Men are not allowed to have opinions on abortion. Stupid fucking incels.
Men are not allowed to have opinions on abortion. Stupid fucking incels
So coming out of a woman makes it not a person? Ok.
Until a woman can bring a baby without sperm, food/water and breathing, she is a part of ecosystem and any entity giving her significant amount of resources shoulhd have legally considred opinion on her body and her kids body inside her.
Also STD and baby killing history should be semi-private (avaliable for verifiable publication w/o other medical data).
>stop having opinions goy.. it's not allowed
kek the boomers are so buttmad at people for even daring to have thoughts in their head
Nothing is more cucked than being a pro-choice man
good, this means we have no responsibility to raise toddlers if we dont want to, and shouldn't pay alimony.
Until a baby comes out of a man's body, child support shouldn't come out of his wallet.
>react to this twitter post XD
why is this allowed?
Then women cant have an opinion on rape.
So women who haven't given birth to a baby yet should shut the fuck up too?
I could get behind this.
Apparently neither are women
Kek, I was going to go there. Until a woman has her blood filled with testosterone, she can not complain about rape.
based and baby pilled
When men don't subsidize it we won't say shit
Until a person has actually fired a gun, an opinion on gun control shouldn't come out of her mouth
It is not pro-choice, until everyone invested have the legal choice.
It is just a planned parenthood project of engineered genocide, when they attack the most vulnerable person in the most vulnerable moments.
That virginian KKK nigger cybernator openly stated he wanted 2 doctors to persuade 1 mother to kill the baby right after the birth. Here they are advocating, that mother should be fully responsible for the decision.
Consider, that doctors are allowed to administer drugs to mother. Including drugs, that help with persuation.
And why is this allowed?
> goy, we would only kill niggers, trust me
Until a person pays taxes, all political options shouldn't come out of her mouth.
>t. Most powerful race on earth
Until semen comes out of a woman's penis, an opinion on rape shouldn't come out of her mouth.
nice, how about
until a woman is able to be conscripted they cannot vote
Until alimony comes out of a womans pocket, an opinion on it shouldn't come of her mouth.
Sounds reasonable enought i suppose
What if I identify as a wamen ?
But the dad is 50% of the parent?
Imagine saying to a woman you got pregnant that you'll raise the kid 100% yourself and she can leave, but please don't abort your kid. And she goes and does it anyway because the baby isn't *IN* her body. She thinks the baby *IS* her body. And she aborts your child that you would have happily and ably raised yourself.
Women consider this equality. And that alone is proof enough that they should never have been given the vote.
Men can have babies too you transphobic bigot!
Mr. Sir Ma'am lol
blocks your path
But I thought we're all the same?
I thought it's what I identify as that matters, not biological realities?
What's going on libtard, are you becoming a nazi now?
Yah haven't you seen Junior ?
That opinion is extremely transphobic
Yeah, it's getting too confusing. May need to check out a while.
since men - CLEARLY - have nothing to do with said topic, i suggest we don't have to pay any kind of welfare towards women who fall pregnant either
>Until a glans comes out of a woman's foreskin, an opinion on circumcision shouldn't come out of her mouth.
> only women can make abortion rules.
Oh, good then they'll abolish abort.
"Dem pollster: Women are less likely to support abortion rights than men"
>Because babies come out of a woman's vag you're not allowed to care about killing them
It takes two to tango
Perhaps she should keep her legs closed then
>Shut up about abortion
Make me.
Abortion only for non-whites
>Babies come from Man's balls, story at 11.
why do men have to pay women/children after divorces and why is not a single mainstream figure demanding it to change?
can the same apply to women? only mothers can have an opinion on abortion?
Until a baby comes out of a mans body child support shouldn’t come out of his wallet
Then I shouldn't have to pay for her or her baby.
so a FtM trans who identifies as a male, giving birth, would be oppressed? that sounds mighty bigoted to me
i don't put my dick is dumb cunts, so it will never be a problem
Until the money comes out of a woman's pocket, a baby shouldn't come out of her cunt.
Give me back my foreskin and maybe I'll care.
Unless they get divorce raped they shouldn't speak about hardships of divorce
until a baby comes out of a woman's body without a mans sperm, an opinion on man not having an opinion on abortion shouldn't come out of her mouth
Free speech nigger
I don’t really care unless it’s a girl I know. My girlfriend/ wife I’m gonna want to have the kid with unless it’s a nigger and she cheated but I won’t know til pops out in which case she’s single and raising that skid mark on her own
We still have to pay for it though, right?
Until a woman can have an erection, she shouldn't have an opinion on rape.
The last pockets of the white race will kill off women, produce white children and take back our lands. Feelsfuckinggood.
Great pay for yours yourself or with private insurance.
Single mothers make terrible parents. Find one example of a stable person raised by a single mother. Fathers are the ones who raise children and usher them into the future to be someone successful. Fathers are the ones who will have to pay to keep food on the table and keep the family alive.
As a woman, you literally lay on your back, get fucked and then you push a kid out of your vagina one night. You're not a fucking miracle worker, the father is.
I'm Pro-Choice
As I should have the choice of not sponsoring baby butchers with my taxes
Until a liberal owns one type of every firearm. An opinion about civilian ownership of them should not come out of their mouth
so women can stfu and never tell a man to "man up" ever again, since cunts can't know wtf that is even remotely
So women shouldn't comment about masculinity or society or technology or literally everything ever that is not directly about their bodies?
I say we make this trade
Totally worth it.
Fantastic. They are arguing that men shouldn't be responsible for their offspring.
I'm okay with this. Let's follow this logic and eliminate child support paid for by fathers.
this is the real deal about abortion, if the state can tell the woman not to abort that means her body is state property, if the woman's body is state property everything produced by the woman's body is also state property
it's a slavery allegory that right wing morons support
>Fantastic. They are arguing that men shouldn't be responsible for their offspring.
sounds like them
When you start saying that people shouldn't be allowed to debate you, that means you're losing the debate.
Then why is it mainly wealthy Jewish Male investors in profitable stem cell research who need lots of fresh human Goyim fetuses pushing for Goyim abortion Legalization?
>Should aborted foetuses be used for stem cell research?
>identify as woman
>move to VA
>adopt newborn
>immediately abort it
Fucking racist white male if tell me not to.
My body my drugs. Same shit. Until you've overdosed on any drug you talk shit about me don't want to hear shit coming out of your mouths.
This is the definition of genetic fallacy.
By the same fucking metric women are emotionaly invested in abortion and thus unable to give an objective opinion.
Women who say this have no right to men's sperm and should be actively denied access.
until women actually fight in wars they should keep their nose out of politics
The baby cums out of the man first.
Fucking kill yourself
Until a woman can support the baby without child support, abortion should be required.
>implying the average NEET would be able to afford this
>implying western countries wouldn't outright ban artificial wombs
some men have babies get over it bigot
A transgender man is FULLY capable of giving birth to a healthy child. Why is this guy so transphobic???
Until holes start making opinions based on logic and not raw emotions, opinions on policy shouldn’t come out of their mouthes.
We're not even allowed to have an opinion about masculinity either.
Isn't there a trans man that had a baby?
Its that mans child
I've never understood why its ok for the man to have literally zero say in whether a woman gets an abortion or not.
women are such selfish cunts
how about the women has no say over the child once it pops out and the man is paying for it?
Get in here Lads
Feminist makes doco on MRAs
Stops calling herself a feminist
OK, then women shouldn't have opinions on rape.
>only those who have done X can make rules about X
murders make the laws regarding murder. seems about right.
Until a woman puts a baby into her own womb, an opinion on abortion shouldn't come from her mouth
people shouldn't be compelled by others to do an action. i'm no fan of abortion, but trying to get a woman to gestate a child she doesn't want is wrong. your example is sort of slavery.
which one fucks the kid first?
>unless you own a gun you cannot talk about gun control
>posts grotesque abomination of science
womens opinions on circumcision should be heard because it shows them to be hypocrites. they're against mutilating nigger girls vaginas, but ok with mutilating boys benis. they should be made to explain their reasoning and be shown to be morons when they fail.
Weird, because women seem to talk about men and what they should do all the fucking time.
Women should never have been allowed to vote until something intelligent came out of one’s mouth.
Until women are eligible for the draft, an opinion about war shouldn't come out of their mouth.