Why would anyone be a fucking wagie?
Why would anyone be a fucking wagie?
>NEETS go outside.
wtf are you high right now?
yeah dude, just buy more money!
LMAO I love these videos.
This is actually true, I see so many fellow NEET Chads at the gym during the day.
>traveling without income
t. Wagecuck who makes 54.30 an hour in union
Well, being an average wagie is objectively better than ending up OD'ing or killing yourself at the age of 40 after realizing you went out of your way to mentally cripple yourself and that now death is the only option you have left.
people do it out of necessity
>Why would anyone be a fucking wagie?
...because it can be hard to live without getting a reasonable amount of NEETbux.
Stay mad wagecucks
i wish i had a job so i could have some self respect
The first preference is to run your own business. If you can't do that yet, you should look for a wagie position that will eventually lead you to that.
If you can't even do that, I don't know which is worse, being a meet or having a dead-end job.
Do whatever you must so that your brains wouldn't stagnate.
Too proud to be a parasite.
Fucking random space shuttle made me kek
I am so hungover. I have no idea how I am going to get through today at work. I wish I was in bed in the dark instead of this brightly lit lab.
Because mom refuses to buy me tendies
>unironic core trump supporter
america is going into the trash with these people.
With what money?
he'll blow truckers for rides
>he doesnt collect monthly dividend checks to finance his neet lifestyle
So I can afford to track my car
it's gets stolen often?
>OD'ing or killing yourself
Why would you do that though? Especially if your entire life is financially compensated for? Lol, being out of work frees up your time to go find a mate and start a family. It also takes stress off your back, and enables you to enjoy the finer details of existing.
>Mentally cripple yourself
With what? Plentiful amounts of leisure?
Stored up free revenue. Just get a family member to collect your pay checks while you're away. So as to avoid any confusion.
I can't wait for neet parents to croak, and the neets find out their entire estate will cover the bills for about 2 months
I see them on the freeway ramps, holding a sign
I live off-grid, only work as much as i need to, which is a couple of hours a week. i don't think i could work full time ever again unless i was running my own business
Welfare isn't going away, until the entire global economy crashes. Lmao, so I guess you'll have to wait several decades to see your desires come into fruition.
I do it for the wages.
I like work though. It keeps me busy and lately girls are flirting with me. I think they're amused by my not really how to respond. What am I supposed to say when I ask one of the supervisors where I should work and she says "come here and help me with this" followed by "I've finally found an excuse to get you close to me"?
to pay for my penis enlargement pills
>Stored up free revenue
Are you saying you actually save money while being a NEET? Sounds like BS to me. Either that or you're a drain on your parents. So either way life will catch up to you.
They're going to be like Bad Ronald
do you really fall for this? they are just flirting with you so you do their job
>I live off grid
Autonomously? Or in joint to some land owner? Also what are your food sources, and how do you cultivate them for long term sustenance?
literally see it every day on the freeway ramps. sometimes I spit on them when the light changes. maybe someday it'll be you receiving a faceful of phlegm. remember it came from me
I do my job no matter what. And that might be the supervisor, but my coworkers don't care if I work hard.
I believe in being independent into my own free will. Through my own free will I become a wage slave. It gives me the ability to improve myself and understand my industry with greater insight. Some day I can only hope that my business takes off and I can stop being a wage slave. For now though, I toil not for the benefit of others, but for myself.
Welfare is plentiful over here, and what's so absurd about saving up free money? I live very minimalisticly, and because of this. My disposable income has a very decent monthly growth rate.
>Will catch up to you
Already have a plan B, bolstered up with some savings I've crystallized in precious metals. So I doubt it.
keep telling yourself that
Based and neet pilled
Keep coping you submissive bitch, and remember to adhere to your sleep schedule. So that you arrive on time to your labour camp.
Ok so how do I achieve this NEET lifestyle, I am ready to stop making some jew rich
becuase not have trust fund inheritance
and white collar work is easy. i finished my work for today and am just browsing the net
Is this the thread where niggers brag about not working?
What are you all going to do when you parents die?
>Welfare isn't going away, until the entire global economy crashes
Yeah. Pretty much. Then we'll all be scavenging through the ruins and cannibalizing each other anyway. Might as well enjoy it while you can.
I don't understand why you would go to work as a wage slave when you can sit at home playing vidya until 4AM and then go to bed until lunchtime.
'tis da lyfe.
They’ll collect a check like the nigger they are
yes. but we get to point at laugh at them later when they're sleeping in the gutter
because they don't want to live with their parents anymore
You think there will be welfare cheques in the future when we can't even pay for theoretical pensions?
I hate people who brag about not working. They’re either white trash or a nigger.
The opinion of niggers is worthless to me
I have an easy job where I basically get paid to sit and read wiki articles all day while I act like I’m working or just finish everything off soon so I could spend the rest of the day reading. I live with my parents which don’t demand rent from me. So basically I save money I make for doing next to nothing 4 days a week and hang out at home when I don’t have work.
How is that worse than being a NEET? I have my own money and fuck tons of free time. Even went to Thailand with friends last year after saying up.
because some people just want someone to tell them what to do, what time to do it, when to eat lunch, what to wear, what you can say, etc.
it is kind of sad really, but without someone telling them what to do they would probably just be niggers.
Keep going nigger
I own the land outright, food sources are the supermarket and a vegetable garden, no idea what you're getting at with your last question
>actually save money while being a NEET?
Sure. The key is to live somewhere that it is cheap to rent (i.e. not London or the South East) and have some disease which has a large spectrum (autism or some such shit), then when the assessor comes just ham it up.
You just need to read the medical textbooks in the library (don't check them out), things like anxiety, PTSD and chronic fatigue syndrome are classic dodges for the NEET who prefers the "in home" to Wagie lifestyle.
Sure, £1,000 a month isn't much, but it's more than enough and allows a couple of cheapo foreign holidays a year.
>Literally seething
So claim some imaginary disease like a nigger?
have been a NEET for over 15 year snow. Am 35
Never worked a day in my life
No i dont have rich parents
Some people’s parents hate them lmao
I tossed my gum at one once at a street corner while he was holding his sign. stuck it right in his dreadlocks
I never had real family, mother was a dumb whore. Wish I could just leech
>So claim some imaginary disease like a nigger?
No, my disease is totally real. You can see it on the MRI scan. The problems it causes me are on a wide spectrum though so...
just leech off the government
what the fuck are you?
how easy is it to live off the government?
You can see autism on an mri?
...I should probably get scanned
>just leech off the government
It's not like money is real anymore. It's just (((money))) created out of the air by jew bankers.
it is, just claim you are mentally ill. get friend with a doctor, tell him to diagnose you with a mental illness like bipolarity and here you go, enjoy NEET life
well done user
but americans never go on vacation it's commie tiers for you
thats why i dont work
i save from NEET money and travel the world
>You can see autism on an mri?
Nope Wernicke Korsakov syndrome.
true, I only have 10 weeks of paid vacation right now, used a bunch over the holidays. another month I'll have 12. it's just miserable
It only took five years of rolling vacations for that to happen!
what will you do when muhammed bursts into your council room and beheads you
nope. just doing what it takes to get a good job.
try it sometime
He'll have trouble getting in as the doors are electronically controlled outer and inner deadbolts.
By the time he breaks through that I will have my broadsword ready.
>tfw muhammed is your roommate
there is no good jobs, you will get laid off before your pension anyway, and then you will think about all the free time you missed when you were young
what field are you in / what do you make a year
specialized, and you wouldn't believe me so why bother
where is walmart dude
>Super secret
inside your coat pocket, check the large one
the more specialized your skills are, the worse for you in case you get laid off. When your speciality is not in demand anymore (could happen anytime) you are fucked becuase you didnt broaden your skillset
stfu zoomer larper
it's not secret. I work in automated controls
go ask mommie for tendies
i figured you were lying, no one gives 10/12 weeks paid time off unless you're a teacher or working on some oil rig schedule