Why Are Brown People So Racist?

And how do we alert liberals to this fact?

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nonwhites lack the sympathy and tolerance of whites
try to implement these "non racist policies" on non whites and you will see how ruthless they are

Based frogs tired of being surrounded by niggers.

Pathological altruism

For liberals,brown's racism is just "opnion".Don't even try to argue with them

Did Ireland just not understand the question?

Being anti-racist is only for whites. Everyone else gets a different set of rules.
Liberalism is motivated by only two things at this point: white genocide and the destruction of Western civilization. Everything else they believe comes from these motives.

Russians are not a race.

White nations should be red as the Sun. Absolutely cucked.

it's not racist, it's just being honest, unlike other holier-than-thou, moral high ground, virtue signaling ridden communities.
also human always fear for something different than theirs at first.

Why they limited it that ?
Also this is misleading most of people here don't mind people from other races

As long as they worship Allah otherwise they have to accept they're second class citizens.

Can confirm, India is racist as hell and I love it. We pH 14'd.

All citizens are equal in rights here, regardless of religion or ethnicity, Christians and other religions aren't second class citizens .

Why Pakistan isn't?


>France is red
Probably because they asked a bunch of Arabs and Nogs in Paris kek

>Board full of racism cries about other people being racist

The state of retarded polfags.

What specific race do Indians hate? Or its all about hate for muslims

because they are muslims first and untermensch second



well i would have to be open to it if i am ever to meet my japanese girl next door waifu

I'm not shitting on the browns. I'm shitting on the whites who claim to hate racists while unironically shilling for them.