Women are Reptiles

Make and post some female reptile memes also general roastie hate/wahem meme thread.

Attached: LIZARD WOMEN.jpg (1000x982, 592K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Quality thread

Attached: glass.jpg (241x274, 9K)

Are women even sentient?

This; a thousand times

Attached: Slithers up to you in bed.jpg (1323x1043, 301K)

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How has this niggeress Nicki Minaj gotten away with it?

Attached: file.png (640x360, 148K)

Don't lump white women with niggresses.

women were tricked by reptiles, that is why you see this in them

They always were chameleons

shes hot reptile. Would let her mindfuck my prostate all day.

Attached: women are reptiles.jpg (626x344, 59K)

These are terrifyingly effective memes.
Good work, I think..

Attached: 1544502724834.png (712x756, 873K)

This is pathetic

>Make and post some female reptile memes

Attached: 1411309585337.jpg (251x242, 14K)

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>Socialized to feel

Attached: 1543030015782.jpg (373x440, 83K)

u mad?

Attached: slither.jpg (1000x610, 317K)

excellent stuff

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he mad

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Fuck off, you lazy ass journo.

keep up the good work you aussie shithead

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this thread has restored my faith in men

Why god has created us in the image of a reptile. Our tongues penises and vaginas all resemble parts of the body of the reptile.


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does it have to do with pic related?
are you saying we wuz reptile alienz n shiet?
like in that book childhood's end?

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My sides

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All time classic clip.

Love that cunt stopped dancing after getting hit what they weapon.

Attached: 2vt9qfA.jpg (1125x2001, 170K)

Sheboons continue the 60 IQ and prevent it from rising with child abuse. I'm absolutely convinced they prevent their own children from reaching their full mental potential with drug abuse, attempted and failed abortions, hitting and shaking them as infants, feeding them fucking animal milk instead of formula when the growing human brain requires more fat and sugar than any milk except humans provide. Then at 10 they smoke pot which is proven to stunt brain development when taken regularly. You then end up with mentally stunted retarded 60 IQ adults with the impulse control of a child.

Attached: 1549296431367.jpg (2664x1506, 324K)

precisely where women and minorities belong.


Dead Reptile

Attached: 1538731794818.png (936x654, 668K)

>I think..

lol im just seeing what sticks it would be funny if it took off

>Women aren't repti....

Attached: snakeperson.png (838x477, 620K)

Holyshit kill it with fire

Attached: 1549154922734.jpg (475x792, 40K)

this is why i know OP is an incel. you see reptile tongue, i see a tongue that would wrap around my shaft.

Why would you want to kill a beautiful creature like this, obviously this is what god intended with humanity.

Attached: snakeperson3.png (1366x903, 824K)

Cis Roasties don't have a shaft.

Oh it definitely has potential, I like them.
Its just unnerving how close the parallel is when displayed side by side.

You're right, I would much rather keep that beautiful creature in a zoo so that everyone can come and appreciate the beautiful creature.


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Don't forget the snake men(trannies?) too!

Attached: snakeperson2.png (558x410, 322K)

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topkek this one's good user

This has to be fake kek

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I like to think the vast majority of NPC's are women, so yeah.

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Because the same shit works almost universally on them?

Im trying to collect every good wamen meme i can find
Pretty sure its real
aye see this

One of the most intelligent women I know still ended up marrying a millionaire because of her looks and doesn't have to work anymore. Now she controls his every move and he's cucked like a puppy dog.

All the inbreeding between demons and humans and Nephilim probably didn't help, at all.