Merkel is visiting Tokyo now

Merkel is visiting Tokyo now.
Tokyo had snow last week, but it's very warming today.
So Abe commented Merkel brought spring.

German Embassy in Japan

Attached: merkel-kurukuru.png (615x461, 139K)


Damn so close


Attached: 564646.jpg (472x472, 24K)


Attached: A874A7D0-DE88-40A8-8364-EF9213B7318F.png (640x628, 143K)

Worked before

Attached: 1539656639852.png (1282x695, 228K)

>Communist politician speaking in Japan

Kek it won't let me post a picture of Otoya Yamagichi gutting that commie cunt in stage, apparently Australia has been range banned from uploading photos lel.

I am glad to see our nations cooperate so closely like old times. May Allah carve a great future for our countries

>Merkel brought spring.
is Merkel a saint?

Attached: goya11.jpg (700x1287, 128K)

Just because they were allies in WW2 doesn’t mean that an alliance now is a good thing. Germany would cuck Japan into oblivion if this faggotry continues. Now they’re bringing “temporary” workers, next thing you know Japan will turn into fucking Thailand. And the now negro-infested Shinjuku will look like a utopia compared to what Japan would turn into in the future.

Also, looking at the drawing of Merkel I see that the cucked NPC kawaii culture has taken over and that must be dealt with, even political parties now have “kawaii” logos that serve no purpose other than keeping the masses away from politics and critical thinking, making them rely on the government that will eventually fuck them over.