Jow Forums wants to put down these

Jow Forums wants to put down these.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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These are dogs, not niggers.
Owners are to blame.

>anglo saxon dog cult
literal canine worship

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Based and redpilled


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What if pitbulls turned into anime doggirls?
Would you still want to put them down?

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You can see it in her face. She wants to tear somethings neck off at all times.

lol all those things were extreme signs of vented aggression


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she did nothing wrong

Plot twist: her old pit bull was put down because it killed her dad.

gas them all
doggo war now

You guys have been going full on with this discord server shit. Anybody reading this please be aware this is a honeypot operation to collect data on Jow Forums users. Bots are going around posting these on lots of threads randomly. Have a nice day.



Every year, women kill more babies than pitbulls. Not even counting abortion.

Personally I wouldn't do that, but I don't kid myself into thinking, that this isn't normal practice in rural parts of the world even in civilized countries. But they filmed it for a reason - to be edgelords.

that's a nigger waiting to snap anyday now

>Be a man
>Gets killed by a pit bull dog

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>collect data on Jow Forums users
and how would they do that? Do you have any computer science qualifications to make that statement? Or is this just pure Dunning Kruger in effect?

Of course we want to put down these hellhounds.
>idiot wants to be contrarian and gets pitshit
>feeds it and cares for it
>constantly posts how it is about the owner and how his shit is an angel
>one day 6 years later he steps on its tail
>it mauls his family, chews through a bathroom door to find him and kill him

god you guys are faggots

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There's no sensible "legitimate" reason for 99.99% of people to own a pit given that staffordshire bull terriers (and their crosses) exist. You get the manic energy, looks and athleticism, minus the trait of attacking without warning / not letting go / violently shaking to tear apart the wound.

Yes, I'm sure that pits can be raised well and not be neurotic street gang attack dogs, but they still have this trait. Their "responsible" owners have to carry plastic tent pegs or similar, in case they need to jam it into their pet's jaws to force them to release.

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the stereotypes dont even phase me anymore

A pitbull ate this couple's newborn.

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Yes pitbulls are dangerous dogs, yes they do more attacks than other dogs. However let us examine the owners of the dogs

>Ghetto niggers
>White trash single mothers

The first abuses them and basically treats them like fellow gang members, the second has no fucking idea about the dangerous alpha dog they have adopted and does no training, no exercise and lets the dog walk all over them socially. I personally know someone who has owned and trained several dogs who have achieved first place in national obedience courses who says the exact same thing, they are naturally violent nigger dogs that need a strong hand to show them who is boss and to NEVER let them off lead outside of your yard. She owns one and it is a fantastic dog that I would rate with many other top dogs, however that does not change the dangerous nature of the dogs themselves and even she will never off leash it outside of their property. It's a two factor problem of shitty owners and shitty dogs, the shitty dog problem can be negated with a competent owner, unfortunately 99.9% of the time that is not the case.

Pits are the niggers of the dog species, dude. You can attempt to blame it on the owners, but even the best and most trained can go fucking nuts and maul a baby for little to no understandable reason.

>accidentally twitch in your sleep, violating the NAP, so your pit decides to bite on your throat as you sleep in retaliation.

>rips your face off then eats your child
>nothing personnel kid

Why do they call them Pit Bulls? Did they come from the pit of hell or something?


Because they were bred to fight each other in pits.

Niggers and spics worship pitbulls, Jow Forums doesnt care about dogs, just destroying things that please them.

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i mean, there are worse ways to euthanize puppies

They were bred to kill rats in pits as a gambling bloodsport, descended from the *Old* English Bulldog which literally fought a bull tied to a post, known as bull baiting. (Current bulldogs have had the homicidal violence bred out of them.)

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>staffordshire bull terriers
Those are pitbulls you retard. The AKC calls them staffordshire and the UKC calls them pitbulls. Two different names for the same breed. Most UKC registered pitbulls are also AKC registered staffordshires.

Not necessaruíly put down but all Pitbulls should be fixed and rather than rescued they should be put down. They're cute but they're also deadly, they were made for killing and once they snap they will kill you.

Nice Memeflag, try harder, faggot.

My dog looks like this. Never hurt anyone. Just snaps at packages mailman leaves and howls when someone is coming. Squeaks if she knows them.

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virgin pitbull vs the chad toadline

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I love dogs but pitbulls are just dangerous. It's retarded to have one

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People say "it's bad owners not the breed". If this were true. There are 30 species of dogs more popular than the pitbull. Pitbulls as of 2018 were 31 on the most popular list. Therefore It only stands to reason, there would be millions of more bad owners owning those 30 more popular breeds, than the pitbull who sits at number 31. (to put it in perspective. say every dog type there are10 bad owners of each dog type, so there are 10 pitbull owners at number 31, yet there are 300 owners of the top 30 dogs above the pitbull for popularity. And realistically we know that number would be much more due to there being more dogs as the list goes up) So, with those statistics. There would have to be more bad owners in the top 30, than the pit bull catagory, so with your theory. There should be more fatal attacks with the 30 other more popular breeds than the pitbull. Due to bad owners not the breed! But Pitbulls make up 70% of the fatal dog attacks in think its a bad owner and not the breed. Hey...take your risk owning a pitbull. Go read about pitbull attacks, EVERY ONE OF THEM said the dog was gentle, wouldn't hurt a fly, great with kids. Until snaps. I guess you are willing to take that risk. I for one, am not. I own two daschunds for that very reason.

absolutely based and not going to maul a toddler to death

based and graypilled

I like doggos much better

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Thats fucking cringe. ugh 'pittie' stop trying to infantalize these fucking beasts. kill it

This is a "wild" golden retriever. he literally does nothing when the dogg pound people approach him, he just sits there. a pitbull in a similar situation would have lost his shit and killed ten people .

People say "it's bad owners not the breed". If this were true. There are 30 species of dogs more popular than the pitbull. Pitbulls as of 2018 were 31 on the most popular list. Therefore It only stands to reason, there would be millions of more bad owners owning those 30 more popular breeds, than the pitbull who sits at number 31. (to put it in perspective. say every dog type there are10 bad owners of each dog type, so there are 10 pitbull owners at number 31, yet there are 300 owners of the top 30 dogs above the pitbull for popularity. And realistically we know that number would be much more due to there being more dogs as the list goes up) So, with those statistics. There would have to be more bad owners in the top 30, than the pit bull catagory, so with your theory. There should be more fatal attacks with the 30 other more popular breeds than the pitbull. Due to bad owners not the breed! But Pitbulls make up 70% of the fatal dog attacks in think its a bad owner and not the breed. Hey...take your risk owning a pitbull. Go read about pitbull attacks, EVERY ONE OF THEM said the dog was gentle, wouldn't hurt a fly, great with kids. Until snaps. I guess you are willing to take that risk. I for one, am not. I own two daschunds for that very reason.

Pitbull holocaust when?

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theyre like niggers, made to be something theyre obviously not. both of them need a firm master and to constantly be worked to be worth a shit.


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They would be anime niggers. Also when they suck your dick they would bite in and never let go, occasionally shaking their head to tear into your flesh and cause more pain and bleeding.

that music makes me want to die

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Jesus Christ! that channel needs reality check

Fuck pitbulls, Dutch Shepherds are where it's at.

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hate the music in these, so cheesy.

then strait to the pens and then euthanasia

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Wrong. I want to put these down.

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i didn't realize there were so many heartless kikes on this board

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Yes each and every one



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i hope she got raped then killed. filthy cunt.

Our version is the Staffie. Most owners of them are dickheads. Staffies often don't get on with other dogs. Not all of them, but it is a very obvious trait. If they were human, they would look like this.

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i have an english staffy. great dog. i bet youre small.

Gas the pits. Dog war now.

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This is now a white-tier dogs thread.

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Pit Bulls should be put between the border and another fence to eat the goblins. A totally automated system.

Can we add pitbull ownership to the roastie/damaged goods list?

>be rural redneck at
>have pitbull bitch that my ex left me with. Was maltreated and nursed it back to health
>cunt eats all my food and then gets pregnant
>live in bumfuck nowhere and can't sell puppies
>see they're gonna grow into savage killing machines and have miserable loves if left in the wild.
>euthanize them in the most humane way possible
>enrage some faggot with no sense of reality on an Israeli foreskin sampling forum

He gudboi

based Anglo-Saxon version of a doggy gentleman

Think of all the future infants and children she saved.

what would happen if a group of pitbulls went wild like how pigs run away and become boars

Uncomfortable truth- dogs are for inferior, weak people.

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yeah i bet youre a gook with no soul

Post birth aborting pitbulls

Twice as fast.

>waah why didn't she put them in a pound so they could be kept in a tiny shit-filled cage for months until they get gassed to death properly

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she dead 100%

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Hahaha ha fuck cats

I would kill every last one of these nigger dogs myself if I could. I always carry a gun (CCW) to protect myself from niggers and my dog from niggerbulls.

>New Zealand – Not only are pit bulls banned, but pit bulls and other breeds deemed “menacing” by the Government are not considered for adoption and are euthanised as a matter of course.

Go look up the AKC definition of Pitbull. Then when you find out that there is no such thing, and that Pitbulls are unregesterable American Staffordshire Terriers, look at the AmStaffs temprament. Then dig a little deeper and read the page on the AKC website that states that a dog's temprament will closely mirror the owners temprament. But then again it's just the American Kennel Club. What do they know about dogs? Am I right? I know you won't go look up anything to help heal your ignorance, so stay ignorant and keep cleaning cat shit out of a box in your house.

remember to use enough gun.

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