Every thread I touch literally fucking dies. I'm sitting here updating my thread watcher and the shit just dies...

Every thread I touch literally fucking dies. I'm sitting here updating my thread watcher and the shit just dies. Multiple people have said I'm literally the devil and just an evil person in general. I have no friends and my family hates me. 4clam is all I have now.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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don't reply to 250 replies threads
they are always about to die

You have to love yourself bro. No one else can do it for you. Friends are a meme.

It's bc whatever you post is so individual and particular to you that all the bots spamming this board cannot reply. Neither can they turn your posts into something that they can propagandize. It's not you, it's this board. Most of the content here is not from humans seeking interaction. Also, the threads are not the end all, be all. What you are seeking is inter-connectedness. There are no threads.

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And now you'll get banned for offtopic posting

>tfw class clown of Jow Forums and get 6 plus replies on a post erryday

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That's just paranoia nigger I use to think that too

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Not if you die in a house fire first
Just admit that reported me

What's your secret I demand an answer

Fuck off, bot

Wtf is a thread watcher and why does it make you sound like a faggot

Wrong. Many threads I can see them with my eyes. Or are there no eyes either? Is there nothing? How strange it is that I can write this post and you can read it then. Seems to be watertight proof there is at least something. But that something is not this thread right? And not the spoons or whatever the hell else you wanna say doesn't exist? Brainlets I swear you will rue the day you realise how you threw your god given brains under the bus. Peace.

reply to this post or i will fart

Kill yourself and your gay tranny minecraft server.

Herbed. You get what you deserve. Never post here again.

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>Every thread I touch literally fucking dies.
Try posting about how NATO lost the information war over Syria and the Ukraine, because white men have zero interest in supporting our own governments when they are trying to genocide us, and watch the thread die.

>How strange it is that I can write this post and you can read it then.
There are real threads here, but I'm frigging sure that a lot of the threads are shills, since there are certain topics that makes a thread die when they are brought up.

True that. I always reply to your posts, m8.

I feel you dude, try talking about how the Jews control the meat industry and how all the meat we eat in white countries is kosher or halal and how the animals die horrible deaths when a painless alternative is available

Oh no doubt. Shills all over the place. Some people stoop unimaginably low for money.

Hello yes Norway bros! Never seen this many in a thread before! What's your country like my friends?? How's it all going lads?

I don't even know you but I feel like I want an Emu to cross your path

>Many threads I can see them with my eyes.
Of course, your brain can only understands two dimensions. Keep coming back, so you can be entertained by the bots.

consider touching yourself OP

It’s probably a good sign, because you are too aware for the shills to want to see your posts and/or respond to you.

To the shitters. More and more totalitarian by the minute. People started being convicted of hate speech/thought crimes. They might have overplayed their hand and people are realising, but we'll have to see. Food prices getting to Canada levels soon. People will wake up eventually lets hope it won't be too late. Weather is nice and cold. Try not to die in the heat wave dude! And don't stay in it for too long at a time if avoidable. I believe it does damage to your brain being cooked slowly like that. Hydrate often.

Sure whatever retard.

are you me bar the thread watcher?

hey, don't gas up the room friend. Be polite and take that fart out of sight.

Reminder that discord is owned by a jew who especially targets alt rights conversations hold on it and transfers this data to secret services for future doxing purposes.

Ignore and despise the discord shills.

>What's your country like my friends?
It's being flooded with non-whites. Not as fast as Sweden, but it's still sad to watch.

Yeah man nearly 50 degrees Celsius, definately makes you do stupid things, your skin will get sunburn in like 10-15 minutes in the middle of the day. Definitely getting hotter and hotter, I'm a believer in climate change.
I've always wondered about your country I think it's cool you can jump in a car and drive to Russia or through Europe, must be alot of history and important landmarks. You can drive here for hours and not see anything but farms and desert. We are basically a huge wheat farm

Out in the countryside here. No niggers, plenty of guns, cozy as fuck. I buy my food across the border, and I've got enough dry, canned and frozen food to last for at least 2 years.

>and transfers this data to secret services for future doxing purposes.
And our governments insists that we are the free ones, and that there is no white genocide going on, since whitey don't exist anyway. Try to oppose this, and you'll be branded racist, so you can be deplatformed, lose your job, and in some cases imprisoned.

>tfw made several epic inspirational many reply posts
>tfw had some epic gets including a babe ruth called quads and a checked trips
>tfw my contributions to GATE threads helped to spawn a small movement

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Maybe youre just a faggot

Posts that make you think without coming to a clear conclusion are easy to click past, or have something to say that isn't fully fleshed out so it's easier to delete than to post. They still have worth. We have the same threads bumplock all the time, there is no idea beneath expression here even if it kills threads (spam aside).

It's also heavily invested in by the tencent gooks.

>Yeah man nearly 50 degrees Celsius
I have showeled snow for a week.

>I've always wondered about your country
You should come visit one day.

Every morning when I wake up, I'm feeling kind of minimal. In the daylight when I'm walking, I'm feeling just passable. Dont I feel, dont I feel like a mineral? Dont I feel, dont I feel like a vegetable?

What is wrong with you, when you open up a thread just to post that?

What's GATE? Googled it, only pictures of gates appear plus gate supply businesses.

Awesome what country do you get your food from Sweden? What's the. Difference in countries like?

Dude I miss Archive it Nordbro

Try posting about the "Aimed person" program, huehuehue.

The link between Tavistock and GATE (Gifted American Children Education).

Basically they rounded up all the gifted kids who werent just good test takers but true little weaponized autists and put them into special classes to poz them with multiculti. Didnt work on a lot of us.

Different anons had different levels/types of experiences in the programs and there is a fuck load of disinformation surrounding the whole thing (likely to throw people off the trail)

Yes, from Sweden. Many things are cheaper there.
No big difference really, aside from their government being fucking insane leftist robots, and the immigrants being a high enough percentage to keep them in power indefinitely.

shut the fuck POLLUTER, you'll get yours on day of the BLUE BIN







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>What's the. Difference in countries like?
Norway is a naval country, so more similar to the Danes, Dutch and the Brits, while the Swedes are more like the Germans.

Norwegians and Swedes are still pretty similar, but the Swedes like authority a LOT more. That's a good thing when you want things done.... unless if what you want done is flooding Sweden with immigrant or something else that is stupid.

This entire website has been compromised by AI
we actually aren't interacting with anyone but ourselves

pls no

>Different anons had different levels/types of experiences in the programs
Nobody outside me remember getting 100$s off the test, and 75$ still being too much for example, as I grew up in extreme poverty. The teachers advertised it to me, and there was a sign-up sheet for the test at the beginning of the school year. Never was in but my best friend was. Also remember a true genius (I'm not), who skipped two grades, leaving school for two weeks at a time, going to "camps". He eventually left school altogether for an academy. Kinda weird eating lunch with someone in 8th grade who'd just say, "I'm going to be gone for two weeks, I'm off to a government engineering camp. My mother doesn't like it".

alright then

While I find you petulant and annoying I nonetheless hope you have a good day, user. Try to do better.

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bump so OP doesn't commit sudoku

Here's a bump, just for you.
And some fucking SLAGS.

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You are adding a value and quality to this site that is immeasurable, remember that. You have a good soul and a kind heart. I will gladly fight beside you in battle until the death.

>This entire website has been compromised by AI
They are just normal shills. They might have software that help them post though.

The advancement of AI really scares me though
I can only imagine it would actually get that bad near future

Are you a Gen X/Boomer by any chance?

when was the last time you washed your arsehole you chair sniffing faggot??

Yeah the internet can literally read your mind these days and I am not joking

>The advancement of AI really scares me though
good. Fear is a good motivator to do something about the problem before it becomes to big to solve.

85'. Millennial I believe. The 90's were comfy, but perhaps that was youth.

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Hmm, my program wasnt sign ups, my parents swear they never even were asked about the testing of me or the placement into the program it was just "you tested high and your teachers recommended you so now you're in GATE"

You are a little older than me though, I'm pretty sure the program was different before a certain point but I'm not sure where the cut off was

Pretty much, I feel like nothing is private
even if I'm behind 7 skeletons
>pic related is me learning how to back-trace AI before the happening

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I see you

I'm not sure if we're full of bots or if the board has just gotten more normie Republican but either way the level of discourse just isnt what it used to be.

Take this Northam thing for instance. Every tardo on Jow Forums sees him getting in trouble for blackface and is all "lol stupid liberals just pwn'd themselves btfo!!!1!" while letting his stance of post birth abortions get memoryholed, exactly like the msm and Democrats want us to do. I keep pointing out that its morally easier for the left to call an old white male racist (even if it's one of their own) than having to explain to the world why they think independently living babies should be allowed to be murdered after they are delivered via a natural vaginal birth, which makes the "discovery" of those pictures and their release at this time extremely convenient for the left. Nothing but crickets.

I've been called out for saying we had to pay as disinfo. I remember it quite clearly.
I was in a 6 block poor area, just over the levee, of an elementary school that go the highest ratings in the state. Many Asians and mostly upper middle class That is, it was considered an "Excellent" school.

My ACT scores btw. I can take a new photo of it if needed, put a shoe or whatever you would like on it. The last grade I passed was 8th, dropped out in 10th. School wasn't my thing, but I was a good test taker I suppose. Good IQ tests seem to show me in the 120-30 range at best. Not some super genius.

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Dont worry the battle over that will go hot when Ginsberg gets replaced by a catholic woman. But you're right about the issue.

>I keep pointing out that its morally easier for the left to call an old white male racist (even if it's one of their own) than having to explain to the world why they think independently living babies should be allowed to be murdered after they are delivered via a natural vaginal birth, which makes the "discovery" of those pictures and their release at this time extremely convenient for the left. Nothing but crickets.
You don't say....

>Good IQ tests seem to show me in the 120-30 range at best. Not some super genius.
Most GATE kids werent actually (I'm not either, I cap out at 135 tops). It wasnt just raw IQ they wanted, they were looking for "intellectual intensity" aka weaponized autism and creativity.

>I've been called out for saying we had to pay as disinfo. I remember it quite clearly
I dont doubt you btw, like I said I'm almost positive the program functioned differently in different areas/time

When talking about the GATE thing with my mother, (mostly because she's facebook frens with my old friend and wants us to hangout) who was born in 55', she remembers winning an ESP contest at her school. Shit's weird man.

The glowniggers have invested a lot in taking control over Jow Forums, and it didn't work, so they opted on just shitting up the board in stead.

I don't really care if it's them or not either, because they should have protected and financed us, if they were not the anti-white scum we see them as.

$4 checking in

Smart kids in Norway are forced to go to normal schools, and I think that is a good thing, since it's learning to socialize with normalfaggots that the autists need the most.


World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen went to school with the über-jocks, and he looks to have turned out fine.

dont do it

Commies want to level society by bringing up the retards and hammering down the gifted. It's not fair that smart people are more intelligent. They have unearned privilege.

My good friend that was in it did appear on the Battle of the Bands show. They finished 2nd I believe. Also had a cycle of depression. Divorced his wife after 2 kids (unknown why)and is now a leftist as far as I can tell. Success?

GATE wasnt a special school, it was a class they would take you away to during normal class. So just you and the other gifted kids would be taken out of your normal class mid day to go to a special class that challenged you more.

Are you the chink who's family keeps sending back to China?

If he's a leftist the program succeeded. A bunch of the ones I knew in it became commies. Except for me. I became Hitler.

>Every thread I touch literally fucking dies.
Please post in every social media post based and general thread.

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Oh shit I remember those threads. Didn't we find that Jow Forums is made up of an absurdly high amount of former gifted learning program kids?

I dont think mine was particularly nefarious, just insufferably feminine because I was the only boy and I hated getting segregated from my friends to hang out with all the resume building frigid cunts in my grade so I dropped it in 4th or 5th grade