Why are they so angry about this...

Why are they so angry about this? Aren't these the same people who are more than happy to kill an infant if it isn't wanted?

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This kike really takes himself seriously.


>A pediatritian thinks vaccines are important.

I'll say a thread died for this but I doubt it.

I'm just curious why normies on kikebook post this shit so much. I've only met a few people who you could consider "antivaxxers" but they still got their kids the important shots and researched the rest and said no. I don't understand why normies are so fucking angry about this.

Guess how I can tell (((he))) owns his own practice?

Yeah, and I'd never take a child to a physician like this, someone who's drunk so much AMA Kool-Aid that it's impossible to have a rational discussion about any issue, let alone vaccination. What is wrong with a vaccination schedule? So long as the kid is getting its shots, he doesn't get to whine.

He's probably very well-connected to medical industry and pharma folks. Probably makes all kinds of extra cash recommending the latest in murderous kiddie drugs to parents.


There is no discussion to be had about vaccination you retard. Some decisions are simply not to be made by the common retards like you.

>Why are they so angry about this?
Cos kids can die? Did you even read it, retard? Thank God you will die a virgin

i like it. we need more principled professionals.

we need more principled people.

>I'll file a CPS report.
I'll build an oven. Keep pushing, kikes.

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Normies don't like to deal with exceptions that break the pattern, especially ifit is other perceived normies doing it

Because he says he will kick out people?

What vaccines are okay and which ones will give my kids the autism?

>you dont get to decide what goes into your own body or your families bodies
Ah, tyranny has arrived at last.
Imagine being this big of a indoctrinated cuck.

>do what I say and pay me or i’ll file a CPS report to try to get your children taken away from you
because openly threatening people’s families never has repercussions, right?

None and all.

Not for Jews, no.

that's bullshit though he extrapolate the reality to make a point
he use emotional manipulation with some children with medical predisposition to have peoples be vaccinated that's kinda stupid
measle was not eradicated by vaccination but by better hygiene in society as a whole

Your uninformed decision can literally kill people that can not get vaxed for health issues. It’s not tyrannical, when you’re too stupid to know what is good for you and your kids.

Exactly. An employer wold fire him for this.


Ur the only retard i see. Go get your npc shot u cunt.

It doesnt kill anyone or if it does its extremely rare.

Autism, infertility, and abortion kill how many potential family lines and people? Countless

ok kike cunt we get it, its your way or the highway, thanks for not being a medical professional

Wouldn't a premature infant have (at least temporarily) all the immunities the mother has?

Because he is a kike and hates you and every gentile child.

That’s the whole point, it rarely kills anyone BECAUSE almost everyone is vaccinated. I can’t believe you can be this stupid.
Tell me honestly, you’re not white, are you?

Agree with (((Him))) 100%. Go to fucking California with the rest of the measlesniggers

stop being stupid dofus you know vaccine doesn have 100% efficacy right ?
>Your uninformed decision can literally kill people
go be a drama queen somewhere else slovenia you're drunk if anything you're uninformed decision and your while to force peoples can literally kill peoples

Herd immunity is a myth retard. Vaccinated ppl have been shown to shed the virus and infect others. Cdc expert witness told DOJ lawyers it can cause autism back in 2007 and they promptly fired him. You are a fucking idiot. You don't know shit. Go get some more shots you jew slave.

fyi I'm a much more intelligent and educated person than you are, and I specifically studied microbiology and immunology at a top university, I'll just tldr and just tell you you are wrong about vaccines, and so is this KIKE pediatrician brainlet

There really have been some serious problems with vaccines over the decades. The Salk vaccine was produced so hurriedly a batch of LIVE virus went out and was actually given and caused Polio. It was covered up so people wouldn’t fear the vaccination. So there is a history of “bad blood” so to speak. Swine Flu was a problem but AFAIK exactly why it caused problems isn’t specifically known. So there have been tragedies. I still had my kids vaccinated. Do you fly in commercial aviation? Seems to me the risk of vaccines is lower than flying.

Thank fucking god I wasn’t born in the third world shithole known as north america

>I believe everything ive been told
There is no vaccine for the most dangerous diseases like HIV or Ebola. Yet we import 3rd world niggers anyway. Clearly our health is not the main concern or reason to force vaccination.
Its just a very obvious component of the slave state.

I can see they already gave you the gift as autism as an infant. At least your line wont continue you braindead bootlicker.

>take your 60 shots goy, its good for you

kill yourself kike.

Your country is a shithole. Please go take a flu shot.

Ofc, it's a JEW


or you like to believe something you don't fully understand for the false hope of protection
i bet you think your door lock protect your from thief
you're just that kind of girl not able to question anything

the times they are a-changin

Then (((they))) have the fucking nerve to say it's not true, "it's not us". evidence says otherwise. ALL the evidence.
They fucking want to kill us.

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This is what you get when you’re a third world country that has it’s healthcare ran by private entities.

Real talk here please.
What's considered a good time frame to space out vaccines?
What's a good age to wait for vaccines?
Any specific vaccines to avoid?

I personally am not going to question the reality that most vaccines work. Small pox was eradicated with vaccines. Measles, mumps, etc are practically gone. Tuburculosis is non existent in the west (despite STILL being the #1 disease int he world).
Thing is though, I remember being older when I got my first vaccines and I distinctly remember going to get the last of my vaccines when my parents registered me for elementary school.
Additionally, there seems to be a lot of new vaccines that people take issue with, which ones are these and why?
I personally avoid the flu vaccine for the simple reason that it doesn't ever seem to do shit, and that a lot of people get sick anyway. It's always such a massive meme to get flu shots and then everyone gets sick anyway and it all just seems so sketchy.
Other than the flu vaccine, I personally don't see any reason to avoid the others, but I do question the age of vaccination and the close proximity between the vaccinations.

>yearly flu shot
Christ, you Americans really can‘t into moderation. You either go autistic anti-vax and become a literal plague bearer, or you completely devote your life to making pharma companies rich.
It‘s like every other disease. Some can be prevented or treated, some can‘t. Getting a shit for almost 20 years for the same illness might be a sign that this particular afliction can‘t be prevented by vaccines.

>get poisoned or have your kids taken from you

Someone kill this kike.

I have lots of parents of fucked kids, paying me shekels. Not that those little fuckers have any chance of any kind of life and would be better off dead. But I am not taking a chance that some puke with a kiddy disease is going to shorten my pay check.

>Small pox was eradicated with vaccines. Measles, mumps, etc are practically gone.
it could be argued that modernity and hygiene eradicated those but whatever since no independent study ever tried to prove vaccine had any effect

Don't allow any combo vaccinations, ever.

Simple rule of thumb: if you get the shot every year for almost two decades and still get the related illness every year, you are being jewed. Flu shots are a scam to make money off old ladies and dumb parents. Almost everyone survives the flu without issues, getting the flu every year is just as effective as getting vaccinated, and you don‘t need to pay to ve infected the natural way.

Tell me Swiss friend.
What vaccines does your country give/recommend?
I'm with you, it's insane how much shit has come up lately in the USA. Given that my gf and I want children when we get married, this is a topic I feel I should know more about.

Anti vaxxers are shit eating mongoloids who want their own children to suffer and die

For the record, i am pro life and abortion makes me want to throw up

>stormniggers actually think vaccination is a Jewish plot now
>"if the majority agrees and they get mad if you disagree it MUST be wrong"
>"I must automatically believe that whatever the normies believe to be true is false"
you imbeciles lack any critical thought or ability to think from other perspectives
imagine for a second (if you can't even do this it officially proves you're an idiot) that normies are right and that not vaccinating your children causes them to be susceptible to diseases that otherwise would not be a threat
also imagine that all modern medical knowledge and consensus isn't just a Jewish conspiracy and is actually based on facts and reality
and then imagine that the unvaccinated are now spreading diseases to children who, for one reason or another, are too weak to be vaccinated are now at risk of dying to diseases brought back thanks to not vaccinating and risk dying just by going to school
do you suppose that you would be mad at the ignorant fools who shun science and instead choose to believe that it is all the doctors and the rest of us who are wrong?

>Anti vaxxers are shit eating mongoloids who want their own children to suffer and die
you should try to base your beliefs on anything else than school yards banter

What are combo vaccines? Like MMR? Or do you mean combo like they need a combination of different shots over a period of time to work?


Oy vey, take your medicine, goyim! Our cattle must have herd immunity! Your sick goy children are infecting superior jewish children suffering from genetic maladies!

Flu shots to young people are mainly for the benefit of old people

Young people are extremely unlikely to die from flu, but they may facilitate a mutation of the disease which proves fatal to a weak old person. Flu can be fatal to fit people too in certain circumstances, see Spanish Flu

>Am not vaxxed
>still autistic

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>which ones will give my kids the autism?
None. The guy who made the one study that indicated that the MMR vaccine causes autism faked it for money from a pharmaceutical company. got stripped of his license because of it.

True tho

All of their arguments are total retardation

Tdap, MMR and polio are the obvious ones. Miningitis, pneumonia and rotavirus if you‘re actually leave your house once in a while. If you are the adventurous type even a papillomavirus shot won‘t hurt. Everything else is either very specific if you are a genetic dead end kept alive by the miracle of modern science, or the type of dude who takes medicine for a headache (i.e. a fag who is killing his own immune system).

This is how that measles outbreak at disneyworld happened recently. Vaccinated people infecting other vaccinated people. Pure pottery.

Kill yourself, shill.

This just sounds like “You better give me those shekels right now!!”. As he states, with desperation, that you better buy those shots at his practice and you better not walk out to get them somewhere else.

it was clearly the he's trying to shut down the truth from getting out
poor white antivax doctor was clearly wronged

Well vaccines don't cause autism so...

Kill yourself, retard.

He seems to have strong beliefs about taking care of the health of infants based on info from his higher ups. I wonder if his practice would do a 9 month old abortion because it has just been deemed lawful.

The flu shot is useless because it mutates too fast. Vaccines work great against things that don‘t change much, the flu virus is dangerous because it does. The only thing we‘re doing woth flu shots is breeding an even worse kind of influenza, and some people just think that‘s a dumb idea for some reason.

the Jews*

Vaccination is dysgenic. It allows subhumans with genetically weak immune systems to live when they otherwise would have died. You will notice that liberals often have weak immune systems and all sorts of allergies. Without vaccinations, they probably would have died in infancy and spared us their society-destroying ideologies.

Fair, but what would you do instead? The flu shot will save a certain number of people

like they will give multiples vaccine at the same times
kinda insane it became as illegal to be critical of vaccine as it is of jewery and the holocaust
the new dogma are like the old one you can't question science anymore like you couldn question faith then
ya thats why they memoryholed the story that fast

Humanity was fine without vaccines. Why do we need then now?
it's just the modern way for Jews to poison goyim

Vaccines are important, but if you are taking your kid to a Jewish doctor you have no reason to worry about autism or whatever. The kike is gonna molest your kid until he's a tranny anyway.

Its not illegal its just really fucking stupid, show me the law thay makes it illegal

If vaccines are so bad why do Jews inject themselves with it? Why did their adoption correlate with the death of so many diseases, and the rise of antivaxx see their return?

Sometimes the Jew is just out for money, not subversion.

there are a handful of vaccines that you need to just get, but only because those vaccines are a technological precursor to a "contemporary society"

everything after the obvious vaccines are a racket, but not even the globalists want a population of polio gimps

>The flu shot will save a certain number of people
is there any scientific study about that one ?
not even independent ? at all ? you know the answer

>who, for one reason or another, are too weak to be vaccinated
Sounds like natural selection.

I hope he refuses to see third world immigrants too.

>he wants to die of smallpox
i wouldnt recommend it

I would expect some christcuck nigger-lover would be both pro-life and pro-vaccine. The entire goal of christfaggotry is to increase proliferation of bad genes and lower the level of humanity to the state of niggers.

>It allows subhumans with genetically weak immune systems to live when they otherwise would have died

Actually it kills them with massive auto immune responses, but you tell yourself they're safe and effective

Thanks for the clarification.


>when you’re too stupid to know what is good for you and your kids.
Like being to stupid to look up the CDC statistics on severe complications caused by vaccinations, compare them to the statistics severe complications caused by the illness said vaccine prevents and realize that for most illnesses, those numbers are about the same?

And now think about what direction those statistics are more likely to be biased towards...


That‘s the thing with influenza. In order to prevent it from becoming literally unkillable by the average human immune system, we have to sacrifice the weak and old to allow our descendants‘s bodies to be better prepared. There‘s a reason why it‘s still one of the most dangerous afflictions, despite being also the most boring one.

I've never had a fly vaccine and I've never had the flu


*flu vaccine

I've never been vaccinated. I cannot remember the last time I had to go to the doctors.
you must be a literal mong

>he thinks they're injecting themselves with the same shit they give everyone else

Fucking idiot.

>no answer.
kill yourself shill

No, it kills healthy people. Subhuman liberals are saved by vaccines.

i don't think you can be publicly critical of vaccine or you'll be ostracized it's a dogma enforced by the group thinking effect
ya good article just sad they don't give access to any kind of study it's kinda just a blog post on the CDC website
i tend to not trust CDC but

>Humanity was fine without vaccines.
Oh, really?
You should invest in a set of iron lungs if you really think that.

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I have never been vaccinated because my parents weren't retards. I am not young.
Tell me again why I need vaccines good goy

I wasn't vaccinated, and my kids won't be either. On some level I'm glad there's some kike pediatrician who seethes over that and feels the need to make virtue signaling posts about it on kikebook.