Most retweeted tweet 2017
F*ck this nigger
Most retweeted tweet 2017
What's wrong with that. That's a nice message desu.
>no one is born...
well good thing whites are quick learners
brown people hate whites and won't stop until they're all dead
>nobody is born hating another race
true, you need to get to know the first and understand how repugnant they are before the hate sets in.
does an anti immigration party exist in your country? does that party shill for zion? afd are cucks imo
yeah, blame their parents, religion and experience.
>or his religion.
And there's the Jew propaganda again. Color of his skin, he can't change. His background, he can't change. His religion is entirely his choice, and if it makes you behave like a kike you deserve to be hated.
It's surreal how pervasive the Jew propaganda is, our whole society is brainwashed, even our nigger ex-president who was absolutely hated by the Jewish ethnostate yet includes their bullshit propaganda in his tweet, probably not even consciously.
the only ones shilling for zion in my country are the progressive left lmao
>afd are cucks
i would be saying the same if i was a moslem
That's nice actually
Perhaps not born, but some start very early, like after the eighth day
If you get angry at something as innocent and kind-hearted as children playing with children of different skin colors, you are beyond help.
nobody is born with opinions, that is correct
Hate is earned bitch
Nobody is born hating anyone you dumb nigger. People hate people because they realise they're shit.
How much for the white one?
Hasn't there been studies done that babies prefer to be around there own race?
>Obama btfo
No one born knowing how to wipe their own ass after they take a shit either.
i think the issue people are taking with it is it's more mindless "race is skin deep" bs.
obozo the socialist clown says one thing and does another.
he was bragging about making electricity costs skyrocket with his global warming plans. What kind of cruel maniac would wish for electricity prices to skyrocket?
Window shopping for pizza barry?
Actually even dark babies prefer light ones....
But a white baby will prefer a lactating black women over its own mother is she isn't so go figure....
>No one is born reading Plato...
>No one is born authoring proofs for Fermat's Last Theorem...
And so on
that's...incorrect. Babies prefer people of their own skin type. This has been shown with dolls and pictures.
Proven false, repeatedly. All of those babies prefer white people. Why are these people science deniers?
>No one is born hating someone based on Color
Think again nigger
He got Trump elected by bothsidesing at a funeral for slain police officers at the hands of a black lives matter activist.
>kid in the middle refuses to look at Obama or the niglet
... unless the kids are white - then throw them into a shark tank, right, my fellow checkmarks