Is Stefan Molyneux right about high IQ people?
Is Stefan Molyneux right about high IQ people?
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I think of this as a mirror of the "prejudice exists because a higher percentage of blacks are in jail than whites" argument. Hey stef, have you considered that maybe the universe itself is indifferent to high IQ or that it stops being biologically advantageous at a point?
Does an animal who drinks it's creek water upstream from a dead raccoon carcass because it thinks the water downstream smells gross have a natural disadvantage compared an animal that drinks upstream from the carcass because they understand the biological processes which make drinking the tainted water potentially harmful?
Anglo NWO to be precise.
> do not try to be better
> undermine the competition
Not an argument
> I was making one
Muh IQ
>Muh IQ
Muh IQ
>Muh IQ
My IQ is quite high. I don't know if anyone hates me for it. I mostly just hate myself and life is a nightmare.
Q - Zionist
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Stefan sperging about IQ is cringe, IQ is not everything
I got btfo so I'm making passive agressive tantrum throwing posts on twitter.
this is literally teenage girl quotes about friendship tier
>top response
>not an argument
Typical iqlets. Next.
Yes, because the one that understand the biological process can also use that knowledge to farm, develop medicine, and feed and house greater numbers of people.
This guy is getting really barbed with his twitter feed.
t. high IQ (134)
> IQ is not everything
In the eternal Anglo NWO ofc.
Was he talking about jews?
Liking dicks in your ass is pretty zionist too.
Get a fucking job Stefan.
Molyneux is not a zionist. He's called out the jew many times.
Not like anyone cares what a faggot pride flag says anyways.
>its like this
You know that's fake Jews have about the same iq as whites
ur that anime posting faggot
Of course he was.
I think Introverts are the most heavily discriminated against people in the West
No, its gamers
you know why the average ashkenazi iq jews in israel is 103 compare to 115 in USA?
Israel is 36% ashkenazi, among them are 1.2 million russians who are labled as "Ashkenazi's".
there is nothing ashkenazi about them. 90% of them look like ethnic russians. you fucked up our Iq ivan. thanks for the slavic babes though.
As a man with a 160 IQ, I've been treated badly and discriminated for most of my life.
Molyneux is definitely right. There is some kind of prejudice, anti-intellectual trend going on these days.
It must be stopped.
> damage control
He avoids the JQ.
He refuses to have a conversation with JF.
He is a bitcoin millionaire (not sure about that) but still begs for donations.
He is a Jew, because his parents were Jewish, but he still denies it.
He pandered to the tribe after the Synagogue shooting last year and got ass raped by a lot by his viewers.
He deserves bad shit in my eyes
"The measured average IQ of Israel is 95, which may seem contradictory. However, while Ashkenazi Jews are the overwhelming majority of Jews outside Israel, the situation in Israel is different. In Israel, addition to Ashkenazi Jews, there are large groups of non-Ashkenazi Jews, Palestinians, as well as various small minorities. Also, many of the supposed Ashkenazi Jews in Israel are from countries such as Russia and are (according to Israeli demographers) often not actually Ashkenazi Jews or only so partially. This since many people have posed as Jews for reasons such as being able emigrate from the Soviet Union. This has caused the measured average IQ of Israeli "Ashkenazi Jews" to be lower than the measured average IQ of non-Israeli Ashkenazi Jews.[1]"
> another damage control longpost
> likely no real jew fallacy
IQ tests measure accuratly how good you are at... doing IQ tests. Pretty much nothing else.
Mmm Helsinki region had the highest IQ out of any metropolitan area in the world, does that make every Finn genius?
So italians? Lol
fuck off faggot go do that away from my perceptions
IQ is the coward’s way of approaching racial issues. I can’t believe people think Molymeme is big brained. This guys was still a libertarian last year.
That’s not true either but to base your politics on a test is retarded af
>Uhh Uhh, people are question the legitimacy of my jewish intellectual superiority, better grab some wikipedia pages STAT
Fucking hell moshie, things are NOT looking good for you or your kind right about now...
The guy really loves to indirectly brag about his IQ for some reason
> jew angry
Not sure who is shilling who but these anti-molly posts are well organize and consistent. I'm starting to believe its kike shilling because hes moving towards red pill and has a large voice.
luckily moly is not affected
Jow Forums will suck molymeme's dick but this is exactly what white people do to Jewish people. Stop oppressing us goys.
Like clockwork, I'm not sure if they'll be as successful as they were against Jordan Peterson, Massive amounts of shilling was used to divide and conquer his fan base.
don't be a brainlet. whenever molymeme makes one step in the right direction he makes an oopsie and takes two steps back. that is why so many people on the winning right can't trust him
Well, he's right about the system redistributing resources to less intelligent people. Things like welfare take money from the generally capable people and give it to those who are much less capable (and usually less intelligent), allowing them to reproduce more
You’re missing his point.
Are all those things you state as positives, truly good in the sense of natural order? For example in the wild a retard would starve, a whore would be enslaved or killed, those who can’t feed their 9 offspring starve along side them.
Today we actively help those who have poor genetics to reproduce, we feed those who reproduce mindlessly and do not raise their offspring and we financially reward whoredom and demonize virginity.
The west is dead.
He's wrong though, the largest unacknowledged prejudice is the one against short men. I'm tall myself so I'm not even saying this as self-defense, it's just painfully true. If there is a worse prejudice it's the one against men with small dicks but it's more limited in application, it doesn't exactly have an impact unless a dick is revealed, then it becomes an acceptable target open to public mockery.
>jews have 115 IQ in usa
Oh, look, it's another "everybody is a victim" thread.
When will Molymeme realize he's not nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is
Discord trannies
IQ is a meme. How can you slap a number on something as deep, complex, and poorly understood as human intelligence and have that number mean anything at all?
he's right, only idiots are coddled with nonsensical welfare. if equality existed there would be funding to make the lives of smart people easier so they can advance society, rather those people have to pay taxes to keep retards alive who will then shit all over them on a platform which they cannot even fathom how it works.
yes he is, high iq master race checking in
Hating a group that consistently fucks you over isn't prejudice. I see my "friends" piss and moan on Facebook about anti-intellectualism all the time and I find it very annoying. First of all, I remember these people in school and they weren't very sharp. Secondly it is common for us all to try to use our intelligence to leverage an advantage over others. So to whine about anti-intellectualism is essentially complaining that other people are not showing enough respect for the tool you are already using to bolster your standing at the expense of others.
No, IQ is not a meme, but it is also not enough
That has nothing to do with IQ. Someone with a higher IQ is likely to remember it but that is just knowledge that can be found in a text book
Anyone with a 150+ IQ, like me, knows this is true. I'm trapped living at home because no one can relate to my complex thought processes and think I am stupid, and therefore I get passed over for any type of job. On top of that, when I talk to girls, they cannot understand that I have plans once I get my foot in the door at a company. Yeah, I live at home now, but once I get a job, within a few months, I will be CEO and will be making millions of dollars. Are there really no girls who match my intellectual prowess?
>doesn't understand what iq measures
>IQ is a meme hur dur
fuck off mutt
>IQ is not everything
true. but it helps...
>Is Stefan Molyneux right about high IQ people?
Of course he is. The biggest retards are the biggest crybabies and gib snatchers.
>Was he talking about jews?
no, kikes have nigger-tier IQs but with a strong in-group preference!
The prejudice against intelligent people is the prejudice against braggers. In about 99% of situations where an intellectual believes to be judged incorrectly for being intellectual, the real reason was a previous display of bragging superiority. A smart person who does not speak about their intelligence, who does not brag about alleged superiority, will hardly receive any negative criticism in life.
not autistic high IQ people don't let nail them into the right or the left corner, as far as they have learned to dodge idiotic questions which would arouse hatred in other less intelligent individuals.
It definitely happens at school, where all resources are devoted to making the dumb perform better at the cost of the smart.
I was practically ignored while the girls got all sorts of help and teacher's attention and the nigger got unlimited continues until he passed the test.
IQ is based on your problem-solving skills and your ability to adapt to new circumstances.
Almost everything in life is a problem.
i think high IQ here is code for jews how about you lads?
israel has below 100 average IQ so I think hating dumb people is anti-israel, who's with me?
Every movie since 1995 that has had an intelligent white man in it is guilty of this. Think about it: the smart white men are always the 'evil villain' or the 'foreign terrorist'. It started even further back of course, look at all the 80's action flicks.. die hard, Lethal Weapon, Robocop, etc.
noticed it as a kid, it's even worse now.
dude, elon's no zionist. he may as well have called out the kike media on twitter
the "modern west" is dead, but as long as we remember what was and what still can be, there is hope.
just play some 40k and you'll stop feeling blackpilled
as soon as I saw his post I thought "could it have something to do with the fact that some ethnic groups have higher IQ on average and have also been hated a lot quite recently?"
That was the Anglo strategy since its dawn. Whenever England was the top player in Europe, the rest of Europe were at each others' throats. Whenever one nation got too powerful, England would pitch all others against it. The entire British foreign policy can bre summarized as extremely diligent and careful balancing of the foreign Powers for the purpose of immobilizing them.
>play a video/boardgame to stop being blackpilled
He's not talking about the universe you stupid faggot.
Filthy kikes BTFO
people can shit on fiction all they want because it's not real, but 40k can serve as an allegory for the modern political climate in plenty of circumstances the same way gulliver's travels did back when it was written. also dawn of war is just a fun RTS.
and we can make the world high IQ by making attractive high iq people via eutelegenesis, then giving the sperm to women for free.
dumbass, very very very selected control group.
If you take into account the super duper high rates of mental illness among ashkenazi jews there is NO FUCKING way they're group can have even close to those IQ rates.
40% higher rate of mental illness in ashkenazi jews than of white people.
Did they leave out the ones they didn't want to test?
Yes they did.
Where as the baseline of 100 was set with all white people, retarded or not. If White people where only to test the smartest wed be up in the 160's.
If blacks where only to test only the 78 smart ones they'd be near 120's.
What exactly is high IQ? 140's put's me in the upper range and the only thing its done for me is make me aware of the fact that I posses almost no practical knowledge on any given subject. The only real benefit I have gotten with it is a painful level of self awareness and introspection that has kept me out of prison and kept my emotions in check when I fear my passions could have overcome me without it. As far as prejudice and hared is concerned I have no idea where he is coming from. The worst I ever saw was everyone wanting to do group projects with me so they could slack in school. Or people figuring out that you're that guy that remembers inane shit about whatever.
To me it seems to worst thing that comes with talk of high IQ is the people who are determined to argue there is some inherent superiority in a couple basis points and that it somehow makes them a target.
>Is Stefan Molyneux right about high IQ people?
Yes and no. Some people will try to fuck you over when they realize their inferiority, others will be mesmerized by high IQ and happy to follow/assist.
When you repeat
>muh IQ
>muh IQ
>muh IQ
over and over again you’re an NPC. Repetitive, unoriginal talking points is not big brained at all. He adds nothing of value.
If he was intelligent, he’d be discussing solutions to society’s ills. Not bitch uselessly