I decided to leave a mark on wallyworld

I decided to leave a mark on wallyworld

Attached: 1570bcc2-be83-4f75-9283-5744d580edb6.jpg (768x1024, 85K)


you think you're a badass because of this?

t. 15 year old

Good work soldier

Attached: 75FD7DE5-BE30-40BD-BC9D-5C73BDBAB673.jpg (876x785, 146K)


Congratulations, youre an honorary nigger now.

Nah I did alittle more

Attached: e24173b8-c6f5-4d4c-b792-e243999d8815.jpg (768x1024, 87K)

And then there's more

Attached: 42e6b09c-809e-4fa6-9b0d-2c5166910036.jpg (768x1024, 68K)

And I didn't stop there

Attached: a048f535-7406-4d66-b922-48b56808aa79.jpg (768x1024, 54K)

Nope still not done

Attached: 5b6c43db-15d9-4c0a-9fd2-ecf24f9c0dca.jpg (768x1024, 63K)

>no 1488
civnat cuck

underage faggot

whatta da fuck >:D

>Not writing fuck jannies

Attached: extremly_classy_pepe(1).jpg (623x702, 51K)


Stop being a nigger, OP.

>you need to respect walmart property
>they're a staple of our community
imagine being this much of a cuck

Attached: numale thread.gif (242x225, 979K)

fucking idiot, clean it up.


Attached: 1539532887590.png (815x600, 171K)

Should've used a magnet. You've also doxxed yourself faggot. Those displays take a pic ever keystroke and mouse movement.

You could have at least written legibly. 1488 would have been a better move.

someone dox this kid and report him to walmart

pure evil

Attached: 581707.jpg (630x457, 96K)

You back to playing Fortnite you pre pubescent child.

Oh, no. He went to Jow Forums. That's a crime in the US!


Wal-Mart has clear pics of his face and proof of him vandalizing property. His parents are gonna be pissed.

No dumbass he vandalized property then like a retard let them get a clear pic of his face.

Not writing "based" so they think it was a nigger

>muh ebil corporations
Imagine wanting to live in a vandalized hellhole like a literal pavement ape.

You’re a complete faggot and shoul kill yourself

Tagging is gay as fuck. It's not even good graphitti.

Asperger's is an epidemic

should open a /b/ loli thread
also sage faggot

>Wriitng on the walls like a nigger
user, I...

Lmao chill the part I tagged always gets hit ,it literally has layers of paint on it and this month is apparently grey
Also searching stuff on floor model electronics is pretty common and I'm pretty sure using Jow Forums isn't a crime

You guys take shit way too seriously ,it's almost like some of you just sit here waiting to get upset over things you don't understand

Nobody thinks you're cool kiddo

He's pretty cool.

Attached: badshitnigga.png (500x374, 100K)

I'm not trying to be cool
I just thought it would be funny

How old are you?
I’ve never heard anyone under the age of 40 use the word wallyworld

How old are you exactly?

You need to be at least 18 to post here.

I'm 19 you nigger

Just a dumb faggot, then.

Being younger than 15 is literally the only excuse for thinking that graffiti is cool. What are you a fucking nigger?

Fucking kill yourself holy shit

It’s a southern thing.

Moloch >>>>>>>>>>> Kek