Why do white people make this stupid face when you walk past them?
Makes me want to knock them out
Why do white people make this stupid face when you walk past them?
Makes me want to knock them out
Stop getting up in people's faces Shantrelle.
I find it pretty cute actually >w
Why do niggers go monkey-mode when in groups?
They pity you for being born a nigger.
Experiencing negative emotion but are polite about it
literally this.
" Thank god i was born white, poor nigger"
It means hello, lesser creature
Oh look, this post again. It's because we can smell you.
>Makes me want to knock them out
That's our goal. Then we goodify you with our CCW after you dindu nuffin
They'd smile at you if they weren't sure your monkey brain would consider the showing of teeth as a threat of violence!
Try moisturizing and a smart looking suit! Ashy hood nigger
It's what we look like when we politely attempt to cover up our disdain for you and your backwards, third-world, shitty culture.
Because you're a nigger and they don't like you, Jamal.
same here
instead of living in a cohesive homogenous society with live in a pluralistic multiethnic hellhole. It's impossible to know if you can trust any given stranger and that face is an instinctive expression letting people know that i acknowledge your presence but leave me alone and i'll leave you alone.
It's a bygone of a time when you could respect your fellow man enough to be polite to them. Such gestures are no longer integrated into our culture due to the generalized degradation, but white people still have the desire to express the goodwill that all healthy civilizations are based upon built in to them. Unfortunately, the majority of the time it is the very agents of degeneration that we have to look upon, and so a mixture of contempt and dissatisfaction manifests as a strained attempt at what would otherwise have been, in days long past, a genuine smile of greeting.
this thread again eh...
slide thread?
pretty much.
>welp, i guess this nigger isnt going to attack, maybe ill get to blood my blade next time.
That is what literally every white person in thinking when they make this face.
Don't want to get Covington'd or Kavanaugh'd so you gotta make this neutral face now.
I thought smiles were considered assault
slavs aren't white, so it's the same in our case
>blood my blade
this is the whitest post here
jesus christ the cringe is unreal
I actually cringe when people like you walk past me
we are trying not to breath in the stench you give off
Its a physical response that correlates with thoughts of discomfort/digust about your presence. Its a way of letting you know i see you next to me so dont fuck around.
This thread again?
>maybe ill get to blood my blade next time.
Shh, don't tell 'em our super secret stand your ground-fu technique.
Maybe stop being autistic and learn how to interpret facial expressions you mongo
because you smell awful
its a fucking smile, sorry for being slightly polite, you faggots can get the angry whites any day now if you want
fuck you
If people minding their own business and inwardly expressing emotion in a way that is designed to be non-confrontational makes you want to lash out in violence, then you might just be a dirty nigger
Threat assessment. Lack of relax.
Intentionally ambiguous to be interpreted as a smile or neutral. Whites don’t want to share pleasentries with someone who might rob/attack them. Blacks are monkeys and it is best to be cautious around them. You’ve earned that look dratravius. Even the most well to-do liberals whites instinctively know you are dangerous criminals by nature. You belong at the bad end of a whip.
It's your smell. Deodorant is not a replacement for soap.
It's the difference between 'based black man' and 'you fucking nigger'.
Individually, I know a few black guys who aren't that bad to be around.
But put them together in groups of 3 or more and they become niggers. They go from being able to carry a conversation to smacking their lips, muh dick, and other retarded niggerisms.
Beat me to it.
That's a good way to get mag dumped by someone with a concealed carry license
I don't even walk past enough white people to even notice.
It's how you smile at people you don't think will be friendly but you don't want to be overly friendly either. It's not a "white" thing.
I'm just not sure what face I should make when I see a monkey outside of a cage.
>Why do white people make this stupid face when you walk past them?
just wait until you see what that evolves into you pavement ape
because they’re beta fags, go ahead and knock them out. Alphas are always smiling, and Alpha-Omegas are always Mona Lisa smiling
We're socially conditioned to be friendly to everyone we meet. But when you dont know the person and dont actually give a shit about them it gets real tiring so the insincerity of the gesture becomes apparent.
I dont know why Europeans and the Anglo diaspora think Americans are so rude, I am absurdly friendly to total strangers at all times, yield to others just for the sake of being polite, hold doors for everyone, etc.
do you really expect nonwhites to have this degree of soft skills? this nigger in the OP wants to respond with violence, I don't think they will ever join the civilized world
Because they know you're an embarrassment to society.
Ya know how niggers do that 'suck air in through their teeth' shit when they're annoyed and disgusted?
That's the white version.
Any whitey who does this to you is absolutely fucking revolted by your existence, however, we are far more subtle than our apefrican 'cousins'.
Some gorilla ass lookin niggwad walks past you and looks at you funny what would you do? A hurried greeting what it is. A nod and the previously mentioned face
Unironically this.
This, but I sincerely do want to be nice to everyone I meet. First impressions are everything.
ok, go to prison.
ShitPost OP is an instigating loser..... Go Patriots.
>I dont know why Europeans and the Anglo diaspora think Americans are so rude
media representation of us and the ratio of it. we only make euronews if we say something vulgar or rude.
It means we’re judging you
its you
This photo triggers me and makes me feel more divorced, pls delete
I'm a tall black dude who dresses pretty normally. I keep my head facing forward or might nod at a person to greet them if we make eye contact while walking past each other. I've noticed it's always white people who seem to just jerk their head down if we make eye contact.
Pretty weird.
Sociopaths be staring
If you were targeted for violence the way whites are by your nigger race youd probably not just look down, youd run.
Because you're a fucking leftist nigger that gets triggered by a completely neutral greeting.
This is me tolerating your smelly existence.
We are holding out mouths shut so the word nigger doesn't come out. Because we don't want to have to spend hours of our time in the police deportment after shooting you for chimpout out over a word.
Because they don’t like being around niggers
You're a nigger so people can never be sure if you're a violent animal or just a normal person like us. So don't take it personally its just that your people are low IQ savages
>black dude
you are just a nigger till you prove otherwise
blame your brothers and sisters
pic related
haha this
Smiling while showing teeth to an animal is a sign of aggression. So smiling with lips together and no teeth is a neutral smile. But having to smile without showing your teeth because a dirty black fucker is to aggressive to be part of human society leaves whites with the "welp" smile.
How about you lift up your species to the point where people are happy to see you? Until then :|
We do it to you specifically because we know you want to knock us out and we are sorry you feel that way but know ultimately there is nothing we can do to change your racist attitude.
We got that in our white people memo last week. Congrats on making the cut.
i'm white and i don't make that face. i just look straight ahead when i see nogs. i don't even acknowledge they exist. Even making eye contact is a sign of agression to them so it's best not to even do that.
ITs because whites ape ancestors underwent natural selection. In a time before fire, when their ape ancestors first came to europe, only those with the genes to have thin lips, as to not get frost bite, would live on to procreate. This also occurred for their noses, to heat up the cold hair.
Whites are just smiling regularly but because their lips are the thinnest, it looks like they are doing a unique white people face but really they just do it to be courteous. Shouldnt buy all that mimitic rivalry bullshit and hate white people. Theyre our simian brothers even if they have forgotten the true depths of their ancestry.
Cause they were just forced to see a subhuman nigger.
I'm an Asian girl and I find it cute. I love that smirk