Kentucky Roastie update

Appears she went home with 3 BBCs. Still awaiting toll payment confirmation.

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Too bad she didn't take her little nigglets with her

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First post tfu post

The kid is innocent. Going for him is pretty low, even for Jow Forums...

Im sure she is fine and will turn up safely.

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Kid is a nigger abomination and your country is cucked

Fuck off nigger lover I shouldn't have to pay too feed her stupid mistakes

get a load of this bleeding heart faggot

top kek


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Toll Status: Paid. Shes dead, im sure

at least one is nigger

It's a nigger.

her ex nigger

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She just had kids and is out cruising for dick days later, this is America.

>White Knight

Why do you cuckolds talk like this?

>has newborn babies at home
>instead of staying with them whores around in bars
She got what she begged for. Fucking roasties.

3... twins are from "Shaquille Smith." I love how they used her glamour shot to make ker seem wholesome. She's apparently also covered with tats. Not to mention she's 22, never married, 4 kids.

Turns out she was a missing mother of some niglets that nobody missed at all.

He probably helped get rid of her


I thought women weren't supposed to fuck for like 3 months after giving birth?

She mutated

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I looked it up it said 6 weeks, unless the chicks cunt got really fucked up

so here is the diffrence between men and women, loser men live with their moms and play video games.
loser women live with their moms, have random nigger kids and go to the bar as soon as they are out of her to start on some more.
fucking Wyoming screwed us so bad.

America in a nuttshell

Why would you bring home three men from bar?

that motherfukcer didn't want to pay ALIMONY MONEY for twins , that would be a huge cut on his salary . so you better get rid off her.

learn to read fuckhead, or at least use your brain and think about the fact she disappeared

if he's not involved he's probably at least doing a victory dance since he won't have to pay child support and can start a patreon or some shit now.

>Why would you bring home three men from bar?
one big black cock for her ass
one big black cock for her mouth
and one big black cock to make some more nigger babies.

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why didnt white daddy protect her? coward

Fuckin nigger lover

Lmao. That half caste goblin? He's no kin of mine.

C section.
Its the new whiney bitches way to a easy delivery that saves the vagina from loosening to anything but Tyrone's 12 friends. She would have had to with twins. Even if you allow twins to be born natural, the way the second one comes out is more than likely to be ass first. Which requires a c section. So most just do a c section for both so they don't have a fucked up stomach muscles and fucked up vagina.

That’s not an update. Thatis old news.

still wouldn't think it would be a good idea to get fucked days after having your stomach cut open. but then again it's a women

They are jealous of us, whites. They also crave the BWC because niggers are all gays and trannies, although I hear many of them are still in the closet.

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white women are utter trash

No word from the victims father eh?

I like you

I pulled the vag open so the doc could deliver a breech with a prolapsed cord. It came out cyanotic but CPR brought it back. Probably lived to be a retard though.

>2:30am the night
They presume the reader is retarded

I hope she ends up dead

b..b..b...but muh diversity

she will digits tell...

daughter of a single mum?

I'm with you dude.
These virgins just hate women.
Still though fuck violent niggers. They are the problem, not women that are attracted to them.

I guess roastie's grandma is going to be stuck raising the future felons.

Jewversity retirement.

>They are the problem, not women that are attracted to them.

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Also the juden that convince them that they can safely associate with them

>cut on his salary
You have yet to learn the basics of niggerdom friend.
>Alimony Money
Nigger probably wasn't married to begin with. Also not a lot of States actually hit you with Alimony. Different states have varying laws. Some vary wildly.
>Self defense
google duty to retreat, stand your ground and castle doctrine.
Take South Dakota for instance.
No stand your ground buuutttttt you're allowed to use lethal force to prevent someone in the process of a felony aka assault.

well memed


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>Kentucky fried roastie

He probably died of a heart attack at 55 from working himself into the ground

Nigger lickin' good

nice watch..

If so it was a merciful death.

I snorted, thanks user.

i hope he died before she fucked niggers

Go virtue signal somewhere else, fag.

Police sketches of suspects

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One useless cunt has removed herself.
Planet Earth has just become a little less toxic.

>days after giving birth


>days after giving birth

Is this normal in America?

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She must have been trying to set a record of some sort.


It's normal with degenerates.

Yeah like the kid is ever going to learn how to read.

That's foul. This roastie deserves the worst, hopefully those apes made her suffer

lol , you know you have those unicorns out there that can hold a job .

Oi oi oi !!!! Show me your fag loicense m8 !

How common is this? Going by representation of WFBM relationships in the media and stories such as this one you’d think 90% of white women are coalburner trash. Obviously it varies from state to state but what’s your guys estimation based on experience?

Where I’m from I’d say 40-50% of white women are racemixers

It’s all pretty hopeless. I’m thinking of popping some pills and taking the easy way out. I’m fairly sure I don’t want to stick around In this dystopia

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She was a literal prostitute. Two more kids meant more mouths to feed. That’s why she agreed to go off and service three guys.

>At a bar days after she gave birth to twins
Why the fuck Americans this dumb? Blood is coming out of everywhere

Post partum makes women do some fucked up shit. Especially after twins

Why do white women hate white men so much?

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Do you really think the kid won’t grow up to hate whites and rape more white women, claim benefits and housing, and become another net burden on society, before Jews finally finish us off?

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At a bar days after giving birth.
Quality mother there.

The only good white women is a dead one.

Women are less open to racemixing than men despite the memes

She would still have stitches. Not to mention after you give birth you get your period x10. Thats fucking nasty, she deserves what she gets.

And whats wrong with that?

So she wears a shirt that says, 'no white boys' in reverse so when she takes a selfie in a mirror it reads? Shitty shoop is shit. Why jews take the time to do this really shows how much time they have on their hands.

At least Hitler didn't win or else white women wouldn't have the right to fuck and get murdered by negroes.

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It’s a shit-test, nigger. Don’t ever take a woman at her word.

>Shaquille Smith


Get impregnated by Shaq, get raped and murdered in a shack.

don't you fucking dare do that faggot. If you really have to go, take some choice people with you to other side.

>Goes out to bars days after giving birth
>Leaves with a group of men
Nothing of value was lost

You can put a monkey in a suit but it's still a monkey.
That inner chimp lies just below the surface.
And working niggers are generally not employed long. The ones that do it's usually mandatory with whatever probation they're on.
Anything other than that are diversity hires.

whast was the name of the bar?

"The Shack" ?

Not true at all from my experience. Where I’m from Watford the ratio of mixed couples is 50:50 as an average. And this is still a predominantly white area.

I think women resist up to a point but reach a tipping point once an area has been sufficiently diversified. That’s why jews are pushing the racemixing meme so hard and flooding white countries as quickly as possible. Once women adapt to the new environment, it becomes normalised. Women have always been conformists.

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Never forget - lol

>Kid is innocent
>Going for him is pretty low

This isn't Reddit.

What? Country folk need to eat too.