Yesterday Jow Forums has an "anti" furry thread full of actual furfags

>yesterday Jow Forums has an "anti" furry thread full of actual furfags
>one of them calling himself vixen poster acting like he hates all furfags and is racist just like us
>"I'm totally one if you guys! Am I cool yet?!?!"
>now he makes non stop threads with his disgusting fetish shit because he thinks he's welcomed and accepted here

This is our fault. We allowed this bullshit to happen. Now he and his kind are here for good.

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The fact that that thread lasted any more than a minute shows how awful our mods are.
>furfag pretending he's one of us and hates furfags too
The worst part about it all. First into the chamber.

Furries are one of the purest White communities that exist. There are far more minorities invested in car and gun culture. Prove me wrong.

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That's even worse.

Whilst White they are also riddled with sexual deviants, mental degenerates and far left gutter trash, they are and always shall be untermensch.

Looks like mods woke up. Thank God. Literally the worst furfag spamming his shit on here.

Nothing compared to the great furry wars.

We should never tolerate any furfags. Especially one that tries to act like he belongs here. Vixenposter should be permabanned

Very pathetic desu.

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I remember that shit. Openly discussing fur shit and acting like Jow Forums has always been furry. Them thinking they belonged her was the worst shit

Jow Forums has been way too lax on furshitters as of late. Don't let them ever think they belong here. Even the fucking so called self hating furfags like vixenposter.

Furfags are creepy. One has managed to worm his way into the good graces of a community I'm in. All he does is fucking whine about his ex-girlfriend, or just randomly bring up that he's a furry. Total fag. Useless and contributes nothing. I wish he'd get kicked out.

So quickly do we forget what scum these furfags are, even amid the current events that unfolded regarding them raping animals to death.
Let them never forget why they are hated.

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It's legit because we have just been worn down from their constant shitposting. I lurked that thread and was disgusted that it lasted anymore than 10 seconds. I remember some of them tried to get in our good graces by trying to doxx another furfag that posts here. Jesus Christ you all deserve a bullet to the head.

Why are fox furfags literally the worst "humans" imaginable? Worse than any other furfag.
Day of the rope soon

>Thinking horse furfags are any better
>Thinking there's even a pecking order for scum
This one is from the faggot leaf youtuber himself, Adam Johnson

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Death to them all. I just see more disgusting shit from foxfags.

>Furries are cancer
>Anime is fine

Pot calling the kettle black.

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Just ban the fuck for being non political and this would all be over.

The community is riddled with fags, trannies, and other mentally ill types. They are such degenerates that HIV testing is advertised at their cons. They're the lowest amongst whites.

okay what the fuck
Send this to the FBI and get these stupid furfag degenerates gassed.

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Jow Forums was originally an anime image board. Go back to your meme subreddits

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I know vixenposter is here. Where are you, bitch? Come defend yourself.

He claims to not want to fuck animals yet will constantly leap to the defence of zoophiles.

> "objective reasoning matters to me the most"
This coming from the drug-addled closet zoophile is hilarious. If you ever look at his comment history it's an emotional rant followed by "sorry I was in a bad place when I wrote that". Leaves need to sort him out.

>Leaves need to sort him out
they're more likely to elect him to office

I love furry porn, I've always fapped to it, I don't see the problem.

Swallow a bullet

Foxes are cute though

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