Be half black

>be half black
>look whiter than most of Jow Forums
you jealous? Jow Forumsmutss are you jealous?

Attached: genderbentme.jpg (500x508, 111K)

albinos aren't white

I know and pic related isnt me

She'd be cute if it wasn't for the nose. But she's just a child. Let her be.

nigger features are so ugly

>ramen noodle hair
lol, she looks like a jew

Attached: jew.jpg (318x159, 9K)

>Monkey nose and lips

shes still cuter than you
no shes half albino half white

thats my sister

being white isn't all about the color

im still whiter than yuo

Wait till it hits puberty, it's negroid features will become more prominent, and it will become a feral welfare collecting beast like the rest.

Attached: RachelDolezal.jpg (1600x800, 179K)

please delete that image you are giving me flashbacks of when kids used to bully me for my hair

please delete that image every time i see that woman I get an anxiety attack

I just don't get it. She would look fine if she was just dark skinned. Being an albino doesn't make you more attractive

>still be part nigger though

Hahaha, get fucked cunt. You’re even worse than the full blood niggers. At least they KNOW they’re at the bottom of the totem pole. You’re delusional enough to think you’re worth something because “I’m half white!”, but don’t realise you’re utter trash.

Attached: 4C815E60-C3A2-4952-B94C-CEFA2A5B0334.jpg (488x628, 50K)

>What are skeletal features
Nice try nigger

albinos are quite beautiful
shame about the grinding their bones up for magic bs.

Beautiful child really, shame she’ll be raised to hate half of herself.

No. I'm Scottish, which means I am so White and pale that I'm pale blue in sunlight.

funny because i'm totally 100% genetic white but look blacker than most blacks

pic is of me

Attached: 38c8193562b89f88995391f0dae2e0f4.jpg (564x624, 38K)

>thats my sister
Why would you post a pic of your little sister? You're either a roastie looking for attention or a pedo incest who diddles his sister.

> that's my sister.
> picture title : gender bent me.

something is not right.

Look at that ugly little smushed in nose.
What good is white skin if you have an african nose designed to breathe warm air? Send this mouthbreathing coonling to Africa so her white limbs can be chopped up by a witch doctor.