Be European

>be European
>open door
>pic related with a machette is in front of you
>Merhaba. You haven't payed jizya 3 months in a row. You need to come with me to Uwrubba's central mahkam in order for adalat to be served in ways of Allah.

Attached: image.jpg (630x445, 90K)

>shoot him
>barricade myself in my house
>anyone, no matter who, goes near my house gets shot

With what gun, you're European

>be european
>dont pay mandatory healthcare for months
>police shows up and steals my stuff
>if there is nothing to steal I go to prison

>Offer him my wife's puss puss as collateral.
>Ask if I can watch while he releases his diversity juice deep in my wife's womb.

Attached: 1545363306817.gif (320x385, 1.27M)

> open door
> see the sole muslim dude living in the area
> he's saying something about money and jizz
> fail to notice the machette because hangover
> give him 10 zlotys like a good Christian
> close the door and go to sleep

>American education

super easy just say this and keep repeating it:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

>be european
>open door
>pic realted gives me my weed and I give him his money

you can still get guns in europe, you just first need to go to the police and get a paper that says you aren't a psycho or a criminal

I can own guns legally in germany.
Illegally as well but that wouldn't matter in this case.
One AR-15 with scope with a bunch of ammo and I'm set, just gotta go shoot some plates for a year or make a hunting license and it's legal.

nice response, satan.

Not defending german gun control burger, just saying it's not impossible, but I'd obviously prefer your system.

I live in France and I have a weapons cache littered with illegal CZs and various Hunting Rifles.


important to note you don't technically own them, your permit can and will be revoked if shit hits the fan and a race war breaks out

It'll be gone in the next couple years. Between the 1-2 punch of Obama and then Trump, the political spectrum here has shifted off the scale to the left.

>be muslim
>open door
>pic related with hijabi qt 10/10 is in front of you
>kiss me ahmed, come and kiss your beautiful muslim bride, right here on the lips ahmed don't be shy

what do? stay with the goats?

Attached: face.jpg (758x1024, 59K)

To where? Most western EU countries' right is still to your left

Pic related would be leaving my house with out hands

>opening your door without checking who it is


winner of beauty 2020 europe

Muhammed Hijab is a gentle giant(he's over 6'0), so fuck off shill.

Attached: Muslim conquest.png (1920x1210, 1.46M)