Red Pill me on Meditation

Yuri Bezmenov said that it makes you docile for more ideological subversion.

Red Pill me More.

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Real world isn't even real.

>it makes you docile for more ideological subversion.

quite the opposite, it is not docility that is the end result but awareness, and with increased awareness comes a realisation that self preservation is no longer actually necessary.

The truth of the matter is, unless you are as devoted as pic related, instead you will use your awareness to defend your ideologies, and preserve oneself instead of accepting (and not resigning to) one's fate.

tl;dr endgame is to realise that >real world isn't even real

and that you should not treat your own perception as reality.

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>use your awareness to defend and preserve.

Weaponize the practice for your own self-improvement.

Which type did you find the most useful?

Link plz. Meditation increases awareness. It also increases brain cells.

I think he was talking about con man gurus and the like that preach for people to be passive about the rest of society.

tried meditation and breathing excercises and a lot of that shit
none of it ever made me feel as calm as when I take my frist sip of coffee in the morning

And people who preach shit like this

that's because you are more in-tune with what yoga really is.
to many it is sitting still or doing calisthenic stretching exercises. But as you have found there is a stillness in other places.
That is the yoga of power.

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My last experience:

>Sits down
>closes off thoughts & worries
>Slowly lets go of ego
>After a-while enters the 'zone'
>Feels a sense unknown to me, different from what you feel with your nerves
>Once you stabilise you can think of your life

Also me in the bath:
>Achieves 5% of meditation feeling

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There are many types of meditation. The best are for deconditioning the mind. Really, meditation is for people who don't know how to enjoy sitting quietly.It can improve focus and teach you to get into the flow state with minimum stimuli.

It can do many things. But disidentifying with thought is probably the most important. You are not your thoughts. There is an awareness beyond mind and body. From there, you can learn to observe objectively, and you'll realize just how silly you an other people act..You may also realize that there is a third or middle way, that extremes are bad and always teeter on the verge of change or destruction . Politically, truth is some combination of progressive and far right politics. Something like Ralph Nader mixed with Ron Paul.

How can thinking about the void and nothing supposed to help you? That's more about escape from the problem than facing it

Look up his hour long interview, he mentions it during his time in India observing the stoneheads

>How can thinking about the void and nothing supposed to help you?
That's not what meditation is

if you 'let go of ego', what exactly is 'entering the zone' and 'feeling a sense of unknown'. Don't you need a EGO for those things?

I've meditated for years. Did quite the opposite, it made me aware of people's mindsets and allowed me to undergo go several paradigm shifts. Faced fears and took self responsibility for my own life.

Lack of awareness is what causes ideological subversion... People are more easily controlled when they can't think for themselves.

>Red Pill me on Meditation

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it's a powerful thing, I started meditating for 20 min every day about a year ago, changed me completely, now I have my thoughts more collected and centered, get more interested in math and physics at and intuitive level, watch 3brown1blue relugiously and I went full MGTOW monk, my peace of mind right now is something that I never think possible

regarding ideology the only thing that has changed me is that now I am convinced that allowing women to vote was the greatest mistake of western civilization in the twentieth century

also, I heard from other MGTOW monks that meditation had cleans their racist views

try contemplative prayer instead. align your will more closely to the will of the One God through prayer and meditation

(((yuri bezmenov)))

know thy self.

Can't explain it properly. It's more like letting (you) go then you suddenly awaken into the 'zone' as well, a 'different' person.

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He simply stated that if you get influenced by bad folks while meditating then their negative influence on your mental state will be far greater.

Basically warned about :
>hippie gurus
>fake nihilistic religions, mainly fake versions of Hinduism and Budhism where they leave out essential teachings so as to spread it to demoralized teens

>t. Slavshit yogim

that's still ego. that is what is so funny about people meditating or taking drugs and saying they experienced ego death.

Meditation: the how and why is explained for free here by a man who knows

If you meditate long enough, you will realize meditation is a complete waste of time. Total and absolute. You will realize the truth: the only point of it at all is to teach you how to approach literally every waking moment— as if you were meditating. And meditation is gnarly, it isyour brain functioning at its worst sometimes, to its best. Which is exactly like literally every single thing you do. Except when “meditatng” you become aware of it (as is the point). At the point you can take these lessons and apply to your brain’s “always on” mode, there is absolutely no use for meditation. Or you could say that you are always meditating. Distinction without a difference, same shit.

>no difference in meditation.

Weird, I understand that line of reasoning.

But desu, it helped me to lay down the porn, and when I do not meditate, It's easier to get tempted.

>also, I heard from other MGTOW monks that meditation had cleans their racist views

Cleaning your 'racist views' would mean to clean yourself from factual, empirical knowledge if that is what you desire. To hate a group of people due to their genetic condition, something they have no conrol over, is unhealthy as all hate is. To accept and understand the forbidden truth that there is fundamental cognitive differences between the human subspecies is however healthy and desireable.

Your post sounds a little weird user

Meditation has "no use" in the same way that lifting has no use. It doesn't have a direct use, its just a practice that is meant to improve yourself. Lifting improves muscles - and meditation improves self-awareness and focus.

Just like most people don't gain muscle without lifting, most people don't gain that self awareness and focus without meditation

I heard that those guys drank gasoline beforehand. Seems like cheating.

Either you use meditation to control your urges and lust. It is so-called 24/7 meditation: you can concentrate on breathing, count your footsteps, watch fire etc. Another (and billion times more powerful) approach leads to immersing your brain to REM-sleep state where you acquire TOTAL control over your subconscious and thus true magic happens.

The ego is *you* though. Can't speak for meditation, but ego-death on psychedelic drugs refers to your boundaries bleeding out into your surroundings. You lose your sense of where you end and the universe begins. This is akin to borderline ego in psychology, but those people endure it constantly and often punch walls or cut themselves to assert their separation from their environment.

But yes, "ego-death" is an unwieldy term. Ego-extension might make more sense and I may suggest it's this extension that leads to megalomania in some psychonauts and a complimentary submission to such figures in others.

Focusing on the breath as it comes in and out, like trying to get a piston at top dead centre, is a good exercise in developing concentration. It is like having the opposite of adhd.
Eventually you learn how to be imperturbable, which is mental strength. It keeps you out of trouble.


I wish I had the drive to get started on this. How hard was it to build the habit of sitting down 20 minutes every day?

proud of all of the meditation anons itt

Once you learn how to relax the body - especially the eyeballs- it becomes pleasureable. Things you enjoy are easy to do.
"Breathing in, he suffuse his entire body with rapture and pleasure born of concentration - internal assurance..." Buddhist Jhana meditation

cheers cunt, no homo.

Personally got a long way to go, including regular practice for an extended period of time, that should be the next goal for myself.

you CAN abuse meditation. Its true purpose is to access the fundamental field of energy we call space

Any user got benefits from meditation in creative hobbies/pursuits?

its not that hard user. start with some guided meditations on youtube. then work towards developing your own practice. i typically do 30 min of yoga and then go straight into meditation with some meditative music playing fairly quiet. the yoga allows the body to relax to a level that makes finding the "zone" a lot easier.

Thanks, but I'm no stranger to meditation, I've done it occassionally for years. It just seems very hard to build a consistent habit.

100%. it opened me up to a different level of focus and creativity.

I personally haven't, but read about guys gaining on muscle incredibly fast and also curing some diseases otherwise uncurable by (((doctors))). Also check Joe Dispenza's work, he has an awesome collection of stories, these folks all achieved their results via deep state meditation (I described it here )

Glad to hear. One of the reasons I got stuck smoking weed for so long was how easily it allowed me to "fall" into the present moment. I could just begin working on some music projects without thinking anything else. I have never achieved this state of mind sober, perhaps I should just bite the bullet and force myself to meditate 20-30 min a day.

Thanks rick but isnt morty going to miss you? Fucking weeb version of le nihilism.

ya bro just meditate as much as possible. we won't try to get inside you

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thank you Anons, some good stuff here.

a heroin addict is most calm after a dose

there are many paths and every single one of us walk their own, alone.

Together of course, but alone all the same.

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Not me pal, pic related.

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do you not walk your path? Or does the lord simply carry you through it whence you are too exhausted to travel under your own power.

It primes your mind to completely focus on one thought without any distractions. It shuts off the distracted monkey noise in your head.

Look for the answer in your fortune cookie chinky pal.

>Trying to become an NPC
You guys do understand why we think chinks are soulless right?

meditation + gym, you don't need anything else

I do not seek your answer.

You do.

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>Being able to focus on one thing when needed is bad

Someone kicked the ant hill.

Why do incel think its anyones job to change their minds go live life and make your own decisions you nigger

Just because you are addicted to caffeine doesn’t mean a skill you put very little time into can not be rewarding when mastered

>being constantly distracted to check social media and not getting your fucking work done is respectable

>You have to sit quietly with no distractions to function.
Are you an autist?

It's conceptualizing via a internal instinct that initiates a state of serinity in which you can larp harder oldfag

Also meditations were practiced in the west as much as the east. Its practiced universaly in some form most cultures.

You don’t want to completely turn off your sense of self because then you would stop preserving. It’s like dividing by 2 you get really close to 0 but never get there. You can’t lose your ego because your ego is the awareness that you are you, but you can turn it down as low as possible. On one end of the universe we are all information and on the other end we are all matter, the change over point is you, a singularity.

Dont you have a yurt to put up or some guttural singing to do?

alright ill go do that
you keep eating your burgers and scroll Jow Forums through your mcdonalds wifi

Mediation is literally the act of training your brain to behave and function in certain manners so more skills become available to you. You detach and then reprogram if you think it’s useless you are just doing it wrong. There is a reason navy seals invest heavily in mindfulness practice and every warrior class has involved mindfulness into their practices. It’s taking time to reprogram your brain forcely making that part of your brain stronger to counter act the auto pilot parts that would get the best of you in some situations if you haven’t trained properly.

>Sitting down and calming your mind to improve focus and steel your nerves is useful and something that men should learn
>Doing pot to have orgies and pretend you're free from the world's illusions is fucking hippie bullshit and something that faggots do
Pretty much all there is to it

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That's what happens only to vapid egotistic roasties and bugmen. They'd deny their pitiful character and substitute it with something else. Wishful thinking basically. Instead of directly facing and getting a hold on the twisting and contorting serpent. It takes some nerve for that. It's something you do by yourself because no one else knows you as much.

holy shit yuri btfo

meditation means to think, do it alone away
from everyone for long periods of time and
you will find God.

I know two individuals that mediate. They are both gloomy Sam Harris acolytes without a single shred of joie de vivre between them. They both credit meditation as a key element in the formation of their bleak black outlooks. I am already blackpilled so meditation seems like the very last thing that I need in my life.

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>black pilled


It seems weird, the propaganda tells you that it makes you happier.

Yet I do see some individuals that are very black pilled and they do meditate.

Coping mechanism perhaps?

no meditation no getting closer to God, did Yuri himself ever meditate?

This , there is more we can see or comprehend with only our 5 sens .

Its all an illusion that your brain translate as best as he can to make sens ,

Oh and you cant die and wont die if you do good and gods work

It's a fuckin' hard, lonely road, but truly the only thing worth pursuing in this life.