Power of Right

What's the situation in your country, I'm espepically talking to burgers. Is power of Right in your state/local area is rising or declining?

This is question also to other Jow Forumsacks

Question goes to monarchist, traditionalist, catholics, fascists, conservativs

Anarchism not welcome here
Pic may be related

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People are leaning more and more right

The state i live in is leaning extremely left

don't all the productive people flee after awhile?

Declining rapidly along with the white population

Colorado fag. We used to be kind of right leaning, but the influx of liberals has tipped it blue due to the urban areas.

Now we have a gay Jew as governor.

God, have mercy of you

Dosent matter here.we just go to work, pay taxes and politicians do what ever the fuck they want.our politicians are full of globalist fags who are only good at spendig our tax money and making even shittier solutions to already bad problems.

Which state?

About which area you talking?

Thats why democracy is a meme-system

Only monarchy

the power of muffins

Attached: brexitmuffins2.png (243x260, 146K)

The left and right paradigm has been obsolete since the rise of Napoleon. Stop wasting your time with it.

The ride is on the rise. The amount of pissed off whites just keeps on climbing. Not only that but the normalization of radicalization of the right I cannot tell you in words how insane it is people publicly are hailing Hitler and decrying the jew. Balance will not be restored At this point till a civil war happens. Currently the Jews control the court system or within the United States which is hindering proper balancing forces from happening. The will of the people is being stifled by the bureaucratic pinko intellectuals and their banking cartel the jewish shadow state.

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Sounds like Pre-Bolsonaro Brasil.

Northeastern region is increasingly left-wing.
The rest of the country ( North, South, Southeastern and Central West regions) has had a boon of conservative voters and right-wing marches. Niggers are dying. Low testosterone libs are leaving the country,quitting social media or committing suicide (silencing themselves) .
I sense good things coming, anons.

> Pic may be related
BTW children on it are boomers. How can system that raised generation most despised by Jow Forums, be any good by /pol standards?

I live in California's San Francisco Bay Area. I'm behind enemy lines, surrounded, abandoned by my country, and white as hell. I'm treading water without a life-raft in sight. But I can travel 30 miles east and it starts looking like America.

I've always fought that every protestant state will be kill-place for Jews. Even England bashed them in XI century

I live in a soon-to-be communist shithole

Great to know that situation is better with Trumpinho. Is he fighting with Marxism as he said?

I hate 60s and sexual revolution but I admire white Christian family. That's why I posted it

How do you live? Are whites prepare something or they are onions boys and girls?

Shithole, do you have churches over there or only gay-clubs?

Whites here are polarized by language and politics. We have the Afrikaners who are getting ready for the worst, and the English whites who are so liberal and politically correct towards our nigger overlords. Best thing is they will hang with us English liberal scum.

So far, Bolsonaro (along with the ministry of education) are officializing the "Escola Sem Partido" (Unbiased Schools) program. On paper, it's supposed to enforce the (already existing) law that prevents teachers and supervisors from teaching politically biased content with dubious sources and allows students to think freely.

Libtards claim it's just a way of legally censuring leftist teachers and progressive thinking in schools. They're right. And it's beautiful.