Why do americans defend capitalism when it doesnt benefit them?

You often hear conservative Americans are against big government and want to give more power to rich people that dont give a shit abiut us. No wonder this country is third world tier.

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Shut the fuck up you reddit using, cuck sucking, nigger loving faggot

Capitalism is the reason you don't have to jerk off a government food enforcer so you can get an extra piece of bread.

It's also the reason why you pay literally half of your (already lacking) paycheck to the rent jew.

are u fucking gay

let me guess. The only solution is the one where real socialism that hasn't been tried yet, right?

>Shut the fuck up you reddit using, cuck sucking, nigger loving faggot
He said, between two capitalist dick-sucking marathons.

Npcs do as told and dont serve themselves first

Well maybe socialism where we have a strong safety net so we dont have to rely on these greedy jew corporations that are leftists. At least the government is accountable to the people.

Or dictatorship, where the one in power actually cares for the prosperity of his nation...

Because they're educated enough to have heard of East Germany and the USSR

If we admit that capitalism has problems that would mean agreeing with the left about something. Can't have that.

Tucker Carlson? More like Cucker Cuckson

That to

>why do americans rule the world?
>you should starve and collapse like vodka niggers

Ok rabbi

>willing to trust one jew


Because government cares? And works efficiently? Stop being a fucking idiot and think for s few seconds.

First- our economic system is riddled with so many safety nets already that we have capitalism with speed bumps.

Secondly, it’s not about less government. It’s about the organization of government and the scope of the federal government. More local authority, less domination by Washington.

Seriously, there’s no hope for you. Go fucking kill yourself right now. End it.

conservashits are so dumb they think they will be rich one day because tax cuts for jewish bankers trickles down.

>why do people born into a system think it's the right one?

I’m actually going to be rich. It’ll take me about twenty years from the start of what I’m doing to get there, but I’ll be a multi millionaire. Does that bother you? Oh by the way, it takes effort and patience. Sorry if you’re so shrill that you need daddy governments dick to suck off of.

A good job nowadays must pay 100k a year
who the fuck has 100k laying around to pay someone to do something?
rich people.

But noo, we have to tax rich people and give the money to government (not you, you don't know how to manage money, according to left wingers).

Because Amurricans are fucking stupid

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Yeah no. You're just a nigger too.

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>More local authority, less domination by Washington.

Political science research has measured the corruption of governments. Local governments are by far measurably more corrupt than our federal government will ever be.

The Federal government is the only thing preventing the US from being a third world shit hole. Third world shit holes are defined not only by shit people but also weak federal governments. Mexico lost control of its own territory to drug cartels. That would be unimaginable in the US.

Kill yourself you red neck white nigger. I don't want the whole country to be some shithole trailer park slum like in the South.

Every single relevant modern state on the world stage has a powerful central government.

Fucking cave nigger red neck idiot.

Ok. Enjoy your captn crunch while I’m living the high life.

Because any true White Man would rather die of an easily-preventable/treatable disease due to lack of insurance than allow even a single nigger to survive the same because of universal healthcare.

I'm kind of busy right now, so I'm just going to call everyone who disagrees with this a communist in advance.

But it is the big gov who manages corporatism and favours big corps with their regulations.

Leftest's do not know the difference between big government corporatism and limited government capitalism. They think its the same. Leftism always leads to government selling their power to the highest bidders. That is why the rich always prosper under big government socialism and everyone else flounders. If you think there is some virtuous group out there that loves and cares for you, than you most likely also believe in Santa.

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But you can even have private funds to help people whom you consider worth helping.

three generations of being told that if they don't thank the rich kike for picking their pocket that the dirty commies win

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So the richest counties, aside from a few, in the USA...all surround Washington DC.

Typical asshat response- what’s next? I don’t
Ike roads because I spoke against a federal government?

I’m not talking about absolving the federal government. People will always be local; that’s common sense. Regional biases exist which you cannot stop without authoritarian control.

Bringing it back to the question at hand, our runaway benefit programs set up by the federal government are unsustainable, which have “the rich” paying the over whelming majority perf stage of that bill. And half the country’s population pays nothing. Yet this is capitalism? How about you fuck off and die.

>muh capitalism
>muh gdp
>muh freedom
GOP Ben Shapiro faggots are just as bad for society as liberal niggers.

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Free market is good but it is not everything you need for a good state. Tucker/Bernie-tier attacks in free market are low IQ.

I'll accept your point assuming that it's about maintaining balance between the states and federal. I definitely believe in separation of powers on many issues other than obvious things like transnational gangs.

>“the rich” paying the over whelming majority perf stage of that bill

^But this? My God man. We live in an age where billionaires are regularly running for president to be literal plutocrats (Trump, Schultz, Bloomberg maybe) and you care about protecting their income from taxes? Dude. Why.

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You have a lot to learn. Take the final redpill, the Tedpill.

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reconcile this with the africa chart showing population of 438 Billion by 2021.


fry knows..

It does benefit me. Capitalism determines who is smart and who is poor, I think we can all guess which one you are

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He said in line for an onion and a slice of bread

Capitalism has lifter more people out of poverty than any other ideological system. Marxist philosophy has KILLED more people than any other ideology in the history of the world.
Prove me wrong if you think you can.

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>implying corporatism equals capitalism

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How does capitalism not benefit me?
I have the worlds easiest fucking job, it does not drain me physically or mentally, and I have all the video game consoles, all the games I could want, a comfy 3 bedroom with heated 2 car garage, 1 car, 1 truck, 1 motorcycle, I hunt every year, fish every other weekend, take vacations usually once a year, have a nice smart phone, always eating good...
Seriously in what ways has capitalism failed me?
As far as I can tell I’m living life on easy mode.

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What money I do make is mine to with what I please. I can go down to HEB, buy some Oreos, sit in front of my TV and watch Netflix. Can’t do that in a commie country.

By voting liberal, you are guaranteeing that whatever you are today is all you can ever possibly be. There is literally NO hope for ever doing better for yourself in the future under liberal policy.

At least under conservative policy there's a chance.