When did you realize your country was a lost cause?

When did you realize your country was a lost cause?

Attached: speech_laws_in_canada.jpg (686x604, 175K)

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Jesus christ

While scrolling through my Facebook feed.

>When did you realize your country was a lost cause?

When our own, under counted, government statistics show in less than 9-10 years half of all children will be foreign ghouls and in the same time frame the electorate drops to ~70% indigenous and we lose our self determination, forever despite the solution being literally as simple as selecting Nationalist parties on the ballot.

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When I came to Jow Forums, I wish I could go back.

Attached: dudeweedmao.jpg (253x293, 22K)

Hard not to get cancer trying to decipher this. The rule is poorly written, and it’s intentional.

You can get 5 years for uttering a death threat against someones pet in Canada

The real message is between the lines. Meaning, you can't say shit, and actually have no freedom of speech.

Trips of truth. You can say what you want until some faggots or jews get offended. Then you have to pay.

I'm starting to think it was a good idea that my parents didn't migrated to Canada when they had the opportunity some 30 years ago.


>Muh free speech
Just makes it easier to ban communism and degeneracy when we get into power

Banning criticism is how communism and degeneracy stay in power.

Only if you're a faggot

Exactly. Faggots are the ones who are banning all criticism of themselves.

These are dark times.

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We can do better than that.

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Is that real?
It seems like they're subtly admitting that transgender is a mental issue.

Your screenshot is a half truth.
Truthful statements (like 13% of that population 62% of the crime) are in fact not hate speech. But making an "Opinion" statement is in fact hate speech. Hate Fact are fine, so the Church should have run flyers that quoted proven statistics rather than saying "gays are degenerate" they could have said "Sodomites cost the Canadian taxpayer 280% in heath care on average than a straight person". That would have been perfectly fine.
Could have made a long list of degenerate things they do and the statistics surrounding it no problem.
Facts are not outlawed no matter what the context.
But saying degenerate faggots is.

Attached: gay.Stats.png (1112x2893, 321K)

forgot link

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>you can't give an opinion if some faggot gets their feefees hurt.

There are plenty of groups who's actions and believe systems make them degenerates, they all want laws to shut it down.
I can't say you fucking filthy jews in public but I can start quoting the talmud and explaining the blood libel child sacrifice rituals and the quotes the jews have about Christianity and Jesus.

Attached: degenerate.png (640x300, 114K)

exactly, state FACTS.
>Those future doctors and scientists that Trudie allowed in sacrificed a goat last week and gang raped a 9 year old girl
That statement is fine.
>Those immigrants are getting twice the financial assistance that a Canadian taxpayer gets
so use facts
You can say those stupid immigrant niggers is also fine provided you don't say it to them. Because if you don't say it to them it can't bother them.
In other words, use your brain. One is a assault the other is a statement.

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>one is assault

No it's not, faggot. It's words.

welcome to Canada eh.
painful words
painful fists
Because liberal governments want their populations to be pussies. It's a fact all over the world, in every country that allows liberals to breed.

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