When Europe falls to islam, how fast will Japan and S. America fall to it also?

When Europe falls to islam, how fast will Japan and S. America fall to it also?

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you really don’t understand history, do you?

it’s a natural cycle and they will be punished badly

correction: Western Europe
Japan? Never.

South America? - like 500+ years. If Ever.

Islamic Europe would be an improvement

I wish that banana were my fucking dick if you know what I mean

found the kike

europe will never fall

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she'd be stoned to death if it was

>When Europe falls to islam

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I seriously believe that few decades from now Islam has fallen to modern degeneracy, especially now since Saudis are slowing down on shoveling money to fund extremists. Subversion will win.

europe fell to christians, pleb
it will happen again with islam

It does not matter. Kek will soon reawaken.

Saudi are becoming more Western friendly.First concert performed by women,etc.


My god, I hope so


>8 months for putting fucking meat slices on a building

if this is the punishment for being a lame idiot then might as well frag the shit out of the mosque during the pray, at least you'll have a good reason to be cuffed

Dude she is ugly as sin and probably has ebola and aids

why do you want to protect the gays, transsexuals and give women rights?

At least trannies don't wanna cut off my head for not believing in their child rapist prophet. There are other solution to these things besides the world's most disgusting religion.

>this country is degenerate beyond belief! assan help me!
>why are you raping my 8yo daughter

so you just want to fight degenerancy with another? you disgust me

>cut of your head
that will only happen if you are a degenerate homossexual and you commit any crime
Christians always lived good under islam. The most conservative non-kiked christians still live under islam.

>raping my 8yo daughter
only jews, niggers and chrstians do that. See Christian paedophilic scandals.

Muslims are less than 4% of the EUs population.
There are literally more Trad Catholics that only go to the old Latin Mass than Muslims.
The issue is soft, weak politicians, not Islam.
Bring back monarchs and this shit ends

This I guess. I'd like to think democracy works but most people are retarded pieces of shit and don't know what's best for their country.

nice projecting paco, but that won't work on me

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yeah through war, if he had a war right now with islam they would get rekt

so think again retard


You know Christians are Jews, right? Their prophet was the Jew to end all Jews.

it seems like every abrahamic faiths have the same problem:

I'm well aware of it

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Trad Catholics and hardline Baptists are some of the most antisemitic people you could meet.

South America will never fall to Islam they're too busy with their fútbol chimpouts and fellating the pope.

Someone should probably tell them soon that Jesus was a Jew then

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Just remember the more Muslims the more dumb left wingers will get killed and/or redpilled by Muslims. Devisty leads to racism their thousands of studies that prove this. The more niggers you know in RL the more likely you are to be a racist.

Go back to al andulas, Portuguese person.

Jesus will return before that.

t. Pornografy addict

Who cares about those cucks? America first!

you're gay

so youre waiting for islam, you ustasha sissy?

Mudshits aren't interest in South America, it's even worse than their own countries.

>South America? - like 500+ years. If Ever.
It's already happening

>South America? - like 500+ years. If Ever.

You'd be surprised. You can occasionally see groups of Mudshits walking in downtown San José. About 3 years ago we had to deport 7 illegal Syrian rapefugees.

Islam is truly the cancer of modern civilization, and it's soon to metastasize.

>When Europe falls to islam

Southern Sweden, France, and maybe some southern European action. London might be possible also. Anything more is very wishful thinking.

Never. Because Japan kills religious nuts. The christians tried that shit too and the japs taught them a good lesson.

America will be Brazil by 2030.

No, you were too subtle.

>falls to Islam
sharia is better than what the current batch of leftshits are offering, it will be an explicit choice

Depends, will Feminists and Gays finally resort to terrorism?

Not if gays and feminists have anything to say about it. Remember, Islam disfavors both of them and THEY TOO run rapid in high numbers in Europe.

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it'll fall when i run out of shells

why does she have yellow eyes. LMAO!

Based and quite redpilled.

There's no question, it'll happen sooner or later and the way we're progressing it'll be sooner inshallah. Our only worry is if Europeans will try to corrupt it like they ruined Christianity before.

Saudi Arabia is irrelevant. The center of the caliphate except for the few years of rashidun has always been outside Arabia anyway, and the second longest was already based in Europe (Istanbul).