
>be american, center/moderate like most americans
>not really against trump but also not a fan of his
>democrats place everything on gender politics, focusing more on irrelevant issues rather than actual topics
>mfw "diveristy" is more of a issue than housing job security
>place all your bets on one horse to win the race
>demonize men, whites and straight people in the process, essentially make your campaign "us vs. them"
>mfw straight, white male but a blue collar worker simply trying to make ends meet with a clean criminal record
>don't like being grouped in with serial rapists and murderers simply because I have a penis
>2020 rolls around
>trump wins reelection
>democrats enraged, how could our master plan fail, we focused so much on minorities and irtelevant topics, how could we lose?
>horse they backed in the race ends up losing
>blame it on "toxic masculinity", "patriarchy", "systemic oppression and racism" instead of realizing your approach simply sucked

Basically the 2020 election in a nutshell. Does anyone doubt Trump will win?

Attached: trump.png (198x255, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What you don't realize is that the Democrats aren't trying to court you. They're trying to assemble a "coalition of the fringes," a rock solid voting block composed of literally everyone except white males and their wives. White men tend to vote Republican no matter their relationship status, but only white women who are married lean Republican. Single white women are part of the Democrat coalition.

Straight white men and their wives will soon no longer be enough to win elections. That's what the Democrats are counting on. Trump hasn't done nearly enough to reverse the demographic change, so all they have to do is wait.

Will Trump win in 2020? Yes. And then Ocasio-Cortez will win in 2024. The short term victory is irrelevant because we're destined to lose in the long term unless Trump ends birthright citizenship, which is a thousand times more important than the wall.

Oy vey...


i don't think anyone honestly believes he could lose.

>Ocasio-Cortez will win in 2024

Attached: 1526265848360.jpg (1200x1600, 416K)

Age, you penultimate FAGGOT

of course he won't lose, he's got Russia backing him.

would love to party with this guy in his prime.

t. muslim.

Attached: brtuoteoyt8scoutreflexs.jpg (480x723, 42K)

She'd be 35 by the inauguration.
