NIHIL SINE DEO here. I became Jew

Use: Yisrael Ben Yitzchak #aeijedgt

NIHIL SINE DEO here. I became Jew

I want to say I am sorry for my absence, but something happened that changed everything for me: I did a DNA test and found out I am Jewish (test attached to prove that I speak truth).

Now I have abandoned my irrational hate for Jews and moved to Israel, and I now fully realize how wrong I was about everything. This is the truth and you should listen to me. You need to know these things:

1) Israel is a great place and everyone is nice here. People are good neighbours. Not like in Romania where your neighbour Bogdan breaks in at night and make unvoluntary love with the pigs and then you have to call the town abortionist.
2) Islam really is the true enemy. Romanians and Israelis should stand together against the Turk. Since I am both Romanian and Israeli I want to help with this.
3) Jewish women are fucking hot, they awake something in my (now circumcised) dick.
4) I also want to apologize to all Bozgors and Gypsies. Sorry for my irrational hatred. We must all stand united behind Israel. We should give Gypsies more money and return Transylvania as well.
5) Romania actually have problems. It is not perfect paradise like I thought. In Israel streets are clean and tap water is not brown. Made me realize something is wrong with Romania.
The point of this thread is that how a DNA test can really change you and your politics. You should all get a DNA test. Especially my Romanian compatriots. I guess most of you are 70-80% Jewish too.

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Is this how a pure Jew looks like?
>can barley make children

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based schlomo

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Oops I by mistake copied the tripcode. Sorry write that down to remember it. Tripfag I know, but old habits die fast. I am just want to show that I am a new man now (Newman! Haha Jewish humor is great). Please no trip-fag hate

Did you also discover you are Jewish brother? Anyway come to the light. All this time I thought I was part Gypsy and raged over it. Now I know I am Jewish. Feels great

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>irrational sadness

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You guys have been going full on with this discord server shit. Anybody reading this please be aware this is a honeypot operation to collect data on Jow Forums users. Bots are going round posting these on lots of threads randomly. Have a nice day.

Remember to report these when you see them.

@least you have no negga genes

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>then you have to call the town abortionist.
Didn't see that coming

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Oh I'm White alright

That tells you I know my country. We all know that guy that all women line up outside at 5 in the morning. Then you hear sounds of chainsaw and screams until late evening. I think abortomauts is a Romanian invention brother

Romanian and also partially Jewish here. Explain a bit why is that guy antisemitic? There aren't many Jews that live here.

Who is? I used to be anti-semitic and call everyone who argued against me a Kike, but I realized that is silly. Now I know Jews and Romanians are best brothers

BASED Shlomo.
You shouldn't mess with the white kids though Ben. They might just say some day, enough. And you know there are many bakeries in many places.

Gtfo jew,everyone knows ur shilling

>Jews and Romanians are best brothers
Powerful fraternity. I guess it comes with the common trade of stealing and living in gypsy tribes vs the tribe.

Larping faggot. How can you have such a high Ashkenazi percentage and not be aware of it? I bet you look extremely Jewish. I was suspicious of my own DNA and it only came back 1.4% Ashkenazi. Who’s knows about Sephardic though.. apperantly it doesn’t show up on 23&me

That's why Romania genocided jews,because fraternity,LMAO

>Now I know Jews and Romanians are best brothers
Based. I am a Romanian zionist myself, although I am predominantly eastern european, turkish and indian and have no jewish blood, I fully support you my brother

>Schizo larper turns out to be Jewish
Like pottery

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I do, but so do all Romanians

Attached: romania.webm (480x360, 2.45M)

Well yes, hopefully all can take lesson from this and realize that hate is silly

There is a comunity of maximum of 9k jews is Romania. Gtfo shill

Would you go as far as to say, that romanians are one of the lost tribes of israel? It makes sense you know, Romans and Jews best friends.

Yes, but all Romanians got a Jewish phenotype

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Can someone quick rundown me on Nihil? Why are the JIDF targeting him?


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I think that Romanians rather is an offshoot of Judah. I think the other tribes would be more distant from us

He's a Romanian zionist and clearly legit

Stfu kike. They were all sent in Germany for gassing.

lol, you're a professional slider my dude. You ruined two of my threads last week, fuck off and die buddy

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nice attempt shill

kys jew pig

You're the bozgor trap poster,are you not?

FFS.. This picture is of a Romanian. If you had said she was Middle-Eastern I would have believed it. We are very dark people

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Slide what? Only boring threads nobody likes slide

I love Jews! They're such a multi leveled mystery, a gift that keeps on giving. You always find one exactly where you expect to find one.
Even if you were in antarctica and you came across some manner a of a shrewd and lecherous scheme you can bet good money on it that it's ran by the jews.

Beautiful people, good planners, good lawyers and good businessmen. But you know i gotta agree with the last Shah of Persia on you guys,

Some people say that what you need to bring all of mankind together is some kind of an alien threat and you know i think the jews fit the bill effortlessly. So thank you for bringing all the people of all the races together in unison.

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I live in Romania you fucking idiot, that is a minotrity chick. Regular romanian girls are white af. Now gtfo, shill

90% of Romanians got dark hair and brown eyes, I see more blondes here in Israel

One last question Ben, this is something every great thinker through time has meditated on greatly. What makes you guys tick, goyim are simple people everywhere, but you guys, you are unique and beautiful. Can you elaborate on your peoples uniqueness to this lowly goy? So i might be able to gleam some special insight in this grand cosmic puzzle?

That doesn't mean shit you idiot, Hitler had brown hair


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I think we are simply just driven by a desire to good to all of mankind desu

Hitler did not have brown eyes

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Top article - why are romanian girls so beautiful. You played yourself aussie

he did, ask you grandparents, oh wait....

I said brown HAIR you fucking jew

thats not whats funny you retard. fucking zero sense of humour, i hope an emu fucks your mum when she comes down to guess my future

Yes this is the truth that I tried so hard to deny before user

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>I hope an emu fucks your mum
Like it fucked your whole nation?

When his mother goes down to you I got my chance to circumcise you. Just need to kick her in the jaw

> they took me as a reference sample to make up the jews
You are actually german. As much as germans are made up too...

Yeah but hair color is not important. It is that every Romanian got brown eyes that makes us look Middle-Eastern, so we really should not play this game of racial supremacy, cause we can't win. Let go of your racism frat

So if chinese nibbas have brown eyes they are fucking middle eastern,right you fag? You are a fucking shill, show your true flag

yeah mate it will split her guts.

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Nah mate,my nation is made up of actual men, they would protect her...

This my true flag moron. And you are not very smart. They got asiatic faces. But if you got Caucadoid face and dark eyes you by default look middle-eastern. Same way Mexicans look Middle-Eastern

I Australia?

And for the record. Our nation, Romania, is mainly made up of prostitutes and gypsy horse thieves, rest are rapists. Nobody would protect a woman. Here is a woman for you to protect

Attached: average romanian woman.webm (1920x1080, 938K)

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Read you fucking jew. Hitler was right, too bad hi didn't finish his work.

Mate we are a mixed bunch descending from mostly gypsies and roman vagrants, plus a lot of slav-blood (prolly the better part of our ancestry). Drop the Dacian LARP, we killed them

You are not romanian, kike. You are either a bozgor from transilvania or you don't even know a word in romanian. Your info is baseless, give me a link to a trustable source that states your boulshit. No romanian would mix with a fucking gypsy,they are ugly, dirty and poor. Get back to mongolia, bozgore.

But user, we are Gypsies

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Correction: you are gypsy

>be stonk romanian man
>sees user's gypsie mum getting split in half by chad tru blue fair dinky die emu
>wait till emu chad leaves
>put gypsie mum back together and proceed to rape whats left of user's mum
>intruding on sacred lands emu of the nulla nulla people.
>gets butt fucked by army of emu and gets shanked by abunch of abos high on fuel
>gets sent to naru with a torn asshole until our government sells you off as sex slave to a shitty country
top kek

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LMAO you didnt even get his name right, absolutely pathetic.

Well at least i can be sure i won't get raped by the profet mohamed in Romania. Not so sure about you
>top kek

>Unironically bragging about being raped by emus

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You're from Romania can you're calling someone a gypsy.

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>I think we are simply just driven by a desire to good to all of mankind desu
Yea, alright Ben. I believe you.

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Ironic, since Orban is a zionist whore


>raped by the profet mohamed
>tfw when user's ancestors were raped by the ottoman
Im not sure you understand user, we do the raping down here, don't you worry about it we have the lebs under control
and only reason Mohammed won't be raping you anymore is because he realised goat pussy is tighter than gypsy rags

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Kek bozgors and Jews, a more iconic duo you can't name

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Fuck off shlomo

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you are not Nihil you lying kike.

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Just like a Bulgar, rarely will you find a Romanian that can score 90% or more White European on a DNA test.

So yeah, I have every right to call you my neighbor, a fucking gypsy.

you do realize OP is a kike mocking Nihil by impersonating him and calling us gypsies right?

you fall this kikes bait?

i can't until Nihil comes back to screencap all the shit that was thrown at him in the last week.

kikes are so lazy they don't even use memeflags anymore. JIDF has run out of ideas.

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lazy faggot, romanians are niggers

you fucking kikes. by impersonating Nihil this much, you just made the rise of Iron Guard 2.0 happen sooner than ever.

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Holy shit are your memes stale

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Yeah sure buddy

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i cannot believe some of you faggots actually took this bait seriously... SMDH.

the Holocaust will become real because of it.

he is a lying kike who impersonates the Romanian trip again.

On the bright side we will become Islamic and become more multiracial than we are already.

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fuck you kike. those are the memes made by the true Nihil. i want Israel to burn already for all shit you done to Nihil and all Romanians.

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stop feeding the lying kike troll.

I dont care about him what I do is how to make Romania Islamic and become multiracial in every place.

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go to Palestine and free it from Zionist scums. Al Quds will be free from Khazar slavery.

I dont care about Palestine I want Romania to become Islamic

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the real Holocaust will happen soon, and so will the second Trianon.

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i pray for the destruction of Israel soon this year...

Well at least you aren't a gypsy.

Hiroshima deserve to be dragged and shot like Ceausescu was for letting kikes impersonate Nihil or anyone else.

he is a kike, impersonating a Romanian. do you actually take his bait?