Intellectual juggernaut and super scientist Bill Nye also exposes the alt-right to the fact that race doesn't exist.
Others who agree are most biologists and Richard Dawkins as well.
Scientologically speaking, race simply doesn't exist!
Intellectual juggernaut and super scientist Bill Nye also exposes the alt-right to the fact that race doesn't exist.
Others who agree are most biologists and Richard Dawkins as well.
Scientologically speaking, race simply doesn't exist!
Other urls found in this thread:
< Even the national geographic agrees. Sorry guys.
i say otherwise
I have a Ph.D, your argument is invalid vs myself and the scientific brethren. Sorry
wait a second...
So evolution and the animal kingdom to you is just an illusion in your psychosis and you don't believe in biological evolution?
So where are the creme de la creme of the Alt-Right to debate this, too busy attacking other people on the right???
There are different breeds and the black breed is retarded.
Bill Nye has a degree in Mechanic Engineering, nothing within biology.
>Scientologically speaking, race simply doesn't exist!
>even National Geographugg
Forensic Scientists and Genealogists would like to have a word with you
Evolution is real, no one here said it wasn't. Both Bill Nye and Dawkins accept evolution you moron.
But race isn't a taxonomic category and the genetic difference between someone from Africa and Europe is too small to categorise them as being different species or even sub-species.
Thus we are all the same species, sorry.
Homo neanderthalensis was a homo subspecies.
>difference between someone from Africa and Europe is too small to categorise them as being different species
you hate science? don´t you
2nd paragraph is actually spot on tho
I think you mean anthropologists, you don't even know the correct words for the false arguments you are meant to be making. lol
Sorry, anthropologists when not cued into the region a skeleton is from, have a very low rate of success in being able to determine where the specimen would fit in the old racist groupings. Proving them to be defunct.
Modern DNA testing also has proven the old German racial models to be absolutely unscientific, where multiple groups of totally different origin were grouped in as a "race" just because the Germans thought they had some similar physical traits.
All of this shows immense ignorance, and it was in fact driven by racism at the time by state racists.
So we are all in agreement that nogs are a different species?
You think there's a consensus that race doesn't exist? Think again
if race is not real why does affirmative action exist
Trust us goy there is no such thing as race. That's why we've poured endless amounts of energy and shekels into destroying non-jews for millennia.
Yeah we are all the same species I didn't deny that., but there are subspecies within that category and yes it is valid.
There literally could not be a global homogenized species with no difference as that would indicate that evolution does not adapt depending on geographic location. Think of Madagascar. There are birds in mainland Africa, there are birds in Madagascar. Both are birds. More or less the same. But the ones in mainland Africa have evolved JUST THAT MORE specifically to the region they live in than the ones in Madagascar. They just do better is said areas.
In nature the small percentile changes mean the difference between life and death.
I am not even brushing upon cultural and religious differences which are also very very valid.
In faggotry studies.
yes they are , and everyone who say something different is a charlatan
If that's the case why can I visibly identify niggers? Race is a label we use to describe differences between groups of humans.
You can tell if they are black or white by skull size and high levels of melanin in bone samples.
Woah! Genes for brain functions vary across races?
>"Intellectual juggernaut and super scientist"
>BS in engineering from over 20 years ago
My dad is more of an intellectual juggernaut and super scientist than Bill Nye, and he thinks CNN are centrists.
>Bill Nye
nice thread whore, show tits or gtfo
Depende on how you define Race.
If you preemptevely define it às a criteria that can't be meu, of course it doesn't.
The fact is, there are indeed biological differences between the so called 'non existant' races, in brain morphology among other things. has many peer reviewed studies proving this, on his yt too
Races are fiction, you are absolutely correct OP. This is why we must fight against the inherent privilege of white people.
>bill nye
>intellectual juggernaut
Keks audibly
Reposting dumb alt-right memes isn't "science" honey.
What the picture you posted is actually about isn't genetic relation compared to each other, it's actually about an X/A ratio between their population sizes.
At least learn what the pictures you post are talking about, stop embarrassing yourself.
The difference between the pygmies and the white man is a social construct
accidentally posted this in the Stone Toss thread:
>clusters of genes aren’t real
>clusters of stars aren’t real either
>how can scientists possible say where galaxies begin and end?
That graph shows the belief is most strongly within eastern Europe (where old ideas are more prevalent) fail.
If you go with just western Europe (the most advanced part of Europe) 66% of anthropologists blatantly state that races don't exist.
There is no point including the shithole of eastern Europe, that's akin to taking Japanese and Koreans scientists and mixing in their conclusions with the ideas of some Filipino and Indonesian "scientists" fail.
>Reposting dumb alt-right memes isn't "science" honey.
true, pure ignorance is science
neck yourself
More memes aren't going to help you, misunderstanding science to try to believe in your dumb jim crow beliefs is pretty low.
>race doesn't exist
>b-but muh niggers are faster and more masculine than whites
Scientists bowing to political pressure is nothing new. They will say what they are funded to say. They are not hero's, they have family's to feed.
This is Trudeau level faggotry.
Go live on South Chicago you dumb faggot
Um sweetie expertise is not determined by what degree you are assigned at graduation but rather what you identify as. Billy Nye slef-identifies as a Science Guy, and society accepts him as such just like how Dolph Lundgren identifies as a movie star. You need to get with the times and stop judging people based off arbitrary pieces of paper.
How come it isn’t just their skin colour though?
shot you in the head ...please, thank you
>Dish here skull I found says it's a race on the internet, so it must be a template for dat entire race.
>Oh shit, I guess we have 3 races just within these 3 Japanese men alone which cover entire different skulls types Oh shit if I walk around outside I notice white people also have a variety of skull shapes and nose shapes and jaw shapes etc, I guess they are all different races.
Trying to pick 1 skull from one individual and trying to belief that it represents a race shows how unimaginably retarded and unscientific you are.
Jow Forums Jow Forums, where posting alt-right memes makes you a "scientist" and race "realist" oh bow.
Who determines “the genetic difference is too small”?
Even skin colour perceptions are slightly altered by learned ideas and racism, many people don't see another person's skin for what it really is.
That study has to do with mating patterns right? It doesn't mean Africans are more genetically similar to bonobos than Europeans
Dolph Lundgren literally is a Superman, dudes a super genius and probably the smartest person in Hollywood not named James woods
Just sage this kind of threads you tards.
We know this is utter bullshit, just don't respond
>they are not concerned about finding out what is true bc they don't believe in values.
>they only believe those things that make them morally superior, therefore they will distort whatever facts they want to achieve that goal, sometimes even knowingly lying.
>stop responding to these threads.
>consequence of uv light, latitude and climate
is this a joke or does someone actually think that if a nigger baby is born and grows in a white city, it will eventually become white?
Take your junk somewhere else rabbi. This is now nigger/jew hate thread
Ahh, you didn’t answer the question.
Science. When DNA testing was possible, we compare the entire mutation count across populations.
Turns out the racial models the nazi's believed in were not scientific at all, turns out that human populations are far more similar than some racists would like to accept.
Most low IQ Jow Forums fools even deny out of Africa which is the leading and dominant theory and has been ever since it's conceptions. Because low IQ alt-right Jow Forums tards are insecure about the fact that their ancestors a very long time ago came from Africa.
Low IQ Jow Forums tards are just emotional wrecks who deny science every day of their lives to cling to their Jim Crow beliefs.
affirmative action BTFO
Who do you want to fool around here?
you think I have not dealt with it extensively? ridiculous
but that does not matter, believe what you want, only facts count to me
The Alternativa Hypothesis.
The website and the YouTube channel.
Wrong. One subgroup has neanderthal DNA and the other does not.
“Science” isn’t an answer.
It doesn't matter, retards who post pictures like that don't bother reading the studies. It starts with one low IQ tard posting it on Jow Forums and claiming it's about something, then dozens of other low IQ racists just assume it must be true and it gets reposted and the claims of the original Jow Forums post get repeated over and over again that have nothing to do with the actual source. That is Jow Forums for you, get used to it, this place is full of low IQ retards who are more retarded than the imaginary "niggers" they hate on all day. lol
If there's no race, then there can't be racism.
If there's no racism I can't call people who disagree with me racist
i agree with this except that the only race that poses a threat to whites is niggers and nigger lovers
It is.
But there are differences.
And they Will always manifest themselves, no matter how much welfare.
>Intellectual Titans
>I have a PhD
Sub 60 iq confirmed
>only facts count to me
Go back to school, no one is trying to fool you. We are trying to educate your dumbass, you already posted a graph that you have the original meaning entirely wrong. You literally just repost BS you see on Jow Forums, your IQ is low. Don't blame others for calling out your retarded views on the world for what they are.
God bless you.
I can't tell if you're really being serious or pretending to be a shill. Some high IQ user clue me in on this
Oh no I'm not saying the races are equal, just that that particular graphic doesn't really mean anything.
I love you shitposter
>"Let me just put science guy next to an unjustified and unsubstantiated quote involving "proof" that le science man is right
Look how long it took the scientific community to finally admit that. Around forty years, out of Africa proponents, denied the evidence.
nigger lovers, sjw, race deniers , parasite commies
and LGBTQ fagtards who are against an nuclear family unite
I genuinely don't get this. To take this position you basically have to accept the creationist argument that humans were created, separate from animals.
And yet, these are the first people who will probably attack creationists...
Ultimately, it's apparent that the races are distinct enough to warrant their distinct classifications. If they don't want to call them different species (which is most accurate), conceding the existence of races is the minimum amount of honesty you need if you want to be taken seriously.
>Wrong. One subgroup has neanderthal DNA and the other does not.
Having a slight mixture doesn't make anything a "group". Also the Neanderthal evolved from out of Africa homo erectus long before homo sapiens ever existed from the horn of Africa.
East Asians and native Americans have far more neanderthal DNA than anyone else. Also there were Denisovan hominids also which were another primitive hominid that evolved off homo erectus groups. These all were more inferior than homo sapiens which was the most successful and recent group to evolve off homo erectus.
Africans have an unknown hominid mixture in them as well, there is unknown DNA even in people in Eurasia as well. You have to remember that these old hominids were so close genetically to homo sapiens anyway, so the idea of being half of something else is actually genetically false.
His answer was a non answer. “Some model some nazis made up was inaccurate” is not an argument that race doesn’t exist.
Jesus Christ, help yourself. Seriously.
It is when that model is the model that the alt-right, Jim Crow and the Jow Forums and stormfront community literally use.
It's so ignorant and shows how stupid and uneducated you all are. Sorry.
Debunk this:
You mean you have to do biochemical tests and not eyeball it like the stupid humanities whore that you are?
And the only reason your low IQ idiots believe what you believe is that you found BS on places like Jow Forums and stormfront and you read it and reposted it.
It's like a virus of low IQ people and the spreading of stupidity, just like the flat earth cancer.
Debunking would imply that it has any validity to begin with, which it doesn't. It already is debunked, and you are stupid.
Honey, stop trying to seem scientific. You are just embarrassing yourself.
Everytime user
lel you believe that by representing me as an idiot your position is automatically correct.
and now ask yourself who the real idiot
but like I said, your position does not interest me at all, your imputation of the "Jim Crow" bullshit, has already told me enough about your motivation and your character
So when you see a bunch of Asians, you don’t see... them.
>representing me as an idiot
You did that yourself, you are not a very good representative of yourself.
>A retired mechanical engineer pretends to be a scientist
Do you also taken medical advice from your accountant?
What are Asians? I am guessing you have some totally unscientific basis for what you consider an Asian to be, based on Nazi racial theories.
There is no Asian race, in fact Europe is on the same continental plate as Asia. Europe isn't it's own continent and it's Eurasia to most of the world. Only in some parts like the UK and USA did they cling onto the idea that Europe is a continent.
are you bored? kiddo
Aha acting like an idiot so people will debate you. Clever, I should do this too
>Billy Nye slef-identifies as a Science Guy
Did you know that Bill Nye created his "Science guy" persona for a Seattle based American late night sketch comedy show called"Almost Live" in the early '90s?
Then after that he managed to sell the whole "Science Guy" bit to Disney to create this show?
Then later on in his life CNN made Bill their "Science Guy". Bill Nye is a TV biz kike with a degree in engineering who classifies himself as some sort of leading authority on Science. Even though he clearly sold himself out long ago.
So no reparations and affirmative actions anymore?
Asians are people that look Asian. I can prove I can identify them when mixed in with Europeans with 100% accuracy in any scientific study.
>A person with an IQ of 80 on Jow Forums who is pretending to give an argument.
Nice, you aren't fit to shine Bill Nye's boots. He worked as an engineer for the largest aviation corporation in the world.
You on the other hand are a jobless internet loser who has to believe in old debunked racial theories to go through life everyday and convince yourself you have something to be proud about (as you have nothing in your life).
Enjoy your horrible life, you deserve it.
>But race isn't a taxonomic category
When scientists first started splitting species how do you think they came up with the taxonomies considering this one important fact:
>They didn't have the means to determine the "genetic difference" between them.
Race is more than skin deep
Race actually does exist, there's 3 races: