Have you ditched the antiperspirant/deodorant jew?

>Been using antiperspirant since puberty
>Never smelled bad but if I went few hours without rolling, my armpits would give out slight ooze of sweat
>Ditched using anything for my armpits 1 month ago
>Now my armpits, have completely neutral smell even after a few days without showering and for those who would say I am fooling my self - I asked for independents to attest
It makes you think how many unnecessary products have we been brainwashed into buying mindlessly...

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Other urls found in this thread:


>even after a few days without showering
You've just become accustomed to your body odor. It's common among obese people. The rest of us still have to suffer.

>a few days without showering
and you wonder why your women fuck immigrants.

>asked independents to attest
Är du jävla dum eller?

>>Now my armpits, have completely neutral smell even after a few days without showering and for those who would say I am fooling my self - I asked for independents to attest

They don't and you didn't.

I stopped using antiperspirant because aluminum can cause cancer and girls are subconsciously attracted to the smell of male sweat anyways
Now I just use a couple swipes of a more natural deodorant

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Depends of what you eat.

Been rubbing a solution of water & baking soda in my amrpits for years. Baking soda prevents the smelly bacteria from breeding. Keeps the smell away better than any deodorant I've ever used, sometimes up to 3 days. Even then the odor is never stinky-sweaty, only sweet and natural.

Jews don't want us to shower or smell good

op is right.
anti-perspirant contains aluminum.
This absorbs into the bloodstream and causes health issues over time.
normal deodorant only. no antiperspirants.


My sweat smells like onions, am I a tranny

all you need to do is wash yourself with antibacterial bar soap in the morning,
and you'll be golden

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use the arm and hammer brand sold in the two pack at walmart, shit has no aluminum in it.

>I asked for independents to attest
>hey bro how do I smell

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Why would they sell it then

>why would they sell it then

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I only used that shit for a short time. It became apparent that when I actually sweated while wearing deodorant i would smell like a french hooker rather then just having my natural scent, which females have always liked anyway.

Antiperspirant is bad for you and nobody should take it. Deodorant it depends. Some people are just naturally stinky though. I can always tell when I'm standing next to someone who doesn't bathe regularly or use deodorant because they stink. All animals have a smell to them, there is no such thing as a human smelling neutral.

Enjoy your cancer. Read the box, idiot. Baking soda isn't meant to come in contact with human skin

These guys are fucking deodorant shills. I rub my pits every morning with this piece of aluminium chequer plate and I smell fantastic.

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Essential oils are pretty gay but I throw some cedar oil on my shirt and it does a pretty good job of masking sweat.

and you end up with a skin as dry as a nigger you stupid nigger

You are talking about something else. Baking soda is just sodium bicarbonate. It's used for baking, as supplement, skin care etc.

it's NaHCO3. chances to get cancer from that are non existent. he'll probably end up with a dry skin and destroys the natural pH of his skin but that's about it.

If your skin gets dry and itchy your solution is too strong. There should be only enough to make the water feel slimy between your fingers.

Tired that while travelling in europe. I thought it was the place to try it, surrounded with smelly people. For 1 week i didnt smell but after that it came back. It stays in your skin for a while.

>jews are behind deodorant
ok, i'm done with the internet for today

You think the immigrants wash? Women fuck immigrants because their pheromones actually get out instead of being blocked in their glands by the Alzheimer's aluminium Jew in their pores

Literally just found this site its in german but google translate works fine

Who is that lady?

Just fucking wash yourself regulary. Use additive free soap, preferebly self made and you can do nothing wrong.
I can't belive people stink so hard even after washing themselfs they need to mask themselfs in a deo cloud.

Attached: wtfsoap.jpg (550x550, 113K)

lisa ann

im a swede so im retarded, i didint actully say what the site fucking does, it tells you what brands have aluminum in them

15 years deodarant jew free. There are natural alternatives just do a little research

Have fun with your super bacterias


Been using all organic deodorants for years now, and i never get irritated armpits. I don't even use it everyday. Never get called out for smelling by friends or family. may actually just save the money and ditch it completely.

I can't prove this, but i think regular use of deodorant will make your armpits more likely to sweat, resulting in you being a consumer for the rest of your life.

Also, some food for thought.

I girl i dated a while back, actually admitted to me that she got turned on by my man stink, every time i got back from the gym (no i don't shower at the gym, i'm not gay).

They also like a subtle hint of gasoline.

Slags love that glorious aluminium fragrance

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>soap, preferebly self made
oy vey...

real chads dont exi-

>being this r*ddit



this is true. actors in early years were using soda because the lights used to be so hot they were sweating from that.

Never use that shit - I'm fine.

>unused center
This is marketed towards idiots isn’t it

Yes I’m sure back in the old days everyone smelled charming

Don't need shampoo. My hair is just fine without it and my scalp is healthier.

only poofters use perfumes and the deodorant jew. real men smell of gym locker room

Couple drops of fresh lemon juice works better than any of the deodorants I've used

Full autism confirmed.

Micro particles of aluminum enter the blood stream and poison you. Deodorant and fluoride toothpaste are Jewish to poison the goym

Depends on what you eat
Processed food and plant foods make for smelly BO

Use lemon. It's fantastic. The only thing you have to care it's to dilute it just a bit if you have delicate skin. It last much more than deodorant/antitraspirant. 24h easily.

I haven't used any of these products since the late 90s. Its a waste of money. My wife tells me if I stink, and is forthright about it. I think twice in nearly 20 years she has brought it up.

in high school and college i had a terrible problem with constant armpit sweating. i would buy the strongest anti-perspirant i could find and put on layer after layer to try and get the sweating to stop. one day a light went on in my head and i had the crazy thought that it was the anti-perspirant that was causing the sweating. switched to straight deodorant and the sweating stopped. turns out anti-perspirant makes me sweat.

i'm not a fat fuck so i don't smell like shit

I put that exact deodorant bottle up my ass while fapping, about 3 years ago

Sweet has no smell. The smell is the by-product of bacterial activity. Lemon kill them all and last for hours .... no smell.

Washing yourself with a regular soap. The triclosan or (whatever the fuck they use now) in antibacterial soap is cancer causing

>onions soap
>still using the soap jew
>not just using leftover shampoo for extra foamy goodness
>german autism

They want you to get sick and then buy pills to (((treat))) your issues. Also if you're unhealthy and stressed out you'll be too overwhelmed to wake the fuck up to what's really going on.

Your mom doesn't count. She's grown accustomed to your stench.

I've used this shit for years, cheaper, lasts forever, but not as effective or need to use daily.

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Apocrine sweat glands excrete smelly oils in white people. Only 40% of east Asians and native Americans have the genes for neglecting deodorant use.

I have tried around a dozen natural/clean deodorants, this is the best one I have ever used by far. Smells nice and works great, it is only a deodorant but somehow it seems to reduce sweating as well.

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Because Earth is a literal hell infested with parasitic egroegores

You are wrong, look up the difference between apocrine and holocrine sweat glands. Forehead sweat and testicle sweat are fundamentally different in composition.

T. Doctor

Yeah it's scientifically proven Tha that more right wing people are more sensitive and less likely to stand bad smells

he isn' completely wrong though
old sweat smells considerably worse and that is indeed because of bacteria

based and redpilled

[Irony]You should really read up on Varg Vikernes and his practice of not using soaps or deodorants.[/Irony]

That pic was used as a mock, you sperg.
All cosmetics one uses from soaps to shampoo are better done by yourself.
DIY is easy as fuck and you have absolute control over the ingridients. That means no harmful additives that are only put in there to influence looks etc but dont do well with the skin/body.
Why don't you gogle all the additives that are put in the products you buy only as cheap replacer or artificial scent chemical.

Antiperspirant takes 8 hours to start working.

>No harmful additives
Dude, everything is harmful if you use too much or mix it wrong. There are tons of people who have gotten hurt by homemade cosmetics and cleaners.

Correct. You shouldn’t be applying aluminum to your axillary lymph nodes every morning.

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Fpbp... You fat fuck

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I've never used anti-perspirant. But I still use Deo for my BO. Idc is my pits get a little wet, but I do care about the smell, and I'm not going to force others to smell it.

What’s the active ingredient in your deodorant?

My balls get sweaty. Why are there no men’s personal hygiene products for my stinky balls? I suppose I could change my underpants more often but I’m not a millionaire, I’m not made of underpants you know.

Whenever you see an add or slogan saying it's dermatologicl tested it only applies to the main ingridient that does the cleaning. It does not apply to several additives. As an example real shampoo doesn't need to foam the way it does, but it is expected of it, so they add reactives that only do make the product foamy, but these are not neccecarily for skin contact.

And as long as you do not follow the Jow Forums guide of making crystals and instead consult one of the many soap recipies nothing really can't go wrong diynatural.com/how-to-make-soap/

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To be honest I seldom wear underpants. On weekdays I usually wear black tactical gear like solid snake and that includes sallopettes which are so warm my balls sweat to much to wear boxers too, and I live alone and hate washing clothes so I hate sitting around in them so I get out of my work gear and put on a bath robe - it allows some air get to my sweaty gooch.

talcum powder you idiota

possibly the most important post in the history of Jow Forums , there is a good reason we have hairs over areas of our body because it acts to attract the opposite sex and is a important part of being human.

Naturally the Jews don't want the white race reproducing so brainwash each generation of kids to mask it through advertising and media control.


I’m not even joking btw. Technically there is no good reason for me to dress up like a retarded video game commando every day, I was always a security guy so I’m kind of used to it though and it looks cute, I’m an estate manager and I get around by horse. I have a bunch of big pedigree dogo’s at work that follow at heel all day so this is my outdoorsy look. I’ve got a suit in my office for emergencies though.

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Someone post the website for the Jow Forums soap company. I cant remember the name


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Stinky pits is a sign of high testosterone so it should come as no surprise that a Swedish male doesn't have stinky pits.

What the fuck?

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I dont use deodorant I wake up every morning and take a big shit in my hands then slather my pits because poop has feramones in it that attract females
It hasnt worked so far but I have a feeling it will soon

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jessica biel
I would pay cash money to smell her pits.

How is this?

Does this shit actually work?

my girl likes it when i stink, dirty bitch i love her
primal shit

I use Crystal deodorant and I have fragrance, you are just smelly due to olfactory fatigue, others can smell you.

Or maybe this Sven just never sweat because it's like -10°C at best in his country right now