There are four pillars of democracy:

There are four pillars of democracy:
1. Legislative
2. Executive
3. Judiciary
4. Mass media (press/newspaper)

These are the four pillars of democracy and if ANY of these pillars is not working properly, then democracy is doomed to fail.

Media has four basic responsibilities as the fourth pillar of democracy.
1. It should tell the truth.
2. It should be unbiased.
3. It should not act to spread propaganda.
4. Moral conditiong of mass.

In current situation, it fails on every aspect. Therefore, democracy is doomed to fail.

Have you been taught this in school?

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>mass media is a pillar of democracy
lmao no

all that is needed is freedom of speech, which the press manifestly hates

Sounds like democracy is pretty weak desu

Yes, freedom of speech is 4th pillar.
Free press is an extension of freedom of speech.
Mass media is an extension of free press.

Free press uses freedom of speech, it doesn't extend it. Mass media abuses a free press, it doesn't extend it.

Thats what i meant, english is not my native lang.


>democracy is doomed to fail

was all you needed to post

p.s it's a good thing that it will fail, it's for the best user

You clearly have not read the short book of propaganda by Edward bernays, nor any book for that matter that deals with media propaganda. So I will assume you're fucking retarded, media is not democratic nor does it favor democracy in the slightest.

Where are you encapsulating the economic power bro?

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That’s not what you said in your OP, pick your words far more carefully as there is a VERY big difference.


All democracy requires is that people make faithful choices. All democracy requires to choose the "best" option (whatever that means) is that the distribution of opinions on options is a mere plurality (i.e. for 3 choices, people only need to think the "best" option is best 34% of the time, with the other two split 33/33).

It's the hubris of the media to think they're a part of that, by "giving" us plebs the chance to make an "informed choice." If they control the information, then it's not a choice. That's the trick they pull. They always pulled it. Media has never been anything but a tool of the existing establishment. It is antithetical to democracy. It does not "give" information, it takes it away in every editorial decision. Time is a scarce resource and we would like to have a media that could condense reality for us but there is no lossless compression there and the tyranny of the elites is made of the missing bits.

If you pay attention to mass media you are being propagandized. If you think you have to defend the mass media to save democracy you are not participating in democracy, you're undermining it.

Mass media is the enemy of the people.

I think besides the four pillars of democracy, underneath it, there are three main mechanism behind it – main ideas, so to speak:
1. Influencing an opinion,
2. Voicing an opinion,
3. and supporting an opinion (voting)
By voicing an opinion, a person, to a degree, is also influencing an opinion of people listening to him/her. So as you see, number 1 and number 2 are intertwined. At least, that is the case in small population direct democracy, where EVERYONE can hear EVERYONE’s opinions. Such as ancient greece in its beginning or Iceland in its beginning.

Today, the fourth pillar (mass media using freedom of press) has a fucking monopoly on 1 and 2.
Im not, Im drawing my own conclusions on many things and trying to deconstruct it. Sometimes when im researching im founding out that someone wise came to the same conclusions as I.

democracy is commie bullshit, you should have learned that from soviet rule, moron

So, what is the final solution for the mass media menace?
Were the newspapers in early years of america somewhat better? Late XVIII century, for example?
Why the founding fathers were not seeing this? People need and want to stay informed, they want to know what is happening around the world.

What is the perfect uncorruptable democratic system?

The power is born within the people. Not the press.

Look at the retarded Americans in this thread who think they invented the four pillars of freedom.

What's wrong with you polacks? We must cast aside the kike prison and take on a free pagan existence.

Can power be taken from mass media?
Is it already happening with the advent of internet?
With free flow of thought and information?
Is that why twitter, reddit, facebook and youtube is censoring stuff?

Instead of fascism or national socialism, should we shill for a true direct democracy? Twitter, reddit, facebook and yt are private companies, yet they are now platforms for voicing and influencing opinions. Should any kind of censorship be forbidden?

I heard a coworker refer to me as psycho.
What am I up to?

How do you imagine free pagan existence in an industrialized society with high infrastructure?

Edward Bernays pretty much destroyed the concept of a free and independent media. He turned into an appendage of corporate consumerism that is used to brainwash you and everyone around you.
I doubt most of Jow Forums knows who he is as I hardly see his name on this board anymore. Just a bunch of shrieking magapedes moaning about socialism like it fucked their ass the night before.
tl;dr watch century of self

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And then there's the...fifth column.

Mass media is a recent invention and it was always a means to gain money.
Nobody really cared about the truth

Foundation of that the four pillars rests is the IQ of voters. The pillars are wobbling because this foundation is very weak.

>4. Mass media
Kys shill

Media never was a pillar, if anything its there to undermine it and they managed to present them in a way to suggest that.

The real 4th pillar is freedom of speech and opinion.

We can all agree that we are not living in a FREE countries.
Shouldnt we heavily shill for freedom and some updated concept of democracy instead of fascism or NS?
How can media attack us if we shill for democracy and freedom?

>Can power be taken from mass media?
No absolutely not. So long as Humans are susceptible to herd mentality mass media will be used to manipulate them.
>Is it already happening with the advent of internet?With free flow of thought and information?
Social Media is even more effective at brainwashing people with herd mentality
>Is that why twitter, reddit, facebook and youtube is censoring stuff?
Yes. They do not want you using their tools to plant ideas in the publics mind that are contrary to corporate motivations and goals.
For propaganda to work the participant must remain unaware that they are being manipulated. It requires suspension of disbelief.

You forgot education, which is the mistake you always make and which explains very aptly why we're stuck in this stupid fucking position.
When the State controls what the Serfs learn, the Serfs never advance beyond serfdom.
Democracy is a fool's game that gives the power to whomever is best at controlling NPCs. Those people are usually the worst at controlling it, since they use it to further their own aims to the detriment of the NPCs being used.
Uncorruptible democracy is a foolish sentiment, unless you strictly limit who has the franchise to those capable of making decisions for the greater body of civilization. e.g. 25+ landowning males (you know, like the founding fathers did).
Limit the franchise to people who are statistically the least likely to be subverted by (((public opinion influencers))) and you might have a "democratic" system with a basis in reality.
Women, children, and people too poor to afford their own way in the world are going to have political whims subject to whatever their specific self-interests decree they should be.
It's why Lenin said that if you give a population the right to vote, they'll vote themselves into slavery every single time.
There are no exceptions to this.

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Who is that MILF?


Mass Media has always been a tool of control. You were lied to from the very foundations of what you're taught. (as were those teaching you)
Not ever has mass media been about informing the masses in an established society. NOT EVER. It has been a tool of manipulation and deceit from the very outset.

The only time you KNOW you have some actual free media/speech is when entrenched establishment groups are trying to censor and shut that speech down.

Democracy itself is a farce.

It's nothing more than a way to hide responsibilities and avoid repercussions. The dictators stay in the shadows while the politicians play good goy and take the heat.

At least with a monarchy/open dictatorship, you knew whose fault the current situation in the country was. Likewise the one ruling knew you knew and acted accordingly in his own best interests.

Hand Herman Hoppe: Democracy the God that failed, should sort you out polanon

Basically, no one directly owns the country under democracy so there is no reason to look after the capital (the country), you use up the capital by borrowing from the future and don't have to worry about paying it back (you won't be in power by then). Shorttermism sets in with high time preferences and buying votes with promises of free stuff and massive public spending to get yourself voted back in. You have a limited time to enforce your ideology and want to make it irreversible so radical changes become the favored option. Stats bear this out, look at inflation, prices and debt from the beginning of the 20th century and compare that to the 400 years previous.

>Democracy itself is a farce.
>It's nothing more than a way to hide responsibilities and avoid repercussions. The dictators stay in the shadows while the politicians play good goy and take the heat.
But we dont have a true democracy now, dont we? We have some fucked up representative oligarchian dictatorship that calles itself democracy.

True direct democracy in lets say population size of 500 people (a village) is the perfect system.
You get more people you get representative democracy because direct is not efficient, from there stems all that shit we have today.
Switzerland is the only country that has direct democracy.
We should strive for the most direct democracy that is possible.

They will attack you by calling you nazi or socialist or commie or white or whatever spook they planted into the minds of others.
The fact your native language isn't English gives you some protection from them already. It is why it will be a good day when most of American media is conducted in Spanish.

cessation onto smaller states so your voice is more easily heard is a move in the right direction but it will also make you weaker. And Laissez-faire capitalism will just appeal to people's baser nature:porn, celebrity etc you need some 'guardian of public morals' just to save people from themselves and a leader (or leaders) to inspire and find future direction and goals. Fascism is probably the best long term solution so long as it doesn't stifle creation and innovation.

Savage put it well-
The forth estate has become the 5th column.

mandatory, redpilling af


LMAO. Good one. When is Germany gonna buy Poland?

> pillars of democracy

Shit the fuck up Muhammad this isn’t Islam there arnt any pillars.

why am i on this board with such idiots...

Their country is doomed. If you worry about freedom then find the best way to contain them. Language should be encrypted so it is impossible to decipher by malicious actors who want to abuse and hijack the information it carries. This way you only need to worry about internal actors and not external ones.

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Denocracy is shit thats why rome failed. Im glad i live in a constitutional federal republic.

fuck democracy
>fascism or die

Post the Milf info ffs

Because the fifth pillar of "democracy" is education, which in America has been subverted to keep the populace supplicant.
The same is true in most civilized countries today, no doubt including yours.


Democracy is a mob rule, and is unworthy of any discussion. It's should be dismissed and abandoned, just like monarchy and communism.

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