What are the best books surrounding fascist history, fascist policy, and the heroic ideas of fascism in general? I need something that will open my eyes, something that will cleanse me of the barf I learned throughout school.
Fascism - Reading List?
What did you learn in school?
Fascism bad, fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo
Just read Plato.
Look down at your keyboard. Do you see that "CTRL" button? And that "F" button? They do something magic when you hit them together! We have this list three times a fucking day, if you can't find this stuff on your own, there is literally no hope for you and you might as well just sign up for gender and post-colonial studies at your local community college anyway.
>give me books to help me conform to the ideology Jow Forums assigned me
Settle down, soiboi. Some of us are completely new here; we do not live our lives on a forum.
Fascism is lame, just read Nietzsche instead.
My New Order and My struggle by Adolph Hitler
Just go fucking read Mein Kampf and sit on your ass for the rest of your life doing nothing, like every other modern "fascist."
If you want clear unbiased writing I would recommend what the son of Chiang Kai-shek who was on loan as a military officer to learn at their war colleges has to say. Highly censored hard to find. You can find it under the title My time in Paradise
are these the same book?
You literally do not know how to use the catalog. Leave you massive newfag and go back to Jow Forums or whatever reddit safe space you came from
>Jow Forums or whatever reddit safe space
>completely new
you are not welcome
Origins and Doctrine of Fascism
For my Legionaries
Selected Writings of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey
Are you implying that Jow Forums or r/thedonald (or wherever those brainlets moved) isn't a safe space? You really have to be delusional
yea, there was no need for him to repeat himself
hello trannies
pol is nothing like anywhere on reddit, which bans the smallest sign of dissent from its boards. That includes the Trump board, which is a pariah on that site anyway
If pol were a safe space it wouldn't allow leftists to post on it. That's what 'safe space' means.
Read Carl Schmitt
Anything by Oswald Mosely
pol is not a safespace, tranny boy. The donald is
is a tranny-boy a m2f or f2m?
>deciding on your political stance before researching it
Jow Forums is literally the most Reddit board and has the highest population of Redditors on it
95% of the content on pol is literally not allowed on Reddit
pol has the polar opposite philosophy of censorship to reddit
but yet it is reddit
Use a fasces instead of a swastika
this level of cope
Try Wikipedia. We know from where you're coming from, and we are well aware of the trannys.
>Anyone that is not a fascist or fellow traveler is a transsexual.
What happened to calling us Jews/communists?
Cant tell if this is a bait thread, an invitation to board meta discussion, or serious.
If you learned anything about trump in school you are most likely underage
what stupid people read this shit
i swear the fascies over at pol are talking shit when they say they unironically read blavatsky and savatri devi and evola and all these other ridiculous, left of field esoteric shit
like honestly, is your life so terrible that you cant have a little commom sense and just believe in something somewhat normal like conservatism or liberalism, and just follow a normal faith like anglicanism or something
you seem quite familiar with both
funny that
go back
To all fascists itt. Whats it like to be a traitor to your ancestors? So much for traditionalism LMAO
So youre admitting im right, good
Why not all of these, let's fucking ride!
I'm merely noting that you frequent both sites
>95% of the content on pol is literally not allowed on Reddit
You just explained why redditfugees come to Jow Forums
As long as youre clear on the fact that pol and reddit have litearlly opposite content, and that hating pol is what all of reddit does
My ancestors are smiling at me, cuck. Can you say the same?
So youre defining reddit by the tiny minority of people who are so hated that theyre banned from posting there. Not by the massive consensus on the site that hates pol and everything it stands for
>is your life so terrible that you cant have a little commom(sic) sense and just believe in something somewhat normal like conservatism or liberalism
Those are failed ideologies. You'd have to be nuts to keep trying something that you know will fail.
yes I'm sure they're very proud of you and your brave posts on a Tanna Tuvian horse taming forum
Ancestors are smiling at you for adopting an ideology they died fighting against. Congratulations nigger.
>>washington died fighting the thing he is resting his arm on.
yet Jow Forums is Reddit
rthedonald was at one point the busiest board on reddit so whatever kid
fascism has never succeeded. a democrat president wiped the floor with german filth. communist russia wiped the floor with german filth.
>using pewdiepie reaction images
just repeating a thing doesnt make it true, when i have pointed out to you that it is the complete opposite of truth
You just dont like the fact that you share opinions with them
>rthedonald was at one point the busiest board on reddit so whatever kid
Which is still a fringe positiion on Reddit as shown by their treatment of it
More to the point pol is in no way defined by Trump
state my opinions
>fascism has never succeeded.
>usa is simultaneously successful and not successful as well as fascist and not fascist
>communist russia wiped the floor with german filth.
suffered massive losses against a much smaller army* is what you meant of course. While the Germans were fighting another front. And the Soviets were being helped by the US
>invade a poorly prepared, still industrialising nation with no warning
>on the first day either kill or capture almost the entirety of their standing army
>still lose
Germany completely failed. Even without the US, the Soviets would have absolutely demolished Germany.
>understand how the board is being treated by the rest of reddit
back to your home kiddo
umm excuse me us government was founded on the principles of DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM both of which do not fit into the cancerous ideology of fascism
communism beat facism deal with it nigger
>>invade a poorly prepared, still industrialising nation with no warning
YOure just listing more ways in which Germany was superior to the Soviets. And it's not clear at all that they would have won without help
He means Jow Forums is ® because of the amount of crossovers, yourself included probably.
The founding fathers did not even mention democracy and actively disliked it you complete pseud.
yes the Soviet Union was inferior to Germany at the war's outset. no one is denying that and no one ever has. it just makes Germany's failure even more pathetic.
still lost deal w/ it
your ancestors are literally rolling in their graves at your treacherous ideology shame on you
You mean "Constitutional Republic". The "democracy" of the founders was white only and required land ownership.
for whites only, as slavery was still a thing.
>both of which do not fit into the cancerous ideology of fascism
Yet there are numerous examples of the symbol of fascism in US monuments and in government buildings.
Maybe you've been fed a bullshit definition of fascism and you're unwilling to change your opinion based on any new evidence?
>still lost deal w/ it
Lost to people who used nuclear weapons on cities. Yeah, what bad guys they were.
Conservatism still has legs to stand on. It's just sold out in most countries, and has developed full blown retardation in America.
Im aware Germany lost, Im just explaining to you how superior fascism is to communism.
And you know nothing about your ancestors, you literally thought the american revolution was about democracy you fucking brainlet
>country that was utterly broke a decade before could not defeat an allied force of almost every other major power on earth
The fact that it took the world to defeat germany says everything about her strength.
yes it is lol
USA entered the war after the Eastern Front started failing
Germany was fighting too many people at once, what's remarkable is how well they did against such odds
Fact is that they did win, and they weren't really helped very much at all by the US but you probably learnt your WWII history from Hollywood and History Channel so what the fuck would I know. If another nation like Nazi Germany arises today it will similarly get btfo by everyone else just for existing. If you want to learn about fascism you should go back to the Romans, not the Nazis, fuck the Nazis.
>cheering for evil winning
I sure hope that ignorance is pretty damn blissful. How's your life going? Wife and kids doing well? Gonna buy that new house soon because the current one just doesn't cut it and it's been 5 years?
They were fighting all the superpowers on earth you fucking retard. Imagine fascism arises in the US and think for a second
I think the point was that democracy fought a war against fascism. It's irrelevant about the founding fathers.
Hitler was democratically elected. Was Stalin? Was the Queen of England? is the USA not a constitutional republic? Do you have any idea what democracy actually means?
>fascism is whatever I want it to be!
literally you
again, ancestors looking down at you in shame
might is right kys fascist bitch boy LOSER
if it were superior there would be a fascist superpower RIGHT NOW instead of china
read it and weep
>democracy fought
Democracy, as an abstraction, can't fight anything. The US, Britain, the Soviet Union, etc. fought a war. An assortment of the most powerful countries on earth
>might is right kys fascist bitch boy LOSER
>warcrimes are okay as long as you win the war
>again, ancestors looking down at you in shame
Lincoln does not look upset with me, with his hands perches on fasces.
It was really fucking stupid to try to fight on so many fronts, in hindsight. I suppose that's what happens when your leader is a vegetarian with only one nut.
>if it were superior there would be a fascist superpower RIGHT NOW instead of china
The USA isn't fascist? I thought that was one of your side's favorite chants?
China is not communist, there are no communist countries, but someitmes people try and you get Venezuela. The lack of facist countries might have something to do with the entire world eradicating them when they appeared, and not with any inherent weakness in their system
Not like the sides were all hostile towards them from before the Nazi party even existed
I'm not cheering you strawmanning little retarded fuck. Read my post and if you want to respond, respond to what I say and only what I say, not whatever is in your head.
You want to talk about warcrimes? Lets talk about concentration camps.
>inb4 "muh 6 gorillian!"
>no of course that number is outlandishly large, the fact remains that concentration camps existed
Now kys bitch boy loser
>Lincoln does not look upset with me
And what about your great grandfathers? Uncles? Lincon isnt your ancestor, filthy mutt.
Stupid cunts bit off more than they could handle and all died.
0/10 apply yourself
>china is not communist!
Lmao. China rose to the strength it is today because of the communist party. End of discussion.
You're happy that germany was defeated. So again i ask you, how are you feeling about the results of that defeat? How great is your life right now? Wife and kids? House? All that? Did defeating germany get you that? No? Then what good did it do?
You cant seriously think the men of even 80 years ago wouldnt find you and your soiboy commie homos repulsive
Hitler was not democratically elected to the position that he attained you ignorant piece of shit.
China starved while 'communist'(it was a dictatorship, b and then became rich when it started using capitalist policies
>avoiding the question
Is your great grandfather proud of his great grandson sitting in a basement all day idolizing dead nazis surrounded by empty taco bell and crusty jizz rags?
>Lets talk about concentration camps.
Yeah it was really uncool to put japanese americans into camps.
>the fact remains that concentration camps existed
Correct, and the japanese lost their homes and most never got them back.
>0/10 apply yourself
It's your corporate paramilitary wing's chant, not mine.
Yes he was try reading a book
Keep telling yourself that.
Is yours proud of you defending faggots and child molesters? Do you have any idea the beliefs of people a century ago?