You know what to do

You know what to do.

Attached: 1549178457837.jpg (480x524, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1543689004872.png (873x713, 58K)

poo on it?


I'm out of smuggies...

Attached: 1544134979027.jpg (960x935, 127K)

Attached: qf2C8PaUmKuDP.png (540x540, 656K)

Jewish hate is a bit mad here on POL alright...

Attached: 9g62gCjF8FdRctFC.jpg (782x810, 146K)

Burn in hell jew.

Uss liberty
Lavon affair
David Irving
David cole
Operation northwoods

Attached: 1549010107510m.jpg (1024x770, 174K)

>tfw no poo gf

Attached: Indi-ugh.png (992x778, 1.92M)

Nice use for poo poo pee pee good sir

Attached: india2.jpg (774x960, 90K)

You guys have been going full on with this discord server shit. Anybody reading this please be aware this is a honeypot operation to collect data on Jow Forums users. Bots are going round posting these on lots of threads randomly. Have a nice day.

I refuse to shake hands with any poos I am ever forced to work with.

Bitch lasagna

Attached: 1549097986481m.jpg (922x1024, 113K)

Attached: pajeet.png (1350x900, 139K)

shes absolutely adorable, I've got a big crush.

she can poo on me anytime she wants.

Attached: 685932_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 262K)

Attached: russia.jpg (960x676, 89K)

Attached: po.jpg (476x346, 74K)


jews cant meme

Why are they so weird on the internet?

Attached: super.png (500x300, 92K)

apparently they can
whenever someone posts these anti-pol smuggies dozens of retards like you give them guaranteed (you)s

Attached: 1.jpg (802x600, 98K)

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Attached: crying child.jpg (751x590, 105K)

Attached: whypipo b demonz.jpg (960x834, 52K)

Attached: paj.jpg (1294x1230, 343K)

Attached: poo.png (880x759, 1.07M)

its funny because several of those guys in the clouds developed theories that superseded the others. they might as well have replaced the shit at the bottom with pluto.

Attached: Christbeard.jpg (710x623, 142K)

Attached: diversity.png (1532x1112, 101K)

Attached: lauren northern.png (910x640, 108K)

These smuggies have all been saved

But I have so many more.
I can upload the entire folder somewhere if you wanna take a lot

Attached: peterson.png (844x630, 40K)

irl trolling is best trolling

Attached: ufarm1.jpg (890x561, 38K)

Attached: 1532448694655.png (640x480, 10K)

Attached: 1531497290756.png (500x734, 200K)

Attached: apus.png (738x657, 178K)

Attached: pepe kek.jpg (258x245, 12K)

who the fuck is watching that cartoon
all characters look like they had fetal alcohol syndrome with those sickly undeveloped chins

Attached: 1538929805095.png (680x534, 112K)

Attached: off comes the penis.jpg (690x461, 32K)

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Attached: 1527945253619.png (846x585, 24K)

Attached: 1533611604355.png (480x320, 419K)

Guess I'll go and eat worms

Attached: 1548147281123.jpg (800x850, 185K)

Make fun all you want.Some poo girls are freaking out of this world.Like this one

Attached: kiara.jpg (1000x1500, 182K)

Attached: poos.png (1170x1169, 338K)


Lol who actually spent their time making this.

a poo did it for 3 cents

Attached: apu.png (485x723, 467K)

Attached: designated.jpg (628x622, 87K)

Attached: india goat rape.jpg (1080x1656, 519K)

Attached: pajeets.png (925x720, 174K)

Attached: indian makeup.jpg (352x530, 56K)

Attached: b0f.png (629x454, 448K)

Attached: superpoower.png (1142x971, 93K)

Not even a meme anymore. Indians literally throw trash on the ground on purpose. I once saw an Indian "student" toss an icecream wrapping on the ground even though there was a trash can a few steps away from him.

fuck pewdiepie for making r9k mainstream

and you didn't do anything about it?


did he poo 3 feet from a bathroom

i'm pretty sure all those guys are villagers who have almost no experience with women except their mums and sisters

open bob and vagene

That is awful.

Imagine the smell...

Let's doo it

well that's what happened to Main Street in SF once Harris took over.

she a stronk black womyn who don't need a man