>go full 1950's toxic masculinity on women as a protest to the rampant feminism there is >do shit like telling "the womenfolk" to stay behind while the men do important work, ignore them when talking to other men, call them lying whores openly, while still opening doors and being chivalrous and shit >never been this popular with women before
I have girls wayy out of my league yearning for my attention. It's so fucking absurd. How are you supposed to take these creatures seriously enough to have kids with them?
serpents, bulgaria, serpents. i've been observing them for some time now. not all females are though, just like not all men are. i've noticed that they come in all races and creeds, and both genders. they've been around since both atlantean and biblical times.
Luis Powell
people often mistake them for reptilians
Jace Flores
but i've heard them describe the term (((ascended))). seems to me like it could either be demonic possession, possibly more. there could be a race of these things that share common dna with us.
Carter Parker
Word of advice to guys, don't overcompensate too hard. Just be legit masculine. I've seen some guys so desperate to be masculine when they're still manchildren that they end up acting extremely childish thinking they're being masculine.
OP definitely has the thrust of it. Teasing is especially great but it needs to come from a place of confidence, which means genuine jest. Say what you will about women (changing their opinion on the drop of a hat, not capable of even articulating what they actually want, lack of foresight, etc) but their sense of smell when it comes to a guys sense of himself and those around him is like a bloodhound. If you're just bitter and are acting like a whiny bitch to women because of that, they smell it and don't respect you. If you're a legit man who doesn't shy away from that role but also doesn't hold it over women (and will loosen up people around him by being a bit playful) they'll come to you like you're a magnet.
I think I've realized something, that women deep down know they're way worse than men at like 80% of things (the 20% having to do with child caring and rearing), so they don't like that to be held over them. You NEVER genuinely entertain the nonsense that this is not the case, but also don't act like a child with that knowledge. Throw them a bone once in a while, you don't want your woman under your boot. If you do, you're still childish and don't even qualify as a genuinely mature/masculine guy.
t. Fella with many years of dealing with and observing women
Oh, and the last thing you said, it's indeed remarkably difficult to contain my disgust for women who want to fancy themselves part of the "boys club" when they let loose their pseudo intellectual drivel.
Liam Long
This only works when you're attractive. Being mean/passive towards women as an ugly guy just gets you labeled as an incel.
Justin Anderson
not only that but they seem to be fucking everywhere. they are easier than you think to spot all you require is a keen eye, ear and brain. they do and say things that a regular person does not. universal example being something they do is the very brief "sticking out" of the tongue. goes out, then back in. and its like they do it compulsively with little to no control. any control of said otherworldly impulse is practically impossible for them to resist even when they try their hardest not to, or are called out on it (which usually resorts to some odd dialogue)
Caleb Sanchez
I work in a store with my male coworker, them the owner of store put another section to sell some bullshits and put a woman there to sell the products with more contat with costumer insted of them just picking and going to register the product with us.
The girl is rich as fuck, hot and have a BF and just started to working here to buy clothes and bullshits to feel like she is a strong independet womyn.
Okay, me and my buddy treat she nice, but she make gossip about us to the owner, and doesnt help clients, open things, pick up products. She only stand there, talk to people a little.
Me and my buddy make a deal to go full cold with this bitch, we dont talk to her, we only use yes or no head movements with her, we dont look to her, we pretend she doesnt exist, and we started to work on a 100% motivated/dedicated style.
Its insane what this bitch started to doing, she started to wear slutty clothes, and try to always make sexual comments, not normal like, im saying total whore things, even saying her boyfriend isnt agressive enoght and she likes to be spanked.
This was my ultimate redpill
William Clark
This. A lot of the retarded spergs on here see posts like op and just act like a retard and scratch their head in amazement when all the roasties make fun of them for being infantile dick heads
Aaron Cruz
Wrong. Try again incel
Isaiah Scott
>Mfw I'm autistic >Ignore women unwillingly >Gets ignored back Life is pain
Ryan Wood
Ding ding ding. It's legitimately embarrassing to watch. So many guys now are either one of two extremes in either being a total doormat pussy or an overcompensating ooga booga who just comes off as childish and insecure
Virtue is found at equal distance from the opposite extremes. That's some Aristotle for you fags
That's alright, I think it's good to keep your cards close when you're not ready to lock that in yet. If you legitimately want to change the situation the best way to do that is to take the ironpill. Changed my life near the end of High School. But I also found out involving yourself with women for the sake of desire is legitimately spiritually scarring, so I recommend to guys that they keep degeneracy/sleeping around to minimum