
What would happen if I quit Jow Forums for a month?
Anyone have results?

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Youd become gay.

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You’d probably stop having heart palpitations like myself.

You're on so much I'm starting to recognize you, Croatia. I think I called you a nigger a bunch of times a week or two ago.


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I am gonna quit Jow Forums for month hopefully forever

1. Mental peace
2. Self growth
3. Save time
4. Enjoy and notice the smaller things in life
5. Less stressed because you're not thinking negative thoughts (white genocide, immigration, etc) which in turn leads to higher testosterone. Higher testosterone means more happiness.

Wanna quit together user?

I had this method I had tried which had worked like a charm. Let me search the pic. If I don't get it I'll explain it myself. At least what I remember of it.

I don't hate you Jow Forums. But you're holding me back. We've got to part ways.

True my Hitler Brother, lets quit Jow Forums together

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Got it. It's a bit wordy (probably because we bully Indiens so much they don't get a chance to speak at all kek), skip the bullshit, just follow the method. It has worked for me in the past.

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I quit Jow Forums for three months one time. Best three months of my life I'm not going to lie. I just can't fucking bring myself to leave for good, something keeps pulling me back to this shithole. Maybe it's cause you guys were right all along.

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Its hard once you swallow redpill, you can't ignore reality.

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Shlomo, you can't quit, since falseflagging here is your job.
You don't fool anyone, you dunce.

The pakis would claim victory

I'm not schlomo you dumb kikelet

One month later.
You would return.

Dont do it. You might get a gf

And get Rape Divorced... Good idea will just jerk off to Jow Forums

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Literally nothing. I regulary take a break from it for a few days/weeks/months, but i always come back. You're stuck here Ante

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You'll get culture shock and wonder what these new memes are.

Come back later. No one leaves forever.

It's not necessary to quit cold turkey. First, realize that all the opinions here are just that, opinions.
Next, understand that there is no way of knowing whether the posters are actually sincere in their views, bits or paid shills.
Eventually you will see that all views are basically worthless because they are ever changing. What upset you once doesn't bother you later.
You can use this site to destroy attachment to views entirely, in fact.
It progresses like this: knowledge of the stupidity of views, disenchantment with views, dispassion with regard to views, and finally release from any attachment to them at all.
For someone with right view as explained by the Buddha, freedom is inevitable.

checked. i tried this today, yet here i am.

not much really. you already took the redpill.

watch this while youre not working

don't do it. the only reason to leave the house is either to make money or work out. 3d people are fake as fuck.

You would realize that politics mean nothing and 100% of the outrage seen on this site is fabricated for the lulz

I quit Jow Forums for a month after the Charlottesville mess because it was so blackpilling but Jow Forums is literally the best news source in the world so I came back.

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