No need to lie governor Northam

No need to lie governor Northam.

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...Levi Jacob owned slaves... Levi Jacob

Nice. Where did the pic on the right come from?

Looks like it came from the same yearbook. Some one seriously screwed up.

>Looks like
DIfferent film, so a different source, unless it was on another page somewhere in the book (taken at a different time with a different camera). If it is, then whoever has these books should already know this, and that means the media knows too. Northam claims he doesn't have a copy. If that pic is in the book, this dude is either being blackmailed soon (if he stays in power) or his political life is over.
The media is already pushing the idea that he 'wore blackface' more than once.

USA faggots, send this to all of your news people. They should be waking up soon.

Let's encourage him to run for president as a Democrat in 2020, Jow Forums! Imagine the meltdown the left would have!

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Push the Starbucks guy, He agrees with everything they stand for, but will kill Hillary again.

>Goofy photo from a teenage party is orders of magnitude worse than state sponsored infanticide

This is the state of your society

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It is to the left.

You're misunderstanding my point; I don't actually want Ralph Northam to be president, just to run as a Democrat and throw that party into even more turmoil is all. Imagine when he shows up on the debate stage with the likes of Kamala Harris, it'd be hilarious to watch!

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>believes that a fetus still attached to mother's life support is a self-sustaining, living human being.

im not arguing for or against liberals desire to have abortion rights... im just stating facts.

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>and that means the media knows too
He's a Democrat, so the media is blind to such things and will willingly doublethink them away.

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>tfw 30 year old boomer

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You should kill yourself.

>it totally okay to murder an innocent person if you find their existence inconvenient
the absolute state of women in the current year

It helps to know some history about the abortion issue. In the days when it was illegal (JFK) Jackie became pregnant and lost a baby. I don’t remember specifically what week it was but the entire country grieved and a funeral was held. So people naturally accepted that age of gestation was not appropriate for abortion. So “viability” became the yardstick for “OK” or “Not OK”. At that time Jackie’s baby was like 36 weeks so it wasn’t too big of a deal but technology has driven that “viable” definit8ioln down to less than 24 weeks. As the gestational age of “viability” has gone down the controversy over abortion has gone up in direct proportion.

IOW, libtards are seriously on “the wrong side of history”. The abortion debate is NEVER going to get better for them. NEVER.

Good one! Stealing it.

thats not Northam on the right.

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That unborn child is not worthy of life and poses a threat to a human being, the state should allow its termination!
>purge brain cells, last 2 remaining
Dayqwan and Tyreesus were just 19 yr old little kids when they robbed Mr Changs store and shot Mr Chang and raped and killed his wife and 2 employees. The racist system is against them and deserve another chance at life and the institutional racist state should not execute them!

Liberal logic

It’s a BAIT AND SWITCH, They never intended Northam to be Governor , they only needed him to win in order to Crown Justin Fairfax Governor that’s why:
•Mysterious Concerned Citizen drops off KKK Blackface pic at Right Wing News Blog a few days after
•Northam makes totally unretarded comments about abortion a few weeks before
•Justin Fairfax Virtue Signaling at the open of the Legislature
So we’re assumed to beleive the Moderate Everyman Democrat just swallowed Retard pills this past week apologized , unapologized , almost Moon Walked and the SJW Crowd is at his door by coincidence

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