent in a mere 30 years.
Jose Williams
Pretty redpilled article. Which news outlet?
Noah Ross
it always has been civnat fantasies could only ever work in a 90% white world.
>if Europe’s sending its extra population abroad projected power, exerted influence and claimed territory, isn’t mass migration from developing nations to the West not currently doing the same thing? My New Chinese Overlords are coming
Juan Myers
Experts confirm: the obvious is obviously obvious.
You might want to check the state of our countries. The multicultural project is at for speed and is fully promoted. We rarely get any pushback against the current direction
Asher Martin
China's population growth has already stalled though, and the average age isn't that young.
So the future for AU/NZ is not written in stone just yet.
"Demographics is destiny" is a huge blackpill. Europe is going to be overrun by a tsunami of locust niggers who will mass migrate as soon as they've destroyed Africa
Justin Lopez
China is the master of social engineering and will essentially be able to produce as many children as it wants to.
Worse are the Africa nations, which will swell to unknown billions of people with little sign that the birth rate is decreasing to any level comparable to the West or Asia.
I genuinely cannot fathom what the World will look like when I'm reaching my 70s or 80s.
Andrew Wood
not quite, it has slowed. It's still growing. It adds an extra 5 million each year. A lot when you consider the size of New Zealand and Australia's population. It's also predicted to keep growing for at least the next 10 years. 0.5% growth on a population of 1 1/2 billion is still a lot. In 2000 when it had 0.7% growth it added almost 9 million people.
Even if you halved their population it would still be massive. This is all while European populations are rapidly shrinking
Kevin Cook
only if europe hasnt collaped by then.
If them niggers are actually starving , they wont be able to trek across the sahara, the current migration is facilitated by European NGOs
Tyler Perez
source of this gif?
Christian Allen
you have to consider how large china population actually is? Before the one child policy, they had the same birthrates the africans do now, china is massivley overpopulated through "demographic momentum" (if birth rates where high in the past, growth will continue to be high in the near future even birth rates get lower )
Lincoln Howard
I'd love to feel these 12 years old tits
Gavin Gutierrez
>1/3 of the World's population is Indian or Chinese
>European NGOs Oh trust me buddy, they will find a way. Even if there are no """European""" NGOs, billions of niggers will still find their way to Europe. Even average 70 IQ people can operate a bus or a boat and organize human smuggling rings
This. Especially since it is likely the North African states will have largely collapsed by then. No law and order = easy passage to the Med.
Joseph Wilson
not without food, petrol and the constant babying destroying any self intuition
Landon Smith
>disregarding factors that lead to advances in medicines and technology in the first place
There's a reason why western Europe and her descendants invented everything. African apes will never even invent the wheel while other countries are creating nano-tech. Humans are not equal. They aren't equal individually, locally, in group or en masse. The average mind makes the world move, not the exceptional.
chong birthrate is quite low + they have a massive gender imbalance
Hunter Green
>The continent of Africa, however, is not following this pattern. >This comes to 3.5 million more people per month, or 80 additional people per minute. >At that point, African population growth would be able to re-fill an empty London five times a year. >From any big-picture perspective, these population dynamics will have an influence on global demography in the 21stcentury. >Nigeriawill add more people to the world’s population by 2050 than any other country. >the number of children the average African woman is likely to have in her lifetime, or total fertility rate – remains elevated compared toglobal rates.