I have an honest question Jow Forums. What should a MGTOW man that wants kids do?
I'm in my early 20s and agree very much with the MGTOW movement. Women are trash, have always been and modernity is allowing them to act like animals without repercursions.
The only reasonable way of acting would be not to engage with them. I'm so jaded and blackpilled that I don't think I even enjoy sex anymore which was the only reason I was seeking female relationships in the past.
BUT here is my dillema. I want kids. I want to pass on my white blue-eyed high IQ genes. I really do, at this point it's the only reason to keep on breathing. But honestly the only sensible option is pumping and dumping, and even then I would have minimal influence on my children's upbringing and education.
Any way out of this catch 22?
MGTOW and kids
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>What should a MGTOW man that wants kids do?
pick a drug and lose yourself in mindless hedonism as a way to cope that you will never have a family.
It's not good enough to just pass on your genes if she isn't a good woman. Find you a good Romanian girl. Try hard. Get fit, get your life in order, and set out finding one. Church or in some kind of healthy hobby. Don't give up. Get her to sign a pre-nup if you are scared.
It's the only real way to do it. Sperm donating doesn't ensure you will get a descent woman. You should not be knocking down a whore and definitely not race mixing. And your kids deserve BOTH parents. Find a good woman. Get to work doing that and don't give up.
You will probably be a shitty father if you are mgtow
Stop being a coping incel and just be redpilled so you can eventually marry someone worthwhile.
dont be a degenerate
tame a bitch
have some kids
I don't think there are any good solutions as things are.
So come up with a harebrained plan and hope it goes for the best, or forget about it.
that is exactly what I'm trying not to do. I really want offspring, but it seems that every day is darker than the last
there are no good romanian girls. all are feminist whores. I lift and my life is in order
the only real way to tame a woman is to beat her. and I'm not risking jail time for that
>white blue-eyed high IQ genes
>these threads and racemixing threads are allowed to stay up
>all NEET threads are immediately shoah'd
so it's true after all, Shlomo Shekelberg doesn't want you to produce white children but wants you spend the majority of your waking life cucking for him and paying taxes like a good goy
i suggest you do the exact opposite
You could save up for a surrogate. Thats my current plan
Pump and dump loads in the ones that want children. Most do. Then be prepared to a 1/4 of your wage to support the kids. In the UK they can only claim 1/4 of your wage after two children, so you can have 10 kids to five different women and it’s only 1/4.
>there are no good romanian girls.
I doubt that
>the only real way to tame a woman is to beat her.
Not really
All you have to do is just be a man and lead
They will follow
Shut up, faggot. You gotta be at least 18 to post on this board. Stop telling men to waste their time partaking in marriage, which is a broken institution. Modern marriage in this country psychologically castrates men and here you are, the effeminate piece of shit who is pushing this fruitless endeavor.
Log off of pornhub and go outside for once, you fucking bitch-tier faggot. People like you need to be barred from discussion political issues.
>I'm so jaded and blackpilled
>I want kids.
You really want to bring kids into a world that makes you jaded and blackpilled?
it's called surrogacy.
Just grow up, honestly. Women are basically fucked these days, sure, but they respond to strong men. Don't look for an honest woman among sluts. Find that one woman and then be a fucking man. If you know how women act and you let it happen, you are just as much to blame. MGTOWs are the biggest fucking pussies ever. You can't just play Fortnite and smoke weed for the rest of your life.
yes thats like being complete gyppo. you are a gyppo, are you not ? and you are suggesting producing MORE gyppos. thats why we can't have nice things because of gyppos like you
>psychologically castrates men
How could you be this weak?
demographics and racial in group preference override literally everything else
>>there are no good romanian girls.
>I doubt that
why? You think you know better than me? you think eastern european women are ''traditional''?
>All you have to do is just be a man and lead
all women cheat. all women branch swing. all women want gibs and offer very little in return. they might seem to listen to you and be redpilled, but at the end of the day she is still a dumb beast. 5000 years of civilization have failed to domesticate the woman. do you really think you can do this in 5 years?
it's just the Kali Yuga. things will get better in the future. The strong survive and pass the genes. And I'm no weakling
are there any white aryan surrogate mothers? I don't want any gook vietnamese to racemix with me
I do none of those things.
you can be a very rich man providing for her and ''redpilling'' them and they will still cuck you out with another guy's baby. honestly you should grow up.
tradcuck gonna cuck
>I want to pass on my white blue-eyed high IQ genes.
The world doesn't need more autists user. Do right by the world and put aside your compulsive need to reproduce your flawed DNA.
MGTOW is a gay cult.
Feminism for fat males...
>you think eastern european women are ''traditional''?
No but there are good girls everywhere you just need to look for them
>all women cheat. all women branch swing.
>all women
>5000 years of civilization have failed to domesticate the woman.
All throughout history man have been able to control women
It is only since men started believing modern egalitarian garbage that they have failed to control them
Im a high iq taxpayer and so are all my family, exactly what we need and if the society we’re in no longer encourages family units and is actively working against white men then why bother working against it?
>No but there are good girls everywhere you just need to look for them
those ''good girls'' are below-5s. fat and ugly. they are ''traditional'' because they know being fat, ugly AND a whore will drive their (already low) sexual market value to 0.
>It is only since men...
it's only since the state has starting playing the role of big daddy that women have went haywire. that and financial independence on their side. There is no real way to discipline your woman in today's age
What if you get a daughter
nice meme
fat and ugly girls are more likely to be whores because they get more male attention
Even attractive women who are waiting for marriage have a hard time finding a man because most men want a girl that puts out
>There is no real way to discipline your woman in today's age
Look how fathers are with their daughters
They dont even care if they are whores
>have a hard time finding a man
this, dont risk having kids when theres a 50% chance theyll come out defective
Most men are whoremongers that dont want a good girls
Easy and ONLY solution:
(completely unearned, btw)
But i know, u cucks wont.
>u cucks wont.
Why havent you?
Have you ever talked with another person
How many men that you know believe people should not have sex before marriage?
I'm not necessarily looking for virgin dummy. It would be nice but in today's society it's impossible to find an over 18 woman who is a virgin.
I'm asking for a woman who is not inclined to cheating and shit testing
do you have any actual stats to back that up?
Swallow the antinatal pill, it would be logical and almost intuitive if you are indeed high iq
>today's society it's impossible to find an over 18 woman who is a virgin.
No tis not
>I'm asking for a woman who is not inclined to cheating and shit testing
Women only cheat if they dont respect you