Brand new daughter incoming. Need name suggestions bros

Guys. I'm thinking of naming my daughter as Paul after Jow Forums. I personally pronounce Jow Forums as 'pole' but as a tribute to you bros I'm going to name her Paul. This will serve two purposes:
1) Nobody is going to try to fuck a hoe named Paul
2) It's going to make her a stronger person (listen to 'A boy named Sue's, by Johnny Cash)

What do you think Paul?

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Bonus is that when they transition you can call them Eric

Chad's toy.

>Bonus is that when they transition you can call them Eric
>if they
If he hasn't put it down by then....

Im so sorry user

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Dumbass. I can shut this argument down in a second.

With a son your chances of passing your genes is less. He may turn out to be a virgin like you. But with a daughter, no matter how much of a slut she is, she's going to have kids because dick is free and pussy costs money. That means I'll definitely have grandkids if I have a daughter. With a son, you may or you may not.

You. Read this ->

It's only cuck if you are a degenerate that fucks your own daughter.

this thing is impossible to debate

Congratulations on the daughter, name her Mary and raise her in the church user.

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>He may turn out to be a virgin like you
So make the missus poop out more Eliot Rodgers until some of them rape a few women and some of those women turn out to be incapable/too retarded of getting an abortion.

Genes successfully spread

fur-baby owning tranny


>With a son your chances of passing your genes is less
Hahahhahaha. You've never been to the US. Nigger males have kids with like 84 goddamn women each. HAhAHHAHAH. Women are basically sex toys for nonwhites.

> Stacy
> (((Abigail)))
> Tyrona
> Jamala
> Jacobina

>christcuck daughter



That’s a very good idea.
Just do not call her Polyanthus. Because who’s called that, r-right?

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>Eva - Word of God

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Sophia (I don't see too many girls with that name nowadays)

Theresa and Paula are beautiful choices.

How about Shaniqua or Brandine? I also like Chlamydia too

Jessica is the best female name.


enjoy your multiracial mutt grandchild

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I think Shakespeare invented that name in one of his plays