Ann Coulter says Jews, like rest of Democratic base, ‘hate white men’

>Ann Coulter says Jews, like rest of Democratic base, ‘hate white men’

I swear Ann Coulter is the only right winger who are actually genuine, is she dare I say /ourgirl/
How come you faggots jack off to tradwhores like Lauren Southern and whatever when Ann is actually on our side?

Attached: Anne-Coulter.jpg (880x580, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine the hand jobs she gives haha

I generally like her but I found it weird that she did a 180 on Trump over night. She hates him. That made me suspicious. Anybody know why she dropped trump so quickly?

Sometimes shes hot and a milf and sometimes she looks ugly as shit what's going on? Does she chabge her skin every week or something?

Look at the size of that finger in OP’s pic haha

>fucks a nigger
seriously gtfo with your cancer shit

Checked. This. She flip flops hard.

Because trump Is a ZOG puppet neokike with zero integrity.

She is a mean woman I don't like her, let alone her being a coal burner.

Jews are white though. Diaspora jews democrats hate Israel, they aren't real jews.

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She was with him since the start. Since before the start.
The fact that she did a 180, should give you pause on what type of president he is.
To me, from afar, the best thing Trump did, was beat Hilary who I truly believe must be a servant of fucking Satan.

Ann is based, and has been for a long time.

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>Look at this mutt goyim. Look at how we are totally white.
Ashekenazi jews are mutts by definition. Try again, JIDF. This time with a memeflag for the full effect.

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op please delete this from your links, also pls archive your old news

Hillary would’ve been a better President than Trumpenstein, that’s for sure. Hillary would’ve went full throttle with the Jewish agenda instead of being a pussy like Trumpenstein and taking it slow enough for whites to still believe voting Republican will save them all the while we’re being slow boiled alive. You’re a good goy, niggerloving, MIGApede.

How come this woman doesn't have 8 children already? She names (((them))).

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>no wall
>no lock her up
>no investigation of pizzagate
>no declassifying of anything to get TRUTH out because muh national security
>constant bitching on twatter about “his” Justice Department that his handlers won’t allow him to control
>bombing Syria to appease his handlers
>appointing neocon Bolton, having no problem letting (((CIA))) do whatever in Venezuela, middle east or elsewhere
A fucking leaf, everyone.
>totally not a Judas Goat leading White Americans to the slaughterhouse

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No matter what side leafs appear to be on, your posts are always the worst. All leafs should be rangebanned along with Israel.

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Nice memeflag faggot

The Wall always was, is, and always will be a metaphor.

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>amerimutt talking about mutts
OK Jorge Leshaquan Jimenez

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She was a Neo-con before all of her eggs died.

Border agents said they prefer the slats over concrete wall

America BTFO

Ann is definitely /ourgirl/, she was a white nationalist before Trump made it cool. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were reading this thread right now, she’s definitely one of us

Is it because you can shoot through them?

Yeah, I remember her declaring trump was the best candidate on a talk show and everyone laughed at her. She stood strong, at least at the beginning.

What the fuck? Our eyebrows don’t look like that.

For the 2nd time today Moshe:
> Jews
> White
Funny you call yourselves white when it is convenient to the evangelical base but back peddle hard in front of anyone else.

This JIDF Tactics page 1?



Probably that and you can see what the beaners are doing on the other side. You can watch them make a huge ladder haha

Anne is a real one... like, the only real one..

Whereas most people in politics have made a career of pathological lying and "following the leader" (see spineless door mat cucks Paul Ryan and Bernie Sanders) Anne has made a career of putting forth facts and ideas that are very arguably true- yet too offensive for anyone but a privileged white woman (sorry for even saying that) to touch with a 10 foot pole.

She may be a coal burner (I have my doubts) and is almost definitely a psychopath- but she is unquestionably Jow Forums.

>those arnt the real jew
>thats not real communism

dont you fucking liars ever get tired of it?

guess what, it wasnt "real" national socialsm

Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birthing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.

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Nice try Avi.

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This article has 17,000 shares damn nigga

And? So what? Doesn’t change shit.
You’re going back to r/eddit.

Most of that's kinda applicacble to burgers in general tbhfam

Prove it. POST EYEBROWS. >Unquestionably Jow Forums
>Coalburner and niggerlover
Do you think Jow Forums is a MIGApede board and only /ptg/ is Jow Forums? Absolutely retarded. Neck yourself immediately.


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Ann's 33 million makes space for Tucker's accurate 22 million. Otherwise we'd be talking about the Census' 11 million, except Tucker who would have to say 15 million.

It's all good. Need all kinds.

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>t.Slavic/Arab mutant.

Let me say that I haven't researched these numbers enough my self to know which are accurate based on data. Tucker says his is from some experts, but that doesn't convince me as I have not vetted them.

I think Tucker has, and he's capable of it. I don't think Tucker would back away from 33 million if it were solidly defendable.

33 million may be accurate, but it's probably not logically defensible to say you know it's 33 million for sure or Tucker would use that number.

It's probably defensible to say 22 million.

So if I say 22 million I am confident that if I am forced to do research in a debate to defend it, I will find the same facts Tucker did and be vindicated.

Because he fucking broke all his promises and acts like a rabid war monging neocon? The guy is the exact opposite of what he says he is.

You mean prostate massage.

She's like the annoying wife nobody married, so now everyone is stuck listening to her complain constantly.

She couldn’t have kids anyways, so let her do what she wants.

The fact that anglo anons entertain the thought of declaring her /ourgirl/ shows how absolutely retarded the anglosphere is. Seriously, why dont you disgusting swamprats just kill yourselfs already.

over 2 years of support and disappointment

Kek, no one is more confused about genetics than a bunch of Ukrainians living in the desert.

Truer words have never been spoken. Jews are stuck in a web of their own sins, unable to escape. They’ll just keep sucking baby’s blood until the whole world is equally depraved, sick, and defiled as they are. Their entire religion is built around the mantra: “misery loves company”. They must inflict misery on others to be redeemed. But redemption never comes. The itch can never be scratched. The only language these people understand is violence. A bullet to the back of the head to end their suffering. The final solution is the only solution. For their sake and ours.

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Dirt isn't white, shekelstein.

you pathetic idiot. we are not white. the reason we have blonde women in israel is because we fucked many european whores.

>coal burner nigger lover
Just like talcum X is an activist, I'm sure

Zoomer here. How did this lady get famous to begin with?

At least one Moshe gets it.
See how they flip between we're white, no we're not white?

and someone who refuses to have white babies with white men would know someone who hates white men.

>See how they flip between we're white, no we're not white?
whatever serves our Interests.

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because he's done fuck all

wheres the fucking wall

>See how they flip between we're white, no we're not white?

It’s central to their pathology. They are parasites.

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It’s based and redpilled when Trumpenstein does it though. That’s what the MIGApedes say.
t. MIGApede
Do you long nosed morons not converse at JIDF headquarters in person before you begin to post and shill here and online? This is just a shameful display of your online presence. Your Lord Satan would be ashamed of you. Pathetic.
Doesn’t change anything, MIGApede.
Whoring herself off to political figures.
Based and redpilled

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I've already come to the conclusion the "we're white" and "we're not white" PCs are both in front of you.
Big man for admitting it though, not like we didn't know but could you now go tell normies?

True, but it doesn’t invalidate her arguments

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It seems your main interest is in getting dragged to hell once this life is over.
Aryans are God's people. Opposing them is bad practice. You know this.

Chris Christie did an interview on C-SPAN's "after words" a day or two ago, and he talked about the problems with Trump. He made some pretty good points, if you want to check it out. I'm still a diehard loyalist to Trump, but he's able to properly critique his administration without being "not gonna lie former trump supporter here." So there was a bit of a natural turn-away by certain types of Trump supporters. However, I recall Coulter sperging out hard over the omnibus. Jow Forums was still in 4d chess mode back then, so most people disagreed with her. In retrospect that was a pretty good point for someone to get angry at Trump. Much better than all those opportunist e-celebs who turned on him over bombing sand in Syria, and then forgetting about that once they realized that all their subscribers liked Trump.

I think some people were just expecting him to be aggressive and completely unwavering. Instead he started trying to be a statesman, and made Faustian pacts with congressional leadership. The latter option is fine, it's nice to have a normal administration that isn't actively trying to fuck you and the country over like the last few. But I think everyone was expecting the first option.

Well, in this case at least, she was able to state the obvious.

Have the Jews come out freaking out "How dare she notice us hating white men. We should be able to hate unnoticed." like they usually do?

The people who secure the border said they prefer slats over a concrete wall
The people who secure the border said they prefer slats over concrete wall
The people who secure the border said they prefer slats over concrete wall

>Copeposting and niggerloving

Now they’ll get neither. Thank god for that though. I was honestly scared that the Wall would’ve have taken away some of our money that could go to Israel and God’s Chosen People instead.

Jews are so loathsome they call themselves white for affirmative action government surveys as in "7 of the 8 executives at this bank are "white" as we are Jews... and now that the government needs "more diversity" we Jews are "NOT white" and can apply as executives at the bank but whites can't" See what Jews do? Because Jews are over represented, they literally get to benefit at the costs of whites for their own privilege.

Jewish Privilege ---- being able to call yourself white or not white as you please.

Also, this isn’t r/The_Donald. There are no ES JAY DUBYAS here to scream about how Drumpfh is orange. Saying:
does mean anything unless you’re some MIGApede on reddit or Twitter.

i have always loved cutie coulter she is mai ayylmao waifu

Blue pilled af

because trump was a psyop to unify the left and you all fell for it

>published by (((Breitbart)))
>lauded by (((Drudge)))
>still allowed on major news networks and (((Bill Maher)))
>tells the truth about Jews
only one of those things can ever be true. controlled opposition or just a book merchant who poses no threat to them, whichever the truth, she doesn't matter.

>the only right winger who are actually genuine
let me guess, homeschooled?

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The same argument goes for Trumpenstein as well. His actions are the biggest argument by far though.

>there are no ES JAY DUBYAS here
lmao are you fucking retarded. there are hundreds of discord trannies make d&c threads like this one and d&c comments like yours every fucking day.

>President of the United States
>can't be deplatformed
>hasn't nuked israel, but has received massive criticism ever since he threatened to leave the middle east from Breitbart, Drudge, Coulter, all major news networks, and Bill maher.
yeah it's not the same thing retard

>2012: JIDF
>2013: the NSA
>2014: SRS
>2015: CTR
>2016: ShariaBlue
>2017: Reddit
>2018: ShariaBlue again
>2019: randos on Discord
really? this one is kind of lazy, was hoping it could be JIDF again, at least they did their homework

There’s always been JIDF slide threads on this board. Muh discord trannies have only been used as an excuse for MIGApedes to declare any criticism of their le epic GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE as being made by discord trannies and thus illegitimate.

Not with those legs

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>Puppet of Israel and God’s Chosen People
>Platform is Talmudic television due to him being their puppet
>Has done nothing but bow to Israel and remind us how we should too
>Has received nothing but support of Fox News (aside from Tucker) and other MIGApede tier outlets

That would be fun, USA already has burgers n guns, why not burgers n gunning down criminals?

nigga you don't get it, by giving israel everything they've ever asked for with no strings attached and uncritically regurgitating all of bibi netayoohu's bullshit talking points, he's actually setting them all up to be gassed and for america to become a white christian ethnostate where anime is real, lrn2 6 gorrillion d chess

pic related, trump grabbing israel by the pussy

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>Not having skellington President

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Trump is shit tier useless

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She stated it was because the wall hadn't happened yet on a Bill Maher episode. Ditching Trump for something that could take a decade to build and 5x that to get real funding is shallow. Always thought there had to be more to it...

As nice as it would be.

Her coal toll has never been paid.

yes, i trust mixers.

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none of you shemties are jews, fucking worthless

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Ann’s not perfect but pretty much the best we got when it means standing up against (((them)))

Based and redpilled fellow MIGApede. We #MIGAgang now.

Baaaaaaaaased. !!!
You go grrrrl !

Because hes a weak faggot cuck and Israel slave