reminder that the fusion of both European and East Asian genes creates the Ultimate Hybrid True Master Race.
Take the Eurasian pill and have yourselves some qt hapa daughters
reminder that the fusion of both European and East Asian genes creates the Ultimate Hybrid True Master Race.
Take the Eurasian pill and have yourselves some qt hapa daughters
Other urls found in this thread:
how about no
naah, we're fine
Based and redpilled
Hapas somehow look worse then they're Asian parents.
the girls and so daughter's seem alright. the boys or any sons you would have are monstrosity
souldestroying kali yuga racemixing tracks.
This is obviously the truth. Best evidence is that kikes FUCKING HATE whites mixing with asians. Maybe all the chinks in my country is a blessing in disguise...
kill yourself you fat fuck
if we unite with the chinks and gooks our powerlevel will be astronomical
If white nationalists are proud of their Neanderthal DNA admixture, a true hybrid mix between 2 different species of hominoids it would be hypocritical to be opposed to racemixing between homo sapiens and homo sapiens.
We just need to get rid of their communist tendencies...
and replace it with the cancer that is democracy? You realize if they had democracy kikes can just parade millions of niggers into their homeland and somehow convince normies to vote to give them the righ to vote and then vwalla america 2.0. HOW ABOUT NO? Communism is much better, especially how it is in China where the government is nigger and jew free, pure Chinese stock.
asians are unbleachable
>posting one bad egg
i go outside and 99% of the whites are obese balls of cancer
I love asians but I could never get over the fact that hapas almost never have european features. I want children that look like me.
wow, yet another one of these threads
kys kike
Pekka is that you?
You have a point. I just don't want my country turning into a soviet style communist hellhole.
>and replace it with the cancer that is democracy?
communism and democracy is synonymous, so no how you replace it with that?
the system in china is essentially a type of fascism.
Olympics 2020
Oh really?
The ultimate race mixing, everyone.
Or maybe it's just the luck of the draw.
As a Chinese man, I would only be OK with if you allowed us to bone your women in return. Would you be okay with that?
>Or maybe it's just the luck of the draw.
of course it is, but there's still a high risk.
Asians are the only bleachable ones, within 2 generations.
Yes. More Asians for us.
If you're fine with your men going with Asian gals, you aren't OK with your girls going with Asian dudes, doesn't that make you a hypocrite?
>making fun of retards
>Monkey flag
>wanting children that are genetically alien to you
>wanting children with no tribe, past, or civilisation to feel connected to
>destroying the precious aryan phenotype to birth yet more dull, black or brown-haired normies
The girl in the OP is blonde.
happas are fine
There are no rules for this, retarded gook. Go bone one.
The Chinese proper attempt to marry Russians, that doesn't look healthy on either side. But I didn't too close at it either.
I agree.
She's brunette, and probably had one blonde parent even to be that.
Me too.
She’s not brunette, her hair is shining gold in the sun.
That happens when 99% of your elite are jewish.
Okay Dugin, but Russia is a giant shithole. Why can't the Eurasian master race into comfy countries?
>fusion of both European and East Asian genes creates the Ultimate Hybrid True Master Race
you're hurting me, user
I don't really like that one, imo. It's not genuine
You only find hapas cute because you're blinded by your yellow fever, bro.
To be fair, "hypocrite" isn't really an argument
Have you looked at hapas compared to other mutts?
You just proved my point, bro. You only find them better because you are attracted to asian features to begin with
OP is not white lmao
no white Jow Forumstard would be butthurt over minor bantz like
It's not 'shining gold', it's just catching the light. All hair colours do that. She is obviously a brunette, look at 90% of her hair. This is a ridiculous conversation.
Yes. You guys really overly fetishize our women. Most of the stuff you see isn't really true. I wish it was but it isn't.
It's just like how I see your women. I thought white girls were pretty, better than my own. Don't you see? The grass is just greener on the other side.
You're right, but what else is there to say but that? Regardless, I will bone whichever girl I like
It's a free world, mate. If you can land one, you can bone one.
You guys are alright
You're just saying that because you're attracted to mongoloid monstrosities.
t. blonde blue eyed hungarian untermensch
>Regardless, I will bone whichever girl I like
then why ask?
Plastic surgery doesmt get passed down thats why
I dunno, I guess I was just trying to start a point or some shit
Asian women basically worship right wing white men. But you risk having an Elliott Rodgers.
he was jewish