Where can you meet marriage worthy white women these days, to have white babies with?
Basic requirements
>No tattoos
>few or preferably 0 sexual partners
>Not brainwashed beyond the point of no return
Where can you meet marriage worthy white women these days, to have white babies with?
Basic requirements
>No tattoos
>few or preferably 0 sexual partners
>Not brainwashed beyond the point of no return
Other urls found in this thread:
with those requirements, fantasy land
Even though marriages have a high divorce rate, college educated white females are almost certain to stay with you.
Go to church nigga
No such thing
>few or preferably 0 sexual partners
There's actually a lot of women like that past rhe age of 20 but they're almost always ugly
The permeation of negroid culture should be an indicator of things gone wrong in society. Talking like you is not normal.
like i'd tell you kike
It’s true. Despite rumors of the “cock carousel” a college degree is the most reliable indicator that a marriage will last
It's also a reliable indicator that you won't have 4+ white children.
obscured parts of brazil where its closed off from civilization, pre-world war 2 colonies nearing farms in every southern part of brazil, that is if you get lucky and not end up finding shitskin mixing the place up, there aren't many left to be honest.
video related;
>Basic requirements
>>No tattoos
>>few or preferably 0 sexual partners
>>Not brainwashed beyond the point of no return
Definitely at your local gender-transition counseling center. Trad-traps are common.
Why not Poland?
Head out on the country side, far away from any major city. There you will find what you seek
In an amish village or somewhere with bad internet maybe. The internet has culturally turned every place into a city
Nowhere we are fucked. I've already accepted that I will be banging white whores raw dog, busting inside, and running away without a trace. This is the best method of repopulating the white race in the clown world
With those high standards, I sure wonder what kind of quality male you are to match those
I wish this worked for fucking Sweden but it does not
Met a girl from Falköping once, turned out she was just as manipulative and catty as the regular citiy girls.
Not in the UK
Most of you are too conditioned for the Amish life. You wouldn't last a week and I could probably assure you that the Amish aren't going to just accept you. Believe it or not the amish are very insular and racist. They do not want their Germanic bloodlines soiled.
In Poland too, but only from villages in cities most of girls are hoes.
you have to get them young
>i met my wife at 16yo, always been with her
>married at 26
>didn't wait for marriage to consume but wathevs, only ever been with eachother for 11years now
>when i started getting more and more redpilled, so did she, albeit more slowly
>christian environment helps, though we're not christians anymore, as we both saw through the game, we're gonna raise our kids as catholics, till they're ready to evolve from it, bc it provides a sound ethical and cultural background.
You call those high standards? Are you addicted to pussy? Most men with a good hand have no problem waiting for better to begin with, society only assumes they are bitter
>Most men with a good hand
Define a "good hand"
Because id personally say anything above decent looking and non-toxic is pretty high standards if you also want her to be single
Is it because she is in debt and needs you more?
DAILY REMINDER: if you are a manlet (under 6 foot) there is literally no reason for you to live
>you will always look like a kid
>most younger women are taller especially in heels
>even younger shitskins including Asians are now taller
>Everything you do to better yourself will just look like compensating
>if you're assertive you are Napoleon complex, if not you're smol manlet boi
>even of you btfo something the first thing to be pointed out is always that you are a manlet.
>even if you do get a girl she will always second doubt the relationship because of your short height
>your mother may love and accept you but do not forget how when you were a kid the same size as now she was eagerly waiting and trying to help to get you taller
Just give it up manlets. Either suicide or become a trap. You will never be taken seriously, and everyone WILL make fun of you, because it is absolutely acceptable to do so.
OP specifically refered to marriage worthy women, which already implies he is in it for the long term. He stated his standards, so why should a high quality woman stick around with OP or you for many years? Whats in it for her?
those girls definitely gurgle bbc semen
Sounds incredibly LARP and i do not think your neighbour is that into you Mario, You actually are supposed to go from Catholic > Evolvetard > Christian again.
Believing in evolution, Promoting depression and nihilism/promoting materialism, Its all because of the cancer called Atheism
Age of consent should be first menstrual cycle + 1 year
for example having a career that awards a comfortable life, or an inherited house and large amount of savings, or having put so much hard work into your health and fitness that although not wealthy, you have unbeatable attractive and can enjoy the hypergamy phenomenon - which frankly if you really wanna know the truth, some girls will just shower you like a man traditionally showers a woman if they really just love you and your looks, because they have plenty of money and a longing for someone worthy to marry, someone who in the professional world can be very rare to stumble upon
oh I completely see your point, given the average user on Jow Forums it's very much possible he doesn't rate such a high quality form of lover but I always like to be optimistic so my hope is that he simply is deserving and so in deserving one, gets one
but I have no idea what caliber of man he is, I'm just hopeful that he is
Can confirm the gifts, 8/10 Quadroon mutt here, It however was usury of me to continue that, Besides a women her tier needs to marry a white man.
Dude you could take the most loyal white woman from any 3rd world Eastern euro country to the US and she would have a tramp stamp and 25 lbs of beer/burger weight in like 3 months. Show me your friends, and I will show you who you are
girl im talking to passes all 3 requirements
but serbians arent even white
isnt it sad as fuck how actual white northwestern women are so fucked beyond belief by (((corperations and media))) that those 3 basic things are ALL us men are asking for? to not ruin your skin with ink, to not sleep around with a lot of people, and not be a warrior for the leftist propagandists?
Quit trying to weaken men, you fucking bong. Your country needs you to stand up for it. Please!
How young is young?
and when are you too old to get them young?
>closing in on 30
Lmao kill yourself kike
They're all over the place.
this is why white people are so hopeless, they don't even know where to find women lol
>and not be a warrior for the leftist propagandists
that is asking for everything, you want a women that is in line with God, and most of them have turned their back
Easy, there are plenty of such women and girls, but even Jow Forumsacks tend to notice only existence of Stacies.
that's how feminists were made, ignore the
uglies and fatties and focus on the fantasy
of stacy.
Craigslist. No, I'm not being facetious.
in our are yes neighbor but ive lived in the US for 2 decades and trust me they are a needle in a giant haystack. I also dont consider our women white.
>US for 2 decades and trust me they are a needle in a giant haystack
That is probably just because you chose to hang out with a degenerate crowd
more like i lived in a major city in california
he said white
Rural eastern Europe. So I've been told at least, I wouldn't know, the countryside is for plebs.
It doesnt matter
There are millions of people in a major city it is not hard to find other non degenerates
>>No tattoos
>>few or preferably 0 sexual partners
>>Not brainwashed beyond the point of no return
Try going to some autism support groups? I'm sure you'll find plenty of socially awkward white girls who aren't cool enough to have gotten any tattoos.
>1 post by this id
very homosexual indeed
Just look at the one on the left bro. At least kayla is good enough to breed.
Try to land a girl from a nice home before she goes to college.
This. Get em young.
Also, dont go for some 10/10 fitness broad.
get a chubby but healthy qtie. One that is smart and has other values that straight up appearance.
Ukraine, not even kidding, had an Ukraine Gf when she was here on Erasmus, redpilled very conservative, was puur blond.
When i went to Ukraine and felt like i was in whiteopia, no spic nig or sandnig to be spotted anywhere
>very conservative
Jumps on the first available richard to try and leave ukraine.
Ukraine is full of druggies and alcoholic whores. This is not exclusively Ukrainian problem though.
You got played, my nigga. You got played.
Maybe if you timetravel back to 1940 you may meet a white woman suitable for marriage.
Women don't want you.
go to church, dumbass
most Amerishart Christcucks are Zionists so good riddance
it's different for Serbs obviously
he said white, not Semitic
Ukrainians are literally the shit tier of Slavs, even below Bulgarians
Bulgarians are ok in my book
OP said VIRGINS not ((((('Born Again Virgins'))))) with labioplasty and hymen rejuvination surgeries that have already been on the cock carousel in the nigger neighborhood.