We've listed everything the US does wrong

But what are some things it does right?

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We were GOAT until Nov. 22, 1963

Keeping the jooz in power?

it's good at creating a continent-wide interracial breeding ground


The stability of the entire free world depends on the US....hell almost all prosperity, the capitalist(or mixed cap) era we are profiting from.

Amurrica is lost, its time to Come Home White man.

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apart from ex christian (not moslem) countries and the jewish state No one gives a shit about human rights, or citizen rights or any sort of resemblance of a western democracy without the US pumping $$ into it or the enemies of the US pumping $$ to spite murica...(or counter influence etc)

If you actually play your cards right, you could go from poor to upper middle class. I know lots of people who did that. I don't know if you can do that in other countries but it's easy to do that here

user, hate to say it, but the few times I’ve had a burger at a Mexican restaurant it was the best I’d ever had

Also freedom of speech is a law here

the cops are very good at shooting niggers from what i see

>burger in Mexican restaurant

What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?

If people were rationally racist they probably would have 2 choices... (this is a very rough theory) try and build barriers, deportations, mass forced reproduction etc....

Or try and make the whole world into a free market, try and improve the living standards of all societies decreasing the birth rate of other races etc in the process, (also including abortions etc since women "liberation" etc) whole world may become a shithole of degenracy but itll serve its purpose, till zealots of religion etc fuk it all over and we are thrown back into a state of war/conflict death ... the natural state.... its all meh...



I truly don't mean this as an insult, but the lower class here is basically the middle class in the US. As far as education, healthcare, government assistance (police/fire department/hospitals) goes.

We don't have enough to constitute a proper upper class though... Wish I could see Jews/black rappers in lamborghinis once in a while...

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If you live in the Midwest like me, you can own a nice big house in a 95% White town for under $350,000.

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Turn right at a red light, fucking love it

This. Italian American joints have the best burgers

Fuck off the pacific northwest is a shit hole fag fest and the foreigners know this, that’s why they are moving in droves for free gibs.

Information wise 90% of Sweden is under class.
Utterly tricked people!




Guns. When it's us vs them we'll need them and we have quite the armory.

That's the Jews not America

A fucking leaf