Sen Warren Apologized for Cherokee Claims

Why did she cave in, Jow Forums?

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the other 2020 dem candidate was found out as a whore, she thinks she can run compared to her

Is she going to be prosecuted or give back the hundreds of thousands of dollars in the fraud she committed?

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She's a woman.

because it finally clicked her platform is based on a total fucking lie and she's fucked if she thinks fools can't tell

seriously how fucking stupid can you be as a presidential candidate? like really, LIKE REALLY, you live in lalaland and don't even notice that in of itself

a glass fucking sambo eating a watermelon was on your bookshelf during your livestream talking about becoming '#POTUS' and you're not a racist?

Using the Cherokee identity like that to play cheap political games

And in the same breath calls Trump a bigot

Aren't all lefty women whores?

This it's just silly.

Trump is the only politician who could have made this happen

She drinks beer though, she is cool, kek

Cherokee nation didn't want her, but maybe she should try the Aryan nation

Because she's about as Native American as the Loch Ness monster.

>Aryan nation
She thinks the shelf-life for that nation is very short

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So you are saying pic related looks nothing like E.Warren? KEK

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Aren’t all women whores?

Dumb cunt trying to appeal to the shitskin demographic with fake heritage claims, she should have kept it up, it's not like any of those spics can prove their 1/16th injun either.

Still have hopes to MAGAgirl

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So she is Post-Pocahontas now?

it was a swipe at the minority vote for her presidential run
also to check the water if minorities will vote for a woman candidate

I don't even get what she was thinking.
White people don't care.
Spics and NIggers don't care.
And she just enraged those of us who are legitimately part of a tribe.
She stood nothing to gain and instead lost everything.
Sad, many such cases.

Good luck ingin lady competing with all of the other American hating communists

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Because being in a tribe is based on descendancy, not DNA. If you don't understand that, you embody le 56% white meme.
Because she is le 56% white meme.

Look, I don't care about educating you faggots, but basically it's someone claiming to be a Royal based on a DNA test. What would the Royals say? "Umm we don't know you, bitch."