Welcome to 2019
Welcome to 2019
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Diversity is your strength, goyims
At least they can all come together in their hatred of white people.
This timeline is so crazy. Repent the end is near.
burn it all down. kill all non whites too
>when the hotpot of cultures becomes a bit too hot
If I have a hatred of Islam based on their thousand year history of waging war and death against my ancestors and even my contemporaries, does that make me islamaphobic?
STEP ONE: Prevent entry and settlement in The United States.
Rest is just conversation. These foreign freaks have nothing to do with our nation.
Seriously what in the fuck is it going to take for you yanks to finally start killing politicians? I just don't understand it. None of you want to be the change you want to see...
If I have a hatred of Jews based on their two thousand year history of waging war and death against my ancestors and even my contemporaries, does that make me anti-semetic?
Make sure you are personally ready
People of the United States have been carefully educated to be as helpless as humanly possible.
It's very intentional, and highly successful.
Yes, because #notallshitskins, if you're white, if you're a shitskin, you can blame other shitskins how ever much you want and the ones that instill the most guilt into white people are declared the winners of the bout.
>This bait was shitty yesterday
>killing politicians, bankers, etc
Hmm naah..
>random mass killing spree on innocents
Hee haww let's go!
They should both go to the penalty box imo
no, phobias are an irrational fear of something.
Notion irrational about fear of Islamic ways.
They're bringing the middle east stateside and it's only a matter of time before the islamic side suicide vests the house and the Jewish side uses the interns as meat shields.
Redpill: if you truly understand the jews you realize you will need every man of every religion to eradicate the literal physical evil
kek, diversity is out strength! The only thing that makes democrats keep winning is white liberals and free gibs to minorities.
Easy and ONLY solution:
(completely unearned, btw)
But i know, u cucks wont.
Why are any of these sand kikes in America to begin with?
Based and redpilled thanks friend. I look forward to meeting in paradise.
"I have only ever made one prayer, I asked god that he might make my enemies ridiculous and he granted it"
>jewish republican
>bernie in the background
lol, love mainstream media propaganda
>"I hate white people because they enslaved my ancestors and systematically oppress my contemporaries.
This is how retarded you sound.
>islam is a race
come on bro, just try to use your brain at least
WTF I love muslim democrats now!
>you're an anti-semite
>no, you're an islamophobe
pmsl and kek!
>Easy and ONLY solution
Incorrect, the ONLY solution is
United states of Amnesia
kek. this is rich. Let them hos fight.
I think the jews have cried wolf enough times.
And the left's big, disgusting golem beings to crack at the seams.
>no u
Oh good. Politics have finally hit 2007 /b/ tiers of argumentative nuance.
What a surprise
Why is this cunt naziphobic? What a bigot
those are hoaxes to take our guns, you dumb wopgoy
Christ is done with this world isn't he, imagine you created man and it lead to this. The tranny bs, children indoctrination, globalism. Jews calling anti semitism at every turn especially after doing something horrible to a group of people, mainly europeans. 1984 censorship in UK, Sweden showing increasing hatred for christians but praise islam.. It is all disgusting
Islam has been illegals since 1786. Reaffirmed by Jefferson again in 1789.
Anybody that tells you different is a traitor.
I was laughing when I saw this the other day. Sweet Sweet Music
PS can't wait to murder them both off.
It’s yee haw you greaser fuck
>implying anti-semitism and islamophobia are bad
I'm on this guy's death squad
You can stop being muslim, you can't stop being white. Islam is an ideology, if you're an adult and still subscribe to that ideology, it is reasonable to assume you agree with the things it says and does. Whites are just people, there's no unifying ideology.
For his glory, not ours. Be well, brother.
Jesus Christ just cut my balls off already
Experts say Trump to blame
These headlines were jokes on Jow Forums ten years ago. My how the time flies.