What type of right winger are you?


post results and rate eachother

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Other urls found in this thread:


> alt-right
Nice meme, CIA

>Open quiz
>First two questions are blatant data mining
>Close quiz

Attached: jewmunism.webm (768x576, 2.93M)

> right
> socialist

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Seems about right

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>Full focus on US issues

It's shit. Waste of time.


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NatSoc actually means corporatism

Fuck you, i ain't taking that shit.
Look at this tho.
Majestic, isn't it?

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I couldn't resist.
Turn out im a ligth too..

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Paleoconservative masterrace

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Probably CIA honeypot but fuck it

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Numbers confirm the test

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btw the description that the site give of nat socs is grossly incorrect

Hssssssssss I'm snake get out reeeeee

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Mein neger

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National Socialism is left-wing. Fuck off.

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Read Mein Kampf you reddit faggot.

Whats everyone think of this one?

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super gay

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I still have a lot of lolbertarian priors, desu.

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Fascist and national socialist is the same thing

Right. Left. Who gives a shit?
You're in the jungle baby.

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Exactly as expected. But I don't know where the Natsoc at the bottom came from.

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Alt-right rise up!

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Sounds good to me.

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There is no thing as right wing national socialism shill. National capitalism has nothing to do with natiinalism, like pinochet they are the cock suckers of the jewish school of chicago. The same goes for the austrian school.

The only way is third positionism

A lot of the answers on the quit were really shitty and didn't take into account, you know, the word I hate: nuance.

I'm sure it would look a little different if I put more thought into it.

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Tends to happen when a quiz is made by lefties. I was surprised they use the word "child" in the abortion question. I bet it was hard for them to type that out.

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I think they do it on purpose, the majority of people cant see that bankers like schiff or soros nowadays always supported leftist movements.

Wtf, how is altright even on here?

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>majority of people cant see that bankers like schiff or soros nowadays always supported leftist movements.
The truth is that leftism is really just urbanism. People like Soros support leftism not out of love for the ideology(I doubt Soros would want to see what happens in an abortion clinic or live next to some hippies) but because they love urban centers and want those urban centers to have dictatorial control over the geographic 99% of the world. If men like Soros had their way, wealthy urbanites could visit rural areas and shoot at rural people without consequence. That's why these fuckers love high-speed-rail because it gives them the ability to "look over their domain" as arrogant fucks.

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Should be on the lefty quiz considering that damn near everything the alt"right" support is left wing. They're basically leftist racists.

>Alt-rightists don't have a very solid platform but tend to favor social conservatism, white nationalism, isolationist foreign policy, and strong immigration restrictions to preserve culture and racial purity.

>favor social conservatism

>White Nationalism


>Strong immigration restrictions



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Wish we could turn back time, to the old days..

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>Who do you admire
>Pat Buchanan
>You re paleoconservative you might like Pat Buchanan

No shit sherlock...

apparently i'm gay

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You should probably specify that this test is made for Americans and half of it is irrelevant to anyone who isn't.

Do I win?

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Got me pegged right.

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Not what I expected but works for me.

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I got constitutionalist, but I'm really curious: what the hell is a national capitalist?

apparently they consider a more capitalist version of fascism. id est, Pinochet chilean economics.

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I would have guessed National Socialist but it says I'm Alt-Right. Fuck Dickie Spencer.

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Surprised. Didn't answer all the questions though.

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that's a really gay Quiz. I quit after the next 3 Questions are even more stupid.

So is lolbertarianism, faggot. Back into the closet.

to lazy to post pic

What type of right winger are you?
Your Result: Constitutionalist

You are a constitutionalist. You look at all issues, social, economic, foreign policy, etc. on the basis of constitutionality. You are probably a fiscal conservative, a gun enthusiast, concerned with civil liberties such as domestic surveillance, and like states rights.

Some of the questions only allowed tyrannical answers btw..

Here's a pic I already have saved.

Attached: political test 3.png (800x650, 83K)

Lolbertarian at heart but I now understand the need for strong nationalist protection

Basically ultimate liberty for citizens and fuck everyone else

What makes you say th--

By visiting GoToQuiz.com, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless GoToQuiz.com, 4D Media, LLC, and its owner from and against any and all damages,


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Fuck all you retards for falling for this obvious data mining attempt

Apparently alt-right. And they just told me I was being edgy.

this is a shit survey
the choices box you into a response that isn't even close to how you feel

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>Falling for data mining threads
>Mad they use a low quality test to gather general stats about the people browsing Jow Forums

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My actual specific views are a lot more autistic and unique but I guess this would be the closest already-existing category to my true beliefs as I am severely concerned about societal collapse, dysgenics and the decline of the white race and I do believe in a future where we will have Aryan racial purity.

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Based, near the same here

here ya go

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Alt-Lite EXTREMELY pro-gun anti-immigration mensch here.

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Dividing the enemy the post.

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Fuck Niggers and fuck Jews. Praise Jesus

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The alt-"right" is pro-abortion, pro-eugenics and even pro-fag when arguing against Islam. The problem with the alt-"right" is that it supports core aspects of leftist degeneracy like abortion and then thinks that you can have a good pro-family society afterwards. Sorry, that's not what happens. You end up with single mothers and men who try desperately to get out of fatherhood(i.e. the kinds of men who make up most of the alt-"right" which is why they're so pro-abortion). The alt-"right" just wants a world where men can force women to kill their kids and the White race dies alone. You can't have a traditional pro-family country if you incentivize men - many of which are inclined to being shitbags or be manipulated by shitbags - to turn against their own children. This always leads to single motherhood and children being raised by women or by shitty fathers trying to justify trying to kill them.

>"but durpty werpty, we only support abortion when it kills off non-Whites"
Except you fuckers don't. Deep down you really just want forced abortion to be legal and your precious alt-"right" society's shitty men would fight tooth-and-nail to make it legal to force White women to abort their White kids because *surprise surprise* many White men are shitbags(eg CRP).

Social Conservatism and Civic Nationalism are the only ways you can fix society because it eliminates the problems. When you fight it, you're defending the liberals who want America to be a slave state that uses cheap foreign slave labor to get shit done.

Which type wants to gas all the jews. That one.


I'm Progressive according to political matrix. That's right-leaning on center horizontal line. Leftists hijacked the Progressive label and they can die for it.

Politics isn't a salad bar where you can pick and choose what you want. Its more like a stew or soup where the whole thing turns out to be shit unless you put in the right combinations of ingredients.

You can't be pro-abortion while also wanting to support traditional 2-parent families. The former prevents the latter no matter how many lies you tell yourself. Men who try to get out of fatherhood make terrible fathers.
You also can't be a nationalist while also holding down a firm position on foreign policy. Face it: we live in a world with competing powers and a purely pro-war or pro-peace political stance would end up undermining the nation. We should go to war when we have to and intervene when necessary or else the Russians will take over the world and then turn it all to shit so they feel safe.

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Even though I have turkish roots (both parents turkish, + I have dual-citizenship)

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The test is bullshit. I'm not a Christian Fundamentalist but I support those kinds of people(or at least their beliefs) running this country especially when the alternatives are atheist liberalism that says pic related.

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what site is this?

fucking based

Get on my level faggots

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(You)'re retarded.

I'm Alt-Lite. Mfw

>nat soc
>right wing

I've never seen any alt-righter support fag stuff, their position typically ranges from keep it out of the public square to outlawing it. This is not anywhere close to gay rights stuff.

And it's the same with abortion, they generally don't like abortion and the only reason they are not 100% opposed to it is because of this ghoulish pragmatism that you outlined, that these minorities aborting their own children helps the demographic war. This has nothing to with contemporary liberalism or leftism in general.

I don't see how anyone can oppose eugenics in a broad sense, as in good breeding, perhaps particularly implementations can be questionable, but I don't see what this has to do with being left-wing.

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Almost exact same

I was surprised at how accurate this was. Bredy gud

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