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replace "to prevent" with "for" and replace the swastika with a red star.
WOASH SO LE PAVAFORU right, commie?

Seeing what the Germans did to people on occupied territories demonstrates that fighting Nazism was very much worth it.

They actually treated them with civility. The USSR and Americans were the rapists.

most of my family almost starved in gulag to death 10/10 would sage again go shill somewhere else

>We dindu nuffin burgers r da real rapists

Treated them with such civility that millions of people perished in a couple of years.

The hell does gulag have to do with the actions of the Germans?

>believing in the holohoax
good goy

The red army was glorified barbarian rapists. It is their rape baby stock that fucked european genetics so badly.

The vast majority of the Wehrmacht and SS were Christian. Either Catholic or Protestant.

The Holocaust is an American and Jewish lie. Stalin killed tens of millions of his own people and the USSR killed millions more in their satellite states. Who is the true villain here? The USSR and USA raped tens of thousands in Germany and France and that is a FACT.

Slavs dying on occupied territories isn't considered a part of the Holocaust, I believe.

we fought to prevent this...so that Soros and the Dem party and fags could do it instead

Ever heard of David Irving, or Max Weber?
>it's unthinkable that American platoons packed with mongrels, niggers and spics would have gone on a raping spree
Look up 'Rhineland Bastard'

I am not denying neither the rapes, nor the crimes of Stalin. That doesn't mean Nazis din do nuffin in USSR.

there were a lot more Russian rape babies

>this is actually what my boomer parents believe

The Nazis "dindu" less than the allies and their "freedom fighters." The victors write contemporary history.

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The germans were rightous but it went sour. We are human. It is a warning that without Christ we cannot control our hatred. The soviets were just as bad, but that does not forgive the wrong of any man during the past. The church is infiltrated by political opinions and is superficial, its not really a suprise. Truth is, fundamental Christians would have been a target of national socialism once communism and the western allies and jews were defeated. Same thing today. The far right that identifies with white nationalism sees Christians as a threat to their secular progress. Once they crushed the left it would just be a search for another enemy. Many act like they respect christianity as a western culture but they truely do not know God or his word. They deep down hate Christians.

If true, we lost. Big time.

he's talking about Slavs not Jews lmao your pozzed education must not have taught you that Poland alone lost more than the sacred 6 gorillion

Germans held entire rape villages in Eastern Europe complete with kids under the age 10



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>Be christian.
>Ensure the survival of your race.
I dunno pretty hard choice for us good goys.

Not in the eastern front, lmao.


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Ok Jow Forums, we're fighting to prevent... ?

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But... aren‘t these facts?

I don't think fascism would try to remove religion from the body politic, it's the oldest part of our civilization. Pretty cool boot, though. I would buy those.

We fought the nazis to be free sonny boy. Your sister may be pregnant with a black man's son but god loves her anyway. Little Timmy is just expressing himself in his own way when he dresses in female clothing and strips at the gay bar. Democrats are the real nazis.

*gets hit by antifa foot soldier*

You mean they're not only fighting for the extinction of their religion, but their race as well.

This is why i fucking hate you faggot Christians.

stalin was a jew and killed more of his own people than hitler. Also holohoax was just that, a hoax.

Truth is, we don't care if a gorillion Slavs died in the war because slav life has no value. General George Patton said it best, the Russian is not a European but an Asiatic deviant. Rather I hope all the tall tales of Germans rampaging and pillaging across the Soviet Union like Vikings of old are true. Fuck Slavs all that good land wasted beneath the feet of Albino mongols.

not according to our hive mind brain. All is good. Move along citizen.

I'm okay with National Socialism but Germans literally starved like 3 million Soviet POWs and killed a fuck ton of civilians too and nobody ever mentions it, Holocaust is only about the chosen people
Treatment of civilians and POWs differed a lot in the West and the East during German occupation

quick christian golems, defend the abrahamic control system yes yes jesus hated the jews hehe

>1 post by this ID

Liberalism is soft Marxism. What Bolshevism failed to do by invasion they have achieved by liberal infiltration.

Also posters like this are problematic t b h

Are you a fucking retard?

I think they were going to gently and slowly phase Christianity out if they had won the war.

Memeflag kike

Again slav life, 0 value.

Are you going to believe the nice Jewish lady or your own lying eyes?

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Any real arguments?

The life of a Somali like you is much more valuable indeed.

You do what you gotta do when subhuman kikes have taken control of such a powerful nation as Russia. The Bolshevik killed more Russians than Germany ever could even if they wanted to. Jewish communism was more of a threat to Slavs than Nazi Germany ever was and history utterly verifies that.

Yes. In fact, the latter are objective facts backed up by evidence with which you can make future predictions on behaviour.

Hmmm. It almost makes you wonder if maybe the first item in that list might have some truth to it.

Christianity is a jew meme. Time for it to end.

deep fake


Germans were fighting to prevent all of Europe from suffering under the Gulag Archipelago Ivan. They were certainly ruthless and killed many innocents but to kill a devil you must become a devil. That's why he mentioned it and why I wondered if you're a retard to not know that
Also praise kek

Nice fake on a poster showing Bolshevism AKA the Jews doing this.

Whatever you say matey.

It is a nice boot, but rather too large. Yes we need to prevent people making boots so large that they crush churches. I'm not sure who would wear them in the first place?

You see, fighting to prevent gulag from spreading across Europe is one thing, but genociding your way through a country is another. I am not talking about the war itself (although its related too), but more about the methods the Germans used while waging it.

Unfortunately most posters here in the USA and Western Europe only know about the “Muh 6 Gorillian” propaganda and then on top of that they have then been exposed to a bunch of pro-nazi counter-propaganda on the internet. That is where you get the whole misinformed “Hitler did nothing wrong” types.

I was one of these people for years. In reality neither side was all good or all bad, both committed atrocities

The Bolshevism enacted the greatest mass slaughter in modern history against ethnic Russians and the whole world couldn't give a flying fuck. Rather we see your lot as Asiatics so your lives have no value but you are white also meaning the anti white propaganda applies to Russians as well. So the truth is Russia is going to get blacked just like the rest of Europe but still no body will care.

Sage this shit...
And bump this thread you fucking newfags sliding all the good shit by taking this cunts bait fucking kys.

Both commies and nazis are the same. The true way to go is white nationalism.


>The Bolshevism enacted the greatest mass slaughter in modern history against ethnic Russians and the whole world couldn't give a flying fuck.
The world never gives a fuck about anything, as long as someone's interests aren't in the way.

Looks like you've more than half the brain missing, bro, go see your doctor

But I didn't hear him quote Marx

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In order to quote Marx, you need an intact brain, alas

more like they're fighting for the right to keep licking Israels butt hole.

I suppose sub 80IQ brains can still be considered intact.

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Oh my, how acute (sadly no)

By the same token, if you admit the last two are correct, you should admit the first is as well.

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Shh, the Germans dindu nuffin they were good boiz they need more space for the Lebensraum. The americans should have burned everything to ashes with nukes

Come on user, it's not like Jews brag about their takeover of the American elite and their power in America, don't listen to that little voice.
Good comeback, really showing off that upper tier IQ with wit like that.

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Oh no, giant nazis!

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>this happened anyway
Wow thanks rootless cosmopolitan elite very cool

fixed it.

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I'd love to be like this parody of Hugh Neutron.
A quaky racist who red pills his son

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Calling yourself christian because of your culture doesnt make you a christian.

I too fear giants treading on my buildings

in soviet russia you got 10y in the gulag under article 58 for being religious
the camps were full of them

That's where you are wrong, sweety

A strong persistent faith of the few is better than a long decaying faith of the many.

Yes, cause Liberal Capitalism did so well to defend the cultural and societal role of the church.

Christianity is a jewish invention fucking burgers

>what is Stalin’s Order #0428


I hope you choke on that bluepill

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>Believing Jewish propaganda

why do poeple here love the nazi's so much? im a homosexual with a black boy friend and hitelr wouldv'e killed me

fuck nazi's

Low tier bait

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The Jewish media is doing this

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tfw burgers are actually the real rapists

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can't stop us from fucking what we want, thankfully we don't wanna fuck anyone who doesn't deserve it

Burgers were actually the real rapists. Your ejewcation failed you mutt.

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I was going to slap a antifa flag but yours is better, much more accurate.

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Nazis wanted to destroy religion as much as the communists did. Pic is actually correct, but that should be common knowlege

>Nazi wearing spurs
Nazis were the ones with tanks, not horses!

i dont care if Hitler killed slavs and jews. there is nothing amoral about ridding the world of trash.