Lol, just read these comments. The awakening continues

Lol, just read these comments. The awakening continues.

Attached: 60E04938-1FB5-4118-A271-AC0DB058C057.jpg (732x1069, 494K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn thanks for the white pill

they didnt just live longer
Their Age literally doesnt add up to 1944

>Lol, just read these comments.
I'd love to but they deleted all the originals, it's just just commies screeching at comments that aren't there anymore

Holohoax survivor - the grand-daddy of all crisis acting gigs that never ends.

They are still there.

>I guess you gotta be strong to survive the Holo-coaster, the Master-batur, the Electric Dance Floor, and of course the attack geese. ...gimme a break.

>How is there enough Holler-cost Survivors to visit every elementary school and still build log cabins in Russia? Either them Germans weren't that efficient or somebody lying.

Even the boomers are going wakey wakey.
>Man, I am in my mid-fifties and everyday of my life, I have seen on TV/the news, etc 'Holocaust survivors'. Gobs of books, movies, documentaries by and about 'Holocaust survivors'. Reparations to 'Hs'. Man, those evil Knotzees were pretty incompetent mass murderers.

>They are still there.
No, they've been deleted.

>Lol, just read these comments.

sad. many such cases

The key is - fasting. We will never get that old because we stuff us to death with fucking food

Attached: 513E1BF1-E348-489B-880F-89569CA146BC.jpg (3264x2448, 1.41M)

>this discussion has been closed

"This discussion has been closed."

They purged the comments LMAO

damn, if the bloomberg comments are redpilled maybe we really are closer to winning than I thought

I saved some screenshots

Attached: 095240.jpg (1080x1896, 621K)

A kike-founded, kike-run (((financial))) (((news))) company deletes comments questioning the holohoax myth. Makes no sense??

Attached: 095228.jpg (1080x1783, 498K)

Attached: 095208.jpg (1080x1901, 545K)

Attached: 095141.jpg (1080x1885, 681K)

don't be sad Hans, take heart, this is evidence that more and more people are being redpilled, the world owes Germany a massive apology for all the historic slander!

>the Holocaust (TM)
kek, my fugging sides!

Goyim knowing levels are getting dangerously high!

Attached: FORGET WTC-7.jpg (1024x1021, 113K)

This is why you take fucking SCREENSHOTS you idiots.

cheers user, you're a bobby dazzler!

Hol up what about us we didn du nuffin either
We's the gud bois n shiet

>what about us we
do speak German? if so, you're included!

I speak Austrian mate not German

Based pair of boobies

>cohen-cidentally jewish
top kike kek
also based 88's

Attached: 1468442114608.gif (500x400, 999K)

You know what they say
I get older, holocaust survivors stay the same age

Wait a minute these don't seem like things a normie would say...

Many of these survivors must have been kids during the holocaust to be still alive today. Why did so many kids survive those concentration camps? A 12 years old isn't a productive worker essential to the war effort.

it's almost like all of these people were born well after WW2


Attached: 1548877049316.jpg (436x462, 27K)

I like how no one really brings up the "tattooed numbers on arms" meme since it makes zero fucking sense.
also lamp shades and electrocution roller coasters.

Attached: 1523955459470.jpg (350x499, 52K)

>we will take good care of you to ensure you are healthy enough to be gassed to death

KEK! Underrated

How does it feel that your tax money will be used to pay reparations for the jews forever and ever Hans?

just a friendly reminder that the holocaust happened

Or better yet an archive. Daily reminder that (so far) WebCite usually works on judenpresse sites that have blocked etc:

All you need to fill in is the URL and an email, there's no verification so fake emails work.

Attached: PJW infowars won't name the jew, substitute globalists.jpg (1242x940, 182K)

Also the scratch marks, which are now officially revealed to be graffiti, although everyone with a brain already knew because fingernails don't have the hardness to scratch walls like this.

Attached: pIHpXwr.jpg (2448x1836, 670K)

Attached: lg6jgWL.jpg (600x860, 174K)

eventually they'll claim that there are 200 year old 'survivors'

What comments? Fake shit fuck off

this thread is why no one likes /pol
the holocaust happened you mouth breathing basement loser furries

Haha, yes they Jew. Yes they Jew.

The one in Russia and Ukraine we never hear or read about?

>emotional appeal
>inaccurate statement
back to the oven, heeb

Attached: 1529684170280.jpg (525x469, 65K)

A literal shut it down

back to /ptg/ nigger kike

The Holohoax tales provide a glimpse into the sick mind of Judaism.

They don't need to, they are already setting up the narrative that survivor trauma is heritable, just read the last paragraph of that article.
You'll never pay enough to those survivors.

kek how do you count ashes?

>the Germans were just trying to grant the Jews immortality
Truly their greatest allies

Scratches on the walls, but 100's of people fighting for life can't break down a wooden door right? lol


A while ago they literally started claiming the children of "survivors" are also "survivors", because they have inherited their trauma, along with their white guilt reparations. The discovery of epigenetics has lent a patina of scientific credibility to this scam. The thing is, if you extend this logic to other genocides / famines / wars *which actually happened*, then literally everyone alive today is a "survivor" and should get sent free shekels.

Attached: hitler stakes jew holohoax vampire ben garrison.jpg (800x642, 169K)


actually kek'd, thank you

Wow. Compelling. I’m totally ready to believe anything you think will make me popular. Also isn’t it great how you speak for everyone. You must be awesome. I’ve got an image of you in my mind (pic related)

Attached: AE541895-C887-41CB-81B0-994EDA63F665.jpg (960x1280, 143K)

I guess germans and communists had the same end goal after all

Attached: 1523875278450.jpg (1826x2048, 475K)

Attached: 8151CBDF-C501-4589-80C6-0F889F23E083.jpg (625x374, 66K)

>This discussion has been closed

Also none of the tattoos have enough digits to represent a million or more.

Attached: holohoax jew survives being gassed 'at least' six times.jpg (737x866, 336K)


oy vey

That's a real good one, men.

Isn't it funny how any other group of people would want a location that "genocided" their people to be leveled to the ground and eradicated? But for jews they want to keep it open and charge admission and remind everyone of the six gorillion.

>I speak Austrian not German
virtually the same thing, don't get parochial on me desu!


Nice catch. Impressive jewing. Just when you think you've seen maximum jewing, they outdo your expectations yet again.

Attached: bloom-berg.png (678x315, 17K)

They were closed.

i think if a million heebs were actually put in one location then a pit to hell would open up and the world would unite to destroy it.

Attached: are-cows-nazis.jpg (638x371, 53K)


Attached: 6EEA189E-73CF-458A-A1EE-084F42BFBCFC.png (1242x2208, 390K)

They're so scared of this they've created holo-kikes, so "survivors" can keep lecturing the goyim even after they finally die.

Attached: holohoax holo-kike.jpg (880x532, 52K)

That's exactly what I was thinking. I think he's one of us but at the same time his comment had more upvotes than the average npc comments without Jow Forums's help, so it is a good sign that the normies are waking up

The kikes would invent the Star Trek holo(caust)deck if it helped keeping the lie alive forever.

literal vampire

The Holocaust didn't happen, but I wish it did.

Attached: nazi lewds.jpg (1200x1600, 1.05M)


Attached: Selection_024.png (644x314, 19K)

Top Kek


>First and most importantly, it’s not that a traumatic time is anything but hideous.


As a white man of distant English ancestry, why should I care about the Holocaust? Even if it did happen, I had no part in it, nor did anyone in my bloodline. Jewish suffering means nothing to me, or to most other young Americans.

>be me
>click comments
>"0 comments. This discussion has been closed"

The goyim knew. They shut it down.


Also we're expected to believe none of the Germans thought of shooting him instead.
>Well Hans he didn't die in zee offficially approved manner, nothink we can do about it, look zhere's no option for "shooting" on the official forms, zee paperwork must be in order

They also developed clever survival tactics like moonwalking

Attached: holohoax surival by moonwalking out of gas chamber.png (981x297, 24K)

So that's where the Homer into the hedge meme came from

what is this i don't even

top kek I remember seeing this one in a YLYL

>after the last holocaust survivor dies
thats not possible trauma lives on goyim, shoa business is 4ever

jews are really good at writing science fiction

Attached: 1527488094088.jpg (480x902, 156K)


>Holodomor, communism, indians and dark ages.

The Holohoax was a mistake.

Attached: Holocaust Mistake.png (659x714, 136K)