Another Charlottesville when?

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When will burgers admit that the US is no more

>When will burgers admit that the US is no more
As long as people are willing to fight this shit it never will be

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>Another Charlottesville when?
Only if I was an American my dude. You fags have no balls to do it.

Charlottesville was a psyop organized by glowniggers.

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Very true. The right loves to talk while the Left acts. I would act too but I know the Left would ruin my life because they control everything

>hands off aproach
When will they realize that this is state sanctioned terrorism. If it gets out of hand I won't pity any dead officers.

>le antifa so tough
It's right here in the tweet, when a bunch of left wingers grab guns and masks the police back off and they get, at worst, neutral media coverage. Whereas it's a national emergency requiring the deployment of SWAT and Vice reporters if a group of right wingers does the same thing. It's almost like one of them is a group or useful idiots helping to further the interests of global capital, and the other is perceived by the Establishment as a threat (and whose suppression has been the explicit focus of western governments since the end of the war)

the right is completely broken and impotent

That's a laugh. The (((Media))) and by extension, the Courts, Cops and National Guard are giving Antifa the kid gloves treatment. Where are the wall to wall articles about Neo Bolshevism? Stalinism? Communism?

Contrast that with white people who want to keep their communities white (a right they lost in 1954 with school desegregation and in 1964 with neighborhood desegregation.) The Guard came in with bayonets on their rifles and forced the niggers to live among the whites. Realizing that their government was against them, any whites with the money to leave those places got out. Charlottesville proved again that the government will go over the top on Pro Whites and kid gloves on anti whites. The real question is when will Antifa get brave enough to kill a white politician or other high profile white male? That will test the resolve of the Slave Master class of society, once they feel a taste of what they force on the poor class.

>It's almost like one of them is a group or useful idiots helping to further the interests of global capital
hence we need to do what we need to do to eliminate them in minecraft

Note the Ralph Northam scandal going on right now. Northam is a Democrat and the current Governor of Virginia. He has so far refused to step down over racist photos that appeared on his year book page, despite much of his party calling for him to do so. (They get to put a nigger in his place if he steps down.) Northam's defense of his actions is a combo of "It wasn't me," and "I'm sorry my darkie pets, I didn't mean to make fun of you. Please let me keep being Slave Master, it is soooo lucrative."

If his party stops cooperating with him in the State Legislature, he will probably have to resign to save face. He can hold on until the next election (Virginia is a one term for Governor state,) if he wishes but that will take a brass set of balls.

The lesson from all this: As they do to Northam, they will do unto the poor white man. Take notes and get ready to make your stand. DO NOT TELEGRAPH YOUR BLOWS. The (((Powers That Be))) depend on set pieces to knock down weak opponents. This keeps them from going mad. Want to fight? Use chaos tactics and hit them like a whirlwind. Come out of nowhere and return to nowhere. Make them sweat the sight of every white male they don't know. Your existence as a race is on the line and you are sleep walking to your death. Wake Up!

Antifa just demonstrated how useless private guns are, they are like ghetto niggers but in much lesser numbers and conservatives do nothing again, just hide in their homes and count Jewish money to go to Walmart.

>Anudda Shoah, when?

when a bunch of larping nazi cucks and racist asshats push their bullshit, they had better expect to get their dicks knocked in the dirt

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Anyone who has been following these situations can see the progression. The arguments and actions of the left have been largely rebuked, now they have no more options and will resort to actual violence and / or violent attacks as false flags. The screechers and sign holders have been shaken out, or have gone home to mom and dad. Their core of mental illness will become more prominent and active now.

Guns are only useful for offensive, not defensive. Guns never were good for defensive and never will be. Either you march or you don't.

Cops are stupid pussies

Advocating for the preferred views of the ruling elite, truly a brave and powerful group of freedom fighters

have to ask, but were you dropped on your head a baby or were you just born fucking retarded

death to all larping nazi scum and racist cucks

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the right wing is still too weak and not willing to put their money where there mouth is

there should have been one Charlottesville rally a week every ever since James fields mowed that fat cow down and it still wouldn't be a tenth of the rage white people should be expressing

>the Left would ruin my life because they control everything
How can Jow Forums still have a victim complex when the right is in control of the entire government and has been for 3 years

Donald Trump is Israel-first and thus a lefty.

>be antifa
>which really just means "fanatic xenophiles"
>parade around in the streets with guns to promote mass immigration
>capitalists let you do this to promote global market integration
>result of 30 years of "bashing the fash": runaway global inequality, utterly divided and atomized western society
Based and redpilled

if/when democrats take over texas and change laws ASAP. i just need a couple more years to really be in a good position financially

*is arrested for saying "muslims are bad" on twitter*

Pigs and antifags work hand in hand to bring down the white man.

They both work for the same master.

FYI if anyone ever gets hurt from this, know that the Governor and State Police forces were alerted to the fact that Antifa is, according to the FBI and DHS, domestic terrorists, and if anyone ever gets hurt, that they cannot say "we didn't know" because I've alerted them using every method possible. Meaning, if anyone gets hurt, the person hurt can sue the ever loving fuck out of the Governor and state both.

Eric Clanton wore a mask while committing felony assault with a deadly weapon all on camera and got off with nothing. The law is completely biased and anyone else would've gotten 20+ years.

also, generally good advice for elder scrolls online

Nobody takes ANTIFA seriously anymore. They're just skinny white rich kids who protest "white supremacists" who are more diverse than them and get beat up by proud boys.

It was a staged event anyway, no one was going to show up except antifa. Some rally nobody ever heard falls apart before hand plus they closed the park down in advance.

Though it shows antifa is easy to bait when we need to take them out.

It sounds like the local LEOs and the state were caught sleeping. Was there any attention given to this white supremacist rally? I'm on Jow Forums a couple times a day, and I never heard a thing. Either antifa made it up, or it was a handful of locals on facekike. Either way, that little march they had will get a lot of people's attention, and is some nice acceleration.

Oh shit I think we have a real one folks! Tell me, besides technological advances that would have occurred anyways, how is this society that you're defending better than the one we had in the 1920s and before?

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No, I hadn't heard anything about it and I am a wignat. Granted don't have any conventional social media accounts beyond a gab that I stopped using as soon as it lost the streaming function.

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Most Jow Forumsacks who lived near Charlottesville refused to attend because they claimed it's a "honeypot." They forget about our right to freedom of assembly.

I don't know if it's a yearly event but it was in the news a one or two years ago (some guy drew on antifa, plus the fag who tried to tackle Trump was there). The media says there was infighting on the right and their permit for the rally was denied so no one show up except antifa. Also they closed Stone Mountain Park down to the public the day of the event, so police were aware. They just didn't do anything when antifa marched in town.

desu, they probably did the right thing considering the outcome of that rally.

Never, it was a fucking honeypot the first time.
If you faggots want a war so bad then you are gonna have to start shooting people

thE secONd AmEnDMent DOesn’T wOrK

>willing to fight
If shit like Charlottesville is anything to go by, you people don't know what a fight is.

You're not. No rallies happened since 2016 the entire right wing movement died when one guy decided to be a terrorist with his car

This isn't the first time. In the 1970's the Left maintained a campaign not terror that killed 5000 people during the decade. In 1972 alone there were over 2000 bombings. You don't read about it because the people involved were given slaps on the wrist and ended up in positions of power in government while the media covered for them.

Here's the thing. When shit actually kicks off, groups of people will simply vanish without a trace. There won't be any tussling in the streets using your women as meat shields or having the police there to protect you like the typical "clash" in Berkeley or wherever.

The irl right wing movement died when law-enforcement cooperated with Antifa to turn the event violent and when all attendees were doxxed.

The left is still in charge of the media, the government bureaucracy, the alphabets and the education system.
Trump shitposting on twitter isn't power.

And the youth. Being left is cool, being right is for edgelords

loving every laff

>Everything that happens ever is a conspiracy against us
You people have such a victim complex. It looks pathetic and is a major reason that most women abandon the right. Except for the fat Midwest ones and the ones trying to make money off you

The left has always been the cool thing to be. Right wing has always been squares. Since forever.

Except it was unironically a conspiracy.

>most women abandon the right
Only severely autistic women ever get genuinely involved in right wing politics anyway.

This thread is full of glow in the dark CIA niggers.

>The arguments and actions of the left have been largely rebuked
According to retard Jow Forumsfags who believed in Q and pizzagate, sure. Back in 2008 you guys were saying Obama was the fucking Antichrist and now open christfagging in accepted on Jow Forums. You're far less rational than you think you are.
Also, much science that Jow Forums believes is settled is far more disputed than they attest. I won't dispute that IQ is partially genetic. And yet environmental factors like blood lead concentration, minority stress (expecting to fail), nurtitional deficiencies, and infectious diseases have been demonstratedly shown to lower IQ. All are more common in blacks and Hispanics than whites. Yet Jow Forums never talks about this because it contradicts their narrative.

That's starting to change. The left now acts like a bunch of old chuch ladies. Look at how they love censorship. The right is becoming the new counter-culture. Zoomers are not going to rebel by smoking weed, listening to Sabbath and dating someone that's a different race. That's what their parents did and still fucking do.

Zoomers will be too busy playing fortnite to rebel.

"cool" as in what losers and rejects idolize as cope to show how Chad is actually so shallow and uninteresting unlike me with my art and big thinks. Meanwhile Chads are pretty much universally disinterestedly right wing

>i just need a couple more years to really be in a good position financially
I just landed a new job that pays 15K a year more than my previous job. I plan on investing all that $ into prepping. I was comfy with my old job, now I have expendable income.

Look boyos no one is getting into gunfights with Antifa because the media defends them. WHEN Antifa shoots a police officer or blows up a starbucks that is when they will be swept up. The ceasing of communication is getting worse so that means conflict is certain.

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>t. Smelly Nigger

>How can Jow Forums still have a victim complex when the right is in control of the entire government and has been for 3 years
Out government is Jewish supremacist, whether you consider that right wing is up to you.
Trump couldn't or wouldn't even build a fucking wall.
Any actual non-Jewish controlled right wing is sidelined to hell.

>this shitskin cope
You're subhuman m8. Just face reality.

That's not how it works. There is always a percentage of young people who 'fight the system.' The left is now the system. They completely control the culture with the media and Hollywood.
And just saying the zoomers are all lazy is ridiculous. Unlike the generation before them, they know they are screwed if nothing changes.

While antifa is marching armed through streets right wingers fight over petty optics. Thats why you are losing

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says the backwoods street shitter whos daddy is a rapist indian and the mammy is a literal faggot

This. But again, if we don’t ( like during Charlottesville), everyone loses their jobs and have their lives fucked over by the media.

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They've already sent a bomb to the Portland police because their soiboi got his brains blown out when he tried to kidnap his daughter from school.

Cops won't do shit. The same way they didn't do shit when the left was killing people in the 60s and 70s. They're both part of the same system. Get it through your fucking heads.

The moment any right-winger has a gun, they will be shot or arrested by police. Antifa on the scene will simply report that they are "armed and dangerous" instead of dealing with them directly. Footage of right-wingers marching with weapons will then be played on MSM around the clock to "prove" that "Trump's rhetoric" has made his followers resort to violence and intimidation.

This is a trap.

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It never changes. Left has always been cool and right has always been squares. Unless enforced by a fascist state with indoctrination (like Hitler youth), the natural balance always shifts back to the lefties being cool.
You say the zoomers won't, but they will. They're the most mixed race mixed opinion cool with everyone generation ever. If you think they care about stuff like racemixing then you have been thoroughly deluded. And while I agree that weed smoking often is bad, you've completely lost the plot if you think any generation is going to stop smoking weed.

You want to fight the system and save the race, fight the great conspiracy but you are afraid of doxxing? What kind of retarded logic is that? You have literaly nothing to lose.

Only twitter trolls would opose real action because they dont believe in what you want to do.

It's so brave being to loyal dogs of the establishment...

How hard is to get that the reason Antifa gets away with flaunting laws, is because they are the tools of the government you claim to hate?

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>Look at the double standart
No one cares, why do you fags keep whinning about it?

>It's almost like one of them is a group or useful idiots helping to further the interests of global capital, and the other is perceived by the Establishment as a threat
And they still fall for it.

>What kind of retarded logic is that? You have literaly nothing to lose.
Say this to niggers who lose their jobs (some never able to get one again), disowned by their families, and get harassed because they do. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me but it haunts 80% of the Right. If the right were more organized and communicated more like the Left, a lot less would be scared I think

It's not that they are going to stop smoking weed. It's that smoking weed isn't edgy anymore. What makes something cool is the adults do not want the kids to do it. What are the things the left doesn't want their kids to do?

So why don't the Western regimes shut down antifa, if they are such a threat to them?


>How can Jow Forums still have a victim complex
Is it pro-whites that get deplatformed and censored, or is it Antifa?

Why don't the capitalists shut you down, if you are this big threat to them?

"The right" is not in control. Republicans are in office. Control is a different thing.

The number of pro-whites are growing exponentially, while you are shrinking, since it's not hard to see that you are tools when it's pointed out.

Not even publicity stunts like this, will change that.

The cuckservatives are not pro-white.

When I see these cucks march down MY street, becuase American states are about as different as European countries.

I seriously doubt that

>I seriously doubt that
Have you not seen the growth on Jewtube?

Example of antifaggots getting uppity around real Americans

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If you bleive that in several years the country will go to shit then what do you have to lose?

Or are you just a GOP shills like rickyvaugh lmao

Probably sometime after Britain officially announces it's a caliphate

Example of antifaggots getting uppity around real Americans, this one got actual brain damage

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Example of antifaggots getting uppity around real Europeans

Never forget the media memory holes every single solitary event that makes their precious NPC robot army look bad.

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What would you say if some sjw tried to hit guilt as a response? "Slavery, jim crow, american indians dying" that kinda shit. That's always the response I get when saying the past was better.

Example of Antifaggots daily posting habits when the mask is off

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That this have passed you by is not strange, if you are still antifa.

Example of what Antifaggots parents feel about them after they die of AIDs.

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Oh yes it does. Why do you think they want it gone so badly?

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When you hold the brownest maternity wards you can find hostage.

>The ceasing of communication is getting worse so that means conflict is certain.
What do you mean "ceasing of communication is getting worse"? For whom and how?

But it literally was a honeypot, the march went in a double file line in front of cameras, and everyone there got doxxed

Right wing is the new punk.

Holy shit, let me get bust out my red suspenders and white laces.