*makes white roasties obsolete*
Heh nothing personal you filthy whores
*makes white roasties obsolete*
Heh nothing personal you filthy whores
Ew Asians
the problem is they made themselves obsolete. they only care about left wing politics and supporting the economy
Deport all white men.
Then u crackers go apeshit when you see white women with ethnic men
>they only care about left wing politics and supporting the economy
Only insofar as it's required to fit in. Beyond that, mainly what they care about is food and sex.
someone give me quick rundown on this guy
I don't respect white men who date asian women. I assume they all have small dicks. no im not a female in any sense
Asian “”””””women”””””””
All that tightness. Jesus, I'd do prison time if I just got 3 of them.
i assume all white men have small dicks
>no im not a female in any sense
Yeah right. Attacking male masculinity is literally the first thing roasties do when they feel threatened. Not gonna work here whore
i sell weed to this half korean half white dude.
he's the biggest bitch you ever seen, totally a fucking beta.
tells me one day as i drop off his QP , if i went to jail there's no way I could survive , i would get raped......
I replied, that only happens there if you want it too. he sat silently like he wanted me to rape him.
half breeds are born with a complex. no doubt
>the problem is they made themselves obsolete. they only care about left wing politics and supporting the economy
sadly true
>seeing a redhead qt(pie)
>seeing an asian qt(pie)
>redhead starts talking about violence against women in the 21st century, etc. after I say women's rom coms now have male leads who kill their romantic interest at the end (ex. the show "You")
>readhead asks wtf is wrong with me for thinking how that show could be a romcom when its a show about violence against women in (current year+3)
>the state of white women in current year+3
they do it to themselves, funny enough she tried ghosting me before because we were too different (read: I am not a basedboy) but she came crawling back asking to see me again, just to piss me off again.
blocked her and still sticking with the asian, shes the only one, so far, who has not drank the kool aid of this shit, all other white girls are come and go and it always boils down to me not bowing down to the pedestal they've propped up for themselves
only asian chicks actually take it lying down and aren't always wrestling for domination and control of the relationship dynamic
Techbros with mail order brides.
well I already have my super star princess locked in so whatever I don't care what my fellow anons do
thats if you dont teach them kung fu
Found the assblasted fat white roastie that has already hit the wall at 25
More likely girls they work with or went to college with
>deal with a white roastie and all of their airheadedness
>racemix with Asian and have to deal with racisim and a hateful asian family
>asian girls are hot
>posts a celebrity
Are you fucking retarded?
Why do you have pictures of ugly Asian school girls saved on your phone? That's fucking weird
he made the phone call that saved asian civilization, you as a finngolian should be grateful to bogdan san
>Asian girls don't have any as--
But when you mix white and Asian
You get Hapa. Which is an abomination.
>h.. heh. I g.. got him lol
Literally took two seconds on google to search for “average asian girls”
Sorry to shatter your reality incel. This is the typical Asian women.
>He can't tell that she's posing in such a way to make her butt look bigger.
You sad pathetic dick worshiping fool.
Sauce now
idk man ive seen more muttland abominations than happa ones
tf does prapa mean?
Disgusting desu
I could get behind the race mixing if they were so ugly.
You've got a point. remove the ones with plastic surgery or excessive makeup and we're left with this.
Thankfully there's barely any Asians in my neck of the woods but that's starting to change.
God damn bug people.
probably really annoying puns ahahahah
Why are all you Asian people so butthurt?
not attractive.
also the boys are completely fucked and not desired by either chink women or white women.
youre probably an ugly manlet
I am willing to bet everything that this poster is some kind of spic mutt
maybe the asian genes will have a bigger effect on you than the nigger and spic ones
>muh plastic surgery
Wrong again roastie
Most Asian girls are great. Just stay far the fuck away from Korean girls. Theyre even worse than white women. The rest however are awesome.
It really shouldn't be this easy to make Asians and Hapas butthurt.
You all have the self control of a pubescent teenager.
Its funny how those cucks all make little clubs to circle jerk over their depravity and selfishness
Ok woman, attacking masculinity is the most bitch move.
Its funny how retarded cucks like you come so quickly to the defense of the demographic that hates white men the most... white women.
>girls I know are fucking chad and niggers while having lots of fun, therefore I try to provoke them with asians so they get pissed
No user. The way you get to upset them is to actually ignore them and, whenever possible, hinder them in every possible way (oppose their "special rights", fuck chivalry, work against them at work, school, wherever you are). Even in the little things.
For each thread of these they only feed their own ego.
divide and conquer, satan thread.
you the one specifically posting in a thread about something you don't like, and sperging tf out
Pretty sad state of affairs really, my m8 gave up on dating white women, then he came into money and now he has a thai gf he’s bringing over. He’s going to blow it all on some insect.
White women can be molded to believe anything, who cares what they think. Its all temporal.
yeah, insects are so gross, amirite
>divide and conquer
No it's a thread making fun of white roasties and more importantly their white knights. Nothing subversive about it it's pretty explicit
That’s a 2D butt. It’s the angle that skinny Instagram models use to make it seems like if they have a butt. Asians are skinny but have very square bodies with no tits or ass.
Nothing wrong with Thai women, but people who bring non-western foreign women back to the West are fucking retards of the highest magnitude. They always end up corrupted by western feminism and the man ends up losing everything- and whats worse is they end up bringing this shitty new mentality back to their home countries and poison the well. Your friend is a dumbass and deserves everything bad that happens to him.
Guys, if youre going to marry an Asian girl, youre going to have to commit to staying in HER country. You have been warned.
Post hapa sons you lying kikes
I have a BWC, but I don't want to give it to any white roastie, they are disgusting
>Asians are skinny but have very square bodies with no tits or ass.
Not true at all, not even in the slightest.
Here Olympic gold medalist Nathan Adrian
>look guys I have vpn
the post
Asians aren't even human, don't fall for this shit.
Youre a walking future #MeToo case in the making. Enjoy being another statistic in your quest to "red pill" white roasties.
sry user I'm not gay
>hurr durr im a poorfag Bulgarian who cant even afford a plane ticket out of his own shithole country
I’m surrounded by them and 70% of the time they have short stubby bodies like pic related.
>that skin tone
at least I'm whiter than you user
99% of female athletes are fugly.
Lol ok, sure thing, buddy. Where do you live? Fucking Chinatown or something?
they are so fucking ugly
Its called going outside in the sun, you Bulgarian incel gypsy.
If you find one that can cook, though, it’s like having an asian restaurant inside your house, which can be max /comfy/. But yes we are different species, my cat, woman, and I, IDGAF really, we make it work
Azn wimmin look like kids. Pic related is smth like 20 years old
still whiter than you pajeet
I live close to Boston. There are tons of Asians here.
Stand back you waifulets, I present you the true Aryan asianfu.
>t. roastie
now that I think about it the common theme with these guys are that they are boring in general. be less boring and white women will be more attracted to you.
Neoteny is a symptom of domestication, and women are well-known to be willing to mold themselves to alpha males.
Why wouldn't you want a submissive legal loli gf?
Im a British American dual citizen. The only pajeet here is you, considering those are in fact your gypsy ancestors.
What the fuck
Its mostly make up dont fuss much about it
He's banging your mom. And your dad.
based mongologdanoff
>be less boring and white women will be more attracted to you.
How does that make them more loyal and less likely to divorce rape you though?
... why do they not sit together ?
Yeah there’s ugly anglos and Slavs your point?
Can’t imagine Thai’s are that bad, most tend to like staying around pubs and bars that i’ve seen, trying live similar to when they were in Thailand, some end up being great house wives and providing multiple children.
He probably is a dumbass as far as he's concerned it’s free digs when on holiday.
I tought about our evolution and sex realted characteristics and I have a theory
white women and asian women are more desirable than black women, black and white men are more desirable than asian men, so in the future some race related characteristics will become sex related characteristics as males showing asian characteristics and females showing black characteristics are bred out, males of the future will be mullatos and females will be hapas, black characteristics will show only in males and asian characteristics only in females
Im not gay but I wanna touch him.
>checks un evil trips
>checks facial features
this man speaks the truth
sure thing pajeet
yeah, there's ugly and beautiful people of all races except abos, but nigger here like to nitpick all the time so nitpicking is what they get in return